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Revisiting Constraints on Fourth Generation Neutrino Masses

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 نشر من قبل Linda Carpenter
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We revisit the current experimental bounds on fourth-generation Majorana neutrino masses, including the effects of right handed neutrinos. Current bounds from LEPII are significantly altered by a global analysis. We show that the current bounds on fourth generation neutrinos decaying to eW and mu W can be reduced to about 80 GeV (from the current bound of 90 GeV), while a neutrino decaying to tau W can be as light as 62.1 GeV. The weakened bound opens up a neutrino decay channel for intermediate mass Higgs, and interesting multi-particle final states for Higgs and fourth generation lepton decays.

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We use sampling techniques to find robust constraints on the masses of a possible fourth sequential fermion generation from electroweak oblique variables. We find that in the case of a light (115 GeV) Higgs from a single electroweak symmetry breaking doublet, inverted mass hierarchies are possible for both quarks and leptons, but a mass splitting more than M(W) in the quark sector is unlikely. We also find constraints in the case of a heavy (600 GeV) Higgs in a single doublet model. As recent data from the Large Hadron Collider hints at the existence of a resonance at 124.5 GeV and a single Higgs doublet at that mass is inconsistent with a fourth fermion generation, we examine a type II two Higgs doublet model. In this model, there are ranges of parameter space where the Higgs sector can potentially counteract the effects of the fourth generation. Even so, we find that such scenarios produce qualitatively similar fermion mass distributions.
84 - Linda M. Carpenter 2011
I present a general exclusion bound for the Higgs in fourth generation scenarios with a general lepton sector. Recent Higgs searches in fourth generation scenarios rule out the entire Higgs mass region between 120 and 600 GeV. That such a large range of Higgs masses are excluded is due to the presence of extra heavy flavors of quarks, which substantially increase Higgs production from gluon fusion over the Standard Model rate. However, if heavy fourth generation neutrinos are less than half of the Higgs mass, they can dominate the Higgs decay branching fraction, overtaking the standard Higgs to WW* decay rate. The Higgs mass exclusion in a fourth generation scenario is shown most generally to be 155-600 GeV, and is highly dependent on the fourth generation neutrino mixing parameter.
56 - B. Hoeneisen 2017
From 21 independent Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements we obtain the following sum of masses of active Dirac or Majorana neutrinos: $sum m_ u = 0.711 - 0.335 cdot delta h + 0.050 cdot delta b pm 0.063 textrm{ eV,}$ where $delta h equiv (h - 0.678) / 0.009$ and $delta b equiv (Omega_b h^2 - 0.02226) / 0.00023$. This result may be combined with independent measurements that constrain the parameters $sum m_ u$, $h$, and $Omega_b h^2$. For $delta h = pm 1$ and $delta b = pm 1$, we obtain $m_ u < 0.43$ eV at 95% confidence.
Within the standard three-neutrino framework, the absolute neutrino masses and their ordering (either normal, NO, or inverted, IO) are currently unknown. However, the combination of current data coming from oscillation experiments, neutrinoless doubl e beta decay searches, and cosmological surveys, can provide interesting constraints for such unknowns in the sub-eV mass range, down to O(0.1) eV in some cases. We discuss current limits on absolute neutrino mass observables by performing a global data analysis, that includes the latest results from oscillation experiments, neutrinoless double beta decay bounds from the KamLAND-Zen experiment, and constraints from representative combinations of Planck measurements and other cosmological data sets. In general, NO appears to be somewhat favored with respect to IO at the level of ~2 sigma, mainly by neutrino oscillation data (especially atmospheric), corroborated by cosmological data in some cases. Detailed constraints are obtained via the chi^2 method, by expanding the parameter space either around separate minima in NO and IO, or around the absolute minimum in any ordering. Implications for upcoming oscillation and non-oscillation neutrino experiments, including beta-decay searches, are also discussed.
We present a renormalizable flavor model with Z_4 as flavor symmetry in both the quark and lepton sectors. The model is constructed with a minimal approach and no-right handed neutrinos are introduced. In this approach a minimum number of two SU(2) H iggs doublets and one scalar singlet are required in order to obtain the Nearest Neighbor Interaction form for charged fermions and to generate neutrino masses radiatively. For the quark sector we follow the charge assignations made by Branco et. al. in reference [1]. All fermion masses and mixing angles in the model are in agreement with current experimental data and only the inverted hierarchy for the neutrino mass spectrum is allowed. Since neutrinos are Majorana the contribution to neutrinoless double beta decay is also analyzed.
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