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Boltzmann Samplers, Polya Theory, and Cycle Pointing

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 نشر من قبل Manuel Bodirsky
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce a general method to count unlabeled combinatorial structures and to efficiently generate them at random. The approach is based on pointing unlabeled structures in an unbiased way that a structure of size n gives rise to n pointed structures. We extend Polya theory to the corresponding pointing operator, and present a random sampling framework based on both the principles of Boltzmann sampling and on Polya operators. All previously known unlabeled construction principles for Boltzmann samplers are special cases of our new results. Our method is illustrated on several examples: in each case, we provide enumerative results and efficient random samplers. The approach applies to unlabeled families of plane and nonplane unrooted trees, and tree-like structures in general, but also to families of graphs (such as cacti graphs and outerplanar graphs) and families of planar maps.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Modeling binary and categorical data is one of the most commonly encountered tasks of applied statisticians and econometricians. While Bayesian methods in this context have been available for decades now, they often require a high level of familiarit y with Bayesian statistics or suffer from issues such as low sampling efficiency. To contribute to the accessibility of Bayesian models for binary and categorical data, we introduce novel latent variable representations based on Polya Gamma random variables for a range of commonly encountered discrete choice models. From these latent variable representations, new Gibbs sampling algorithms for binary, binomial and multinomial logistic regression models are derived. All models allow for a conditionally Gaussian likelihood representation, rendering extensions to more complex modeling frameworks such as state space models straight-forward. However, sampling efficiency may still be an issue in these data augmentation based estimation frameworks. To counteract this, MCMC boosting strategies are developed and discussed in detail. The merits of our approach are illustrated through extensive simulations and a real data application.
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