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Continuous Matrix Product States for Quantum Fields

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 نشر من قبل Verstraete Frank
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We define matrix product states in the continuum limit, without any reference to an underlying lattice parameter. This allows to extend the density matrix renormalization group and variational matrix product state formalism to quantum field theories and continuum models in 1 spatial dimension. We illustrate our procedure with the Lieb-Liniger model.

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A generic method to investigate many-body continuous-variable systems is pedagogically presented. It is based on the notion of matrix product states (so-called MPS) and the algorithms thereof. The method is quite versatile and can be applied to a wid e variety of situations. As a first test, we show how it provides reliable results in the computation of fundamental properties of a chain of quantum harmonic oscillators achieving off-critical and critical relative errors of the order of 10^(-8) and 10^(-4) respectively. Next, we use it to study the ground state properties of the quantum rotor model in one spatial dimension, a model that can be mapped to the Mott insulator limit of the 1-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. At the quantum critical point, the central charge associated to the underlying conformal field theory can be computed with good accuracy by measuring the finite-size corrections of the ground state energy. Examples of MPS-computations both in the finite-size regime and in the thermodynamic limit are given. The precision of our results are found to be comparable to those previously encountered in the MPS studies of, for instance, quantum spin chains. Finally, we present a spin-off application: an iterative technique to efficiently get numerical solutions of partial differential equations of many variables. We illustrate this technique by solving Poisson-like equations with precisions of the order of 10^(-7).
The generalization of matrix product states (MPS) to continuous systems, as proposed in the breakthrough paper [F. Verstraete, J.I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 190405(2010)], provides a powerful variational ansatz for the ground state of strongly in teracting quantum field theories in one spatial dimension. A continuous MPS (cMPS) approximation to the ground state can be obtained by simulating an Euclidean time evolution. In this Letter we propose a cMPS optimization algorithm based instead on energy minimization by gradient methods, and demonstrate its performance by applying it to the Lieb Liniger model (an integrable model of an interacting bosonic field) directly in the thermodynamic limit. We observe a very significant computational speed-up, of more than two orders of magnitude, with respect to simulating an Euclidean time evolution. As a result, much larger cMPS bond dimension D can be reached (e.g. D = 256 with moderate computational resources) thus helping unlock the full potential of the cMPS representation for ground state studies.
We revisit the question of describing critical spin systems and field theories using matrix product states, and formulate a scaling hypothesis in terms of operators, eigenvalues of the transfer matrix, and lattice spacing in the case of field theorie s. Critical exponents and central charge are determined by optimizing the exponents such as to obtain a data collapse. We benchmark this method by studying critical Ising and Potts models, where we also obtain a scaling ansatz for the correlation length and entanglement entropy. The formulation of those scaling functions turns out to be crucial for studying critical quantum field theories on the lattice. For the case of $lambdaphi^4$ with mass $mu^2$ and lattice spacing $a$, we demonstrate a double data collapse for the correlation length $ delta xi(mu,lambda,D)=tilde{xi} left((alpha-alpha_c)(delta/a)^{-1/ u}right)$ with $D$ the bond dimension, $delta$ the gap between eigenvalues of the transfer matrix, and $alpha_c=mu_R^2/lambda$ the parameter which fixes the critical quantum field theory.
Just as matrix product states represent ground states of one-dimensional quantum spin systems faithfully, continuous matrix product states (cMPS) provide faithful representations of the vacuum of interacting field theories in one spatial dimension. U nlike the quantum spin case however, for which the density matrix renormalization group and related matrix product state algorithms provide robust algorithms for optimizing the variational states, the optimization of cMPS for systems with inhomogeneous external potentials has been problematic. We resolve this problem by constructing a piecewise linear parameterization of the underlying matrix-valued functions, which enables the calculation of the exact reduced density matrices everywhere in the system by high-order Taylor expansions. This turns the variational cMPS problem into a variational algorithm from which both the energy and its backwards derivative can be calculated exactly and at a cost that scales as the cube of the bond dimension. We illustrate this by finding ground states of interacting bosons in external potentials, and by calculating boundary or Casimir energy corrections of continuous many-body systems with open boundary conditions.
We solve the mixing-demixing transition in repulsive one-dimensional bose-bose mixtures. This is done numerically by means of the continuous matrix product states variational ansatz. We show that the effective low-energy bosonization theory is able t o detect the transition whenever the Luttinger parameters are exactly computed. We further characterize the transition by calculating the ground-state energy density, the field-field fluctuations and the density correlations.
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