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A simple model to interpret the ultraviolet, optical and infrared SEDs of galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Elisabete da Cunha
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a simple, largely empirical but physically motivated model, which is designed to interpret consistently multi-wavelength observations from large samples of galaxies in terms of physical parameters, such as star formation rate, stellar mass and dust content. Our model is both simple and versatile enough to allow the derivation of statistical constraints on the star formation histories and dust contents of large samples of galaxies using a wide range of ultraviolet, optical and infrared observations. We illustrate this by deriving median-likelihood estimates of a set of physical parameters describing the stellar and dust contents of local star-forming galaxies from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxy Sample (SINGS) and from a newly-matched sample of SDSS galaxies observed with GALEX, 2MASS, and IRAS. The model reproduces well the observed spectral energy distributions of these galaxies across the entire wavelength range from the far-ultraviolet to the far-infrared. We find important correlations between the physical parameters of galaxies which are useful to investigate the star formation activity and dust properties of galaxies. Our model can be straightforwardly applied to interpret observed ultraviolet-to-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from any galaxy sample.

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We present a simple, physically-motivated model to interpret consistently the emission from galaxies at ultraviolet, optical and infrared wavelengths. We combine this model with a Bayesian method to obtain robust statistical constraints on key parame ters describing the stellar content, star formation activity and dust content of galaxies. Our model is now publicly available via a user-friendly code package, MAGPHYS at www.iap.fr/magphys. We present an application of this model to interpret a sample of ~1400 local (z<0.5) galaxies from the H-ATLAS survey. We find that, for these galaxies, the diffuse interstellar medium, powered mainly by stars older than 10 Myr, accounts for about half the total infrared luminosity. We discuss the implications of this result to the use of star formation rate indicators based on total infrared luminosity.
120 - Stefano Zibetti 2011
A large body of evidence has demonstrated that the global rest-frame optical and IR colours of galaxies correlate well with each other, as well as with other galactic properties such as surface brightness and morphology. However the processes that le ad to the observed correlations are contrary; the stellar light that contributes to the optical is readily absorbed by dust which emits in the IR. Thus on small scales we expect these correlations to break down. We examine seven nearby galaxies ranging from early- to late-types, on a pixel-by-pixel basis and we demonstrate that there is disconnect between the optical and IR when normalized to the near-IR (H-band). We can decompose this disconnect into two distinct components through a Principal Component Analysis of the H-band normalized SED of the pixels: one mainly correlated with variations in the IR, the other correlated with variations in the optical. By mapping these two components it is clear they arise from distinct spatial regions. The IR dominated component is strongly associated with the specific star-formation rate, while the optical-dominated component is broadly associated with the stellar mass density. However, when the pixels of all galaxies are compared, the well known optical-IR colour correlations return, demonstrating that the variance observed within galaxies is around a mean which follows the well-known trend. We also examine the extremely strong correlations between the IRAC-NIR colours and demonstrate that they are tight enough to use a single IRAC-NIR colour (i.e. 8mum-H) to determine the fluxes in the other IRAC bands. These correlations arise from the differing contribution of stellar light and dust to the IRAC bands, enabling us to determine pure stellar colours for these bands, but still demonstrating the need for dust (or stellar) corrections in these bands when being used as stellar (dust) tracers.
Although the optical colour-magnitude diagram of galaxies allows one to select red sequence objects, neither can it be used for galaxy classification without additional observational data such as spectra or high-resolution images, nor to identify blu e galaxies at unknown redshifts. We show that adding the near ultraviolet colour to the optical CMD reveals a tight relation in the three-dimensional colour-colour-magnitude space smoothly continuing from the blue cloud to the red sequence. We found that 98 per cent of 225,000 low-redshift (Z<0.27) galaxies follow a smooth surface g-r=F(M,NUV-r) with a standard deviation of 0.03-0.07 mag making it the tightest known galaxy photometric relation. There is a strong correlation between morphological types and integrated NUV-r colours. Rare galaxy classes such as E+A or tidally stripped systems become outliers that occupy distinct regions in the 3D parameter space. Using stellar population models for galaxies with different SFHs, we show that (a) the (NUV-r, g-r) distribution is formed by objects having constant and exponentially declining SFR with different characteristic timescales; (b) colour evolution for exponentially declining models goes along the relation suggesting its weak evolution up-to a redshift of 0.9; (c) galaxies with truncated SFHs have very short transition phase offset from the relation thus explaining the rareness of E+A galaxies. This relation can be used as a powerful galaxy classification tool when morphology remains unresolved. Its mathematical consequence is the photometric redshift estimates from 3 broad-band photometric points. This approach works better than most existing photometric redshift techniques applied to multi-colour datasets. Therefore, the relation can be used as an efficient selection technique for galaxies at intermediate redshifts (0.3<Z<0.8) using optical imaging surveys.
The relation between the ratio of infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) flux densities (the infrared excess: IRX) and the slope of the UV spectrum (beta) of galaxies plays a fundamental role in the evaluation of the dust attenuation of star forming gala xies especially at high redshifts. Many authors, however, pointed out that there is a significant dispersion and/or deviation from the originally proposed IRX-beta relation depending on sample selection. We reexamined the IRX-beta relation by measuring the far- and near-UV flux densities of the original sample galaxies with GALEX and AKARI imaging data, and constructed a revised formula. We found that the newly obtained IRX values were lower than the original relation because of the significant underestimation of the UV flux densities of the galaxies, caused by the small aperture of IUE, Further, since the original relation was based on IRAS data which covered a wavelength range of lambda = 42--122mum, using the data from AKARI which has wider wavelength coverage toward longer wavelengths, we obtained an appropriate IRX-beta relation with total dust emission (TIR): log(L_{rm TIR}/L_{rm FUV}) = log [10^{0.4(3.06+1.58beta)}-1] +0.22. This new relation is consistent with most of the preceding results for samples selected at optical and UV, though there is a significant scatter around it. We also found that even the quiescent class of IR galaxies follows this new relation, though luminous and ultraluminous IR galaxies distribute completely differently as well known before.
Using Herschel data from the deepest SPIRE and PACS surveys (HerMES and PEP) in COSMOS and GOODS (N+S), we examine the dust properties of IR-luminous (L_IR>10^10 L_sun) galaxies at 0.1<z<2 and determine how these evolve with cosmic time. The unique a ngle of this work is the rigorous analysis of survey selection effects, making this the first study of the star-formation-dominated, IR-luminous population within a framework almost entirely free of selection biases. We find that IR-luminous galaxies have SEDs with broad far-IR peaks characterised by cool/extended dust emission and average dust temperatures in the 25-45K range. Hot (T>45K) SEDs and cold (T<25K), cirrus-dominated SEDs are rare, with most sources being within the range occupied by warm starbursts such as M82 and cool spirals such as M51. We observe a luminosity-temperature (L-T) relation, where the average dust temperature of log[L_IR/L_sun]=12.5 galaxies is about 10K higher than that of their log[L_IR/L_sun]=10.5 counterparts. However, although the increased dust heating in more luminous systems is the driving factor behind the L-T relation, the increase in dust mass and/or starburst size with luminosity plays a dominant role in shaping it. Our results show that the dust conditions in IR-luminous sources evolve with cosmic time: at high redshift, dust temperatures are on average up to 10K lower than what is measured locally. This is manifested as a flattening of the L-T relation, suggesting that (U)LIRGs in the early Universe are typically characterised by a more extended dust distribution and/or higher dust masses than local equivalent sources. Interestingly, the evolution in dust temperature is luminosity dependent, with the fraction of LIRGs with T<35K showing a 2-fold increase from z~0 to z~2, whereas that of ULIRGs with T<35K shows a 6-fold increase.
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