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Astronomical Applications for Radial Polarimetry

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 نشر من قبل Frans Snik
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Frans Snik

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Many objects on the sky exhibit a centrosymmetric polarization pattern, particularly in cases involving single scattering around a central source. Utilizing a novel liquid crystal device (the ``theta cell) that transforms the coordinate system of linear polarization in an image plane from Cartesian to polar, the observation of centrosymmetric polarization patterns can be improved: instead of measuring Stokes Q and U on the sky, one only needs to measure Stokes Q in the new instrument coordinate system. This reduces the effective exposure time by a factor of two and simplifies the polarization modulator design. According to the manufacturers specifications and to measurements in the lab, the liquid crystal device can be applied in the visible and NIR wavelength range. Astronomical science cases for a``radial polarimeter include exoplanet detection, imaging of circumstellar disks, reflection nebulae and light echos, characterization of planetary atmospheres and diagnostics of the solar K-corona. The first astronomical instrument that utilizes a theta cell for radial polarimetry is the S5T (Small Synoptic Second Solar Spectrum Telescope), which accurately measures scattering polarization signals near the limb of the sun. These observations are crucial for understanding the nature and origin of weak, turbulent magnetic fields in the solar photosphere and elsewhere in the universe. A ``radial polarimeter observing a slightly defocused point source performs one-shot full linear polarimetry. With a theta cell in a pupil plane, a beams linear polarization properties (e.g. for calibration purposes) can be fully controlled through pupil masking.

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We demonstrate a broad, flat, visible supercontinuum spectrum that is generated by a dispersion-engineered tapered photonic crystal fiber pumped by a 1 GHz repetition rate turn-key Ti:sapphire laser outputting $sim$ 30 fs pulses at 800 nm. At a pulse energy of 100 pJ, we obtain an output spectrum that is flat to within 3 dB over the range 490-690 nm with a blue tail extending below 450 nm. The mode-locked laser combined with the photonic crystal fiber forms a simple visible frequency comb system that is extremely well-suited to the precise calibration of astrophysical spectrographs, among other applications.
Optical fibers have altered astronomical instrument design by allowing for a complex, often large instrument to be mounted in a remote and stable location with respect to the telescope. The fibers also enable the possibility to rearrange the signal f rom a focal plane to form a psuedo-slit at the entrance to a spectrograph, optimizing the detector usage and enabling the study of hundreds of thousands of stars or galaxies simultaneously. Multi-core fibers in particular offer several favorable properties with respect to traditional fibers: 1) the separation between single-mode cores is greatly reduced and highly regular with respect to free standing fibers, 2) they offer a monolithic package with multi-fiber capabilities and 3) they operate at the diffraction limit. These properties have enabled the realization of single component photonic lanterns, highly simplified fiber Bragg gratings, and advanced fiber mode scramblers. In addition, the precise grid of cores has enabled the design of efficient single-mode fiber integral field units for spectroscopy. In this paper, we provide an overview of the broad range of applications enabled by multi-core fiber technology in astronomy and outline future areas of development.
Adaptive optics (AO) have been used to correct wavefronts to achieve diffraction limited point spread functions in a broad range of optical applications, prominently ground-based astronomical telescopes operating in near infra-red. While most AO syst ems cannot provide diffraction-limited performance in the optical passband (400 nm - 900 nm), AO can improve image concentration, as well as both near and far field image stability, within an AO-fed spectrograph. Enhanced near and far field stability increase wavelength-scale stability in high dispersion spectrographs. In this work, we describe detailed modelling of the stability improvements achievable on extremely large telescopes. These improvements in performance may enable the mass measurement of Earth Twins by the precision radial velocity method, and the discovery of evidence of exobiotic activity in exoplanet atmospheres with the next generation of extremely large telescopes (ELTs). In this paper, we report on numerical simulations of the impact of AO on the performance of the GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) instrument for the future Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The proximate cause of this study is to evaluate what improvements AO offer for exoplanet mass determination by the precision radial velocity (PRV) method and the discovery of biomarkers in exoplanet atmospheres. A modified AO system capable of achieving this improved stability even with changing conditions is proposed.
131 - V. Bacu , A. Sabou , T. Stefanut 2019
The continuing monitoring and surveying of the nearby space to detect Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) are essential because of the threats that this kind of objects impose on the future of our planet. We need more computatio nal resources and advanced algorithms to deal with the exponential growth of the digital cameras performances and to be able to process (in near real-time) data coming from large surveys. This paper presents a software platform called NEARBY that supports automated detection of moving sources (asteroids) among stars from astronomical images. The detection procedure is based on the classic blink detection and, after that, the system supports visual analysis techniques to validate the moving sources, assisted by static and dynamical presentations.
Astrophotonics is the next-generation approach that provides the means to miniaturize near-infrared (NIR) spectrometers for upcoming large telescopes and make them more robust and inexpensive. The target requirements for our spectrograph are: a resol ving power of about 3000, wide spectral range (J and H bands), free spectral range of about 30 nm, high on-chip throughput of about 80% (-1dB) and low crosstalk (high contrast ratio) between adjacent on-chip wavelength channels of less than 1% (-20dB). A promising photonic technology to achieve these requirements is Arrayed Waveguide Gratings (AWGs). We have developed our first generation of AWG devices using a silica-on-silicon substrate with a very thin layer of silicon-nitride in the core of our waveguides. The waveguide bending losses are minimized by optimizing the geometry of the waveguides. Our first generation of AWG devices are designed for H band and have a resolving power of around 1500 and free spectral range of about 10 nm around a central wavelength of 1600 nm. The devices have a footprint of only 12 mm x 6 mm. They are broadband (1450-1650 nm), have a peak on-chip throughput of about 80% (-1 dB) and contrast ratio of about 1.5% (-18 dB). These results confirm the robustness of our design, fabrication and simulation methods. Currently, the devices are designed for Transverse Electric (TE) polarization and all the results are for TE mode. We are developing separate J- and H-band AWGs with higher resolving power, higher throughput and lower crosstalk over a wider free spectral range to make them better suited for astronomical applications.
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