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Astronomical Applications of Multi-Core Fiber Technology

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 نشر من قبل Nemanja Jovanovic
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Optical fibers have altered astronomical instrument design by allowing for a complex, often large instrument to be mounted in a remote and stable location with respect to the telescope. The fibers also enable the possibility to rearrange the signal from a focal plane to form a psuedo-slit at the entrance to a spectrograph, optimizing the detector usage and enabling the study of hundreds of thousands of stars or galaxies simultaneously. Multi-core fibers in particular offer several favorable properties with respect to traditional fibers: 1) the separation between single-mode cores is greatly reduced and highly regular with respect to free standing fibers, 2) they offer a monolithic package with multi-fiber capabilities and 3) they operate at the diffraction limit. These properties have enabled the realization of single component photonic lanterns, highly simplified fiber Bragg gratings, and advanced fiber mode scramblers. In addition, the precise grid of cores has enabled the design of efficient single-mode fiber integral field units for spectroscopy. In this paper, we provide an overview of the broad range of applications enabled by multi-core fiber technology in astronomy and outline future areas of development.

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Multi-port beamsplitters are cornerstone devices for high-dimensional quantum information tasks, which can outperform the two-dimensional ones. Nonetheless, the fabrication of such devices has been proven to be challenging with progress only recently achieved with the advent of integrated photonics. Here, we report on the production of high-quality $N times N$ (with $N=4,7$) multi-port beamsplitters based on a new scheme for manipulating multi-core optical fibers. By exploring their compatibility with optical fiber components, we create 4-dimensional quantum systems and implement the measurement-device-independent random number generation task with a programmable 4-arm interferometer operating at a 2 MHz repetition rate. Thanks to the high visibilities observed, we surpass the 1-bit limit of binary protocols and attain 1.23 bits of certified private randomness per experimental round. Our result demonstrates that fast switching, low-loss and high optical quality for high-dimensional quantum information can be simultaneously achieved with multi-core fiber technology.
INAF Trieste Astronomical Observatory (OATs) has a long tradition in information technology applied to Astronomical and Astrophysical use cases, particularly for what regards computing for data reduction, analysis and simulations; data and archives m anagement; space missions data processing; design and software development for ground-based instruments. The ensemble of these activities, in the last years, pushed the need to acquire new computing resources and technologies and to deep competences in theirs management. In this paper we describe INAF-OATs computing centre technological stuff, our involvement in different EU Projects both in the path of building of EOSC, the European Open Science Cloud; in the design and prototyping of new Exascale supercomputers in Europe and the main research activities carried on using our computing centre.
With the aim of utilizing arrayed waveguide gratings for multi-object spectroscopy in the field of astronomy, we outline several ways in which standard telecommunications grade chips should be modified. In particular, by removing the parabolic-horn t aper or multimode interference coupler, and injecting with an optical fiber directly, the resolving power was increased threefold from 2400 pm 200 (spectral resolution of 0.63 pm 0.2 nm) to 7000 pm 700 (0.22 pm 0.02 nm) while attaining a throughput of 77 pm 5%. More importantly, the removal of the taper enabled simultaneous off-axis injection from multiple fibers, significantly increasing the number of spectra that can be obtained at once (i.e. the observing efficiency). Here we report that ~ 12 fibers can be injected simultaneously within the free spectral range of our device, with a 20% reduction in resolving power for fibers placed at 0.8 mm off centre.
335 - Frans Snik 2009
Many objects on the sky exhibit a centrosymmetric polarization pattern, particularly in cases involving single scattering around a central source. Utilizing a novel liquid crystal device (the ``theta cell) that transforms the coordinate system of lin ear polarization in an image plane from Cartesian to polar, the observation of centrosymmetric polarization patterns can be improved: instead of measuring Stokes Q and U on the sky, one only needs to measure Stokes Q in the new instrument coordinate system. This reduces the effective exposure time by a factor of two and simplifies the polarization modulator design. According to the manufacturers specifications and to measurements in the lab, the liquid crystal device can be applied in the visible and NIR wavelength range. Astronomical science cases for a``radial polarimeter include exoplanet detection, imaging of circumstellar disks, reflection nebulae and light echos, characterization of planetary atmospheres and diagnostics of the solar K-corona. The first astronomical instrument that utilizes a theta cell for radial polarimetry is the S5T (Small Synoptic Second Solar Spectrum Telescope), which accurately measures scattering polarization signals near the limb of the sun. These observations are crucial for understanding the nature and origin of weak, turbulent magnetic fields in the solar photosphere and elsewhere in the universe. A ``radial polarimeter observing a slightly defocused point source performs one-shot full linear polarimetry. With a theta cell in a pupil plane, a beams linear polarization properties (e.g. for calibration purposes) can be fully controlled through pupil masking.
The Commission on Science and Information Technology (CTCI) of the Brazilian Astronomical Society (SAB) is tasked with assisting the Society on issues of astronomical data management, from its handling and the management of data centres and networks, to technical aspects of the archiving, storage and dissemination of data. In this paper we present a summary of the results of a survey recently conducted by the Commission to diagnose the status of several data-related issues within the Brazilian astronomical community, as well as some proposals derived therefrom.
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