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Wide spread spectrum watermarking with side information and interference cancellation

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 نشر من قبل Ga\\\"etan Le Guelvouit
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Nowadays, a popular method used for additive watermarking is wide spread spectrum. It consists in adding a spread signal into the host document. This signal is obtained by the sum of a set of carrier vectors, which are modulated by the bits to be embedded. To extract these embedded bits, weighted correlations between the watermarked document and the carriers are computed. Unfortunately, even without any attack, the obtained set of bits can be corrupted due to the interference with the host signal (host interference) and also due to the interference with the others carriers (inter-symbols interference (ISI) due to the non-orthogonality of the carriers). Some recent watermarking algorithms deal with host interference using side informed methods, but inter-symbols interference problem is still open. In this paper, we deal with interference cancellation methods, and we propose to consider ISI as side information and to integrate it into the host signal. This leads to a great improvement of extraction performance in term of signal-to-noise ratio and/or watermark robustness.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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162 - Y. Wiaux , G. Puy , Y. Boursier 2009
We consider the probe of astrophysical signals through radio interferometers with small field of view and baselines with non-negligible and constant component in the pointing direction. In this context, the visibilities measured essentially identify with a noisy and incomplete Fourier coverage of the product of the planar signals with a linear chirp modulation. In light of the recent theory of compressed sensing and in the perspective of defining the best possible imaging techniques for sparse signals, we analyze the related spread spectrum phenomenon and suggest its universality relative to the sparsity dictionary. Our results rely both on theoretical considerations related to the mutual coherence between the sparsity and sensing dictionaries, as well as on numerical simulations.
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