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An algebraic approach to laying a ghost to rest

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 نشر من قبل M. C. Nucci
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the recent literature there has been a resurgence of interest in the fourth-order field-theoretic model of Pais-Uhlenbeck cite {Pais-Uhlenbeck 50 a}, which has not had a good reception over the last half century due to the existence of {em ghosts} in the properties of the quantum mechanical solution. Bender and Mannheim cite{Bender 08 a} were successful in persuading the corresponding quantum operator to `give up the ghost. Their success had the advantage of making the model of Pais-Uhlenbeck acceptable to the physical community and in the process added further credit to the cause of advancement of the use of ${cal PT} $ symmetry. We present a case for the acceptance of the Pais-Uhlenbeck model in the context of Diracs theory by providing an Hamiltonian which is not quantum mechanically haunted. The essential point is the manner in which a fourth-order equation is rendered into a system of second-order equations. We show by means of the method of reduction of order cite {Nucci} that it is possible to construct an Hamiltonian which gives rise to a satisfactory quantal description without having to abandon Dirac.

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A recipe is presented for constructing band-limited superoscillating functions that exhibit arbitrarily high frequencies over arbitrarily long intervals.
Quantum control could be implemented by varying the system Hamiltonian. According to adiabatic theorem, a slowly changing Hamiltonian can approximately keep the system at the ground state during the evolution if the initial state is a ground state. I n this paper we consider this process as an interpolation between the initial and final Hamiltonians. We use the mean value of a single operator to measure the distance between the final state and the ideal ground state. This measure could be taken as the error of adiabatic approximation. We prove under certain conditions, this error can be precisely estimated for an arbitrarily given interpolating function. This error estimation could be used as guideline to induce adiabatic evolution. According to our calculation, the adiabatic approximation error is not proportional to the average speed of the variation of the system Hamiltonian and the inverse of the energy gaps in many cases. In particular, we apply this analysis to an example on which the applicability of the adiabatic theorem is questionable.
A novel C*-algebraic framework is presented for relativistic quantum field theories, fixed by a Lagrangean. It combines the postulates of local quantum physics, encoded in the Haag-Kastler axioms, with insights gained in the perturbative approach to quantum field theory. Key ingredients are an appropriate version of Bogolubovs relative $S$-operators and a reformulation of the Schwinger-Dyson equations. These are used to define for any classical relativistic Lagrangean of a scalar field a non-trivial local net of C*-algebras, encoding the resulting interactions at the quantum level. The construction works in any number of space-time dimensions. It reduces the longstanding existence problem of interacting quantum field theories in physical spacetimeto the question of whether the C*-algebras so constructed admit suitable states, such as stable ground and equilibrium states. The method is illustrated on the example of a non-interacting field and it is shown how to pass from it within the algebra to interacting theories by relying on a rigorous local version of the interaction picture.
97 - Nurulla Azamov 2013
In this paper we give a new and constructive approach to stationary scattering theory for pairs of self-adjoint operators $H_0$ and $H_1$ on a Hilbert space $mathcal H$ which satisfy the following conditions: (i) for any open bounded subset $Delta$ o f $mathbb R,$ the operators $F E_Delta^{H_0}$ and $F E_Delta^{H_1}$ are Hilbert-Schmidt and (ii) $V = H_1- H_0$ is bounded and admits decomposition $V = F^*JF,$ where $F$ is a bounded operator with trivial kernel from $mathcal H$ to another Hilbert space $mathcal K$ and $J$ is a bounded self-adjoint operator on $mathcal K.$ An example of a pair of operators which satisfy these conditions is the Schrodinger operator $H_0 = -Delta + V_0$ acting on $L^2(mathbb R^ u),$ where $V_0$ is a potential of class $K_ u$ (see B.,Simon, {it Schrodinger semigroups,} Bull. AMS 7, 1982, 447--526) and $H_1 = H_0 + V_1,$ where $V_1 in L^infty(mathbb R^ u) cap L^1(mathbb R^ u).$ Among results of this paper is a new proof of existence and completeness of wave operators $W_pm(H_1,H_0)$ and a new constructive proof of stationary formula for the scattering matrix. This approach to scattering theory is based on explicit diagonalization of a self-adjoint operator $H$ on a sheaf of Hilbert spaces $EuScript S(H,F)$ associated with the pair $(H,F)$ and with subsequent construction and study of properties of wave matrices $w_pm(lambda; H_1,H_0)$ acting between fibers $mathfrak h_lambda(H_0,F)$ and $mathfrak h_lambda(H_1,F)$ of sheaves $EuScript S(H_0,F)$ and $EuScript S(H_1,F)$ respectively. The wave operators $W_pm(H_1,H_0)$ are then defined as direct integrals of wave matrices and are proved to coincide with classical time-dependent definition of wave operators.
121 - Lu Chen , Tobias Fritz 2021
According to the algebraic approach to spacetime, a thoroughgoing dynamicism, physical fields exist without an underlying manifold. This view is usually implemented by postulating an algebraic structure (e.g., commutative ring) of scalar-valued funct ions, which can be interpreted as representing a scalar field, and deriving other structures from it. In this work, we point out that this leads to the unjustified primacy of an undetermined scalar field. Instead, we propose to consider algebraic structures in which all (and only) physical fields are primitive. We explain how the theory of emph{natural operations} in differential geometry---the modern formalism behind classifying diffeomorphism-invariant constructions---can be used to obtain concrete implementations of this idea for any given collection of fields. For concrete examples, we illustrate how our approach applies to a number of particular physical fields, including electrodynamics coupled to a Weyl spinor.
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