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Chemistry in Disks. II. -- Poor molecular content of the AB Aur disk

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 نشر من قبل Katharina Schreyer Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the molecular content and chemistry of a circumstellar disk surrounding the Herbig Ae star AB Aur at (sub-)millimeter wavelengths. Our aim is to reconstruct the chemical history and composition of the AB Aur disk and to compare it with disks around low-mass, cooler T Tauri stars. We observe the AB Aur disk with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer in the C- and D- configurations in rotational lines of CS, HCN, C2H, CH3OH, HCO+, and CO isotopes. Using an iterative minimization technique, observed columns densities and abundances are derived. These values are further compared with results of an advanced chemical model that is based on a steady-state flared disk structure with a vertical temperature gradient, and gas-grain chemical network with surface reactions. We firmly detect HCO+ in the 1--0 transition, tentatively detect HCN, and do not detect CS, C2H, and CH3OH. The observed HCO+ and 13CO column densities as well as the upper limits to the column densities of HCN, CS, C2H, and CH3OH are in good agreement with modeling results and those from previous studies. The AB Aur disk possesses more CO, but is less abundant in other molecular species compared to the DM Tau disk. This is primarily caused by intense UV irradiation from the central Herbig A0 star, which results in a hotter disk where CO freeze out does not occur and thus surface formation of complex CO-bearing molecules might be inhibited.

قيم البحث

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Very few molecular species have been detected in circumstellar disks surrounding young stellar objects. We are carrying out an observational study of the chemistry of circumstellar disks surrounding T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars. First results of this study are presented in this note. We used the EMIR receivers recently installed at the IRAM 30m telescope to carry a sensitive search for molecular lines in the disks surrounding AB Aur, DM Tau, and LkCa 15. We detected lines of the molecules HCO+, CN, H2CO, SO, CS, and HCN toward AB Aur. In addition, we tentatively detected DCO+ and H2S lines. The line profiles suggest that the CN, HCN, H2CO, CS and SO lines arise in the disk. This makes it the first detection of SO in a circumstellar disk. We have unsuccessfully searched for SO toward DM Tau and LkCa 15, and for c-C3H2 toward AB Aur, DM Tau, and LkCa 15. Our upper limits show that contrary to all the molecular species observed so far, SO is not as abundant in DM Tau as it is in AB Aur. Our results demonstrate that the disk associated with AB Aur is rich in molecular species. Our chemical model shows that the detection of SO is consistent with that expected from a very young disk where the molecular adsorption onto grains does not yet dominate the chemistry.
(abridged) We used the IRAM 30-m to perform a sensitive wideband survey of 30 protoplanetary disks in the Taurus Auriga region. We simultaneously observed HCO$^+$(3-2), HCN(3-2), C$_2$H(3-2), CS(5-4), and two transitions of SO. We combine the results with a previous survey which observed $^{13}$CO (2-1), CN(2-1), two o-H$_2$CO lines and one of SO. We use available interferometric data to derive excitation temperatures of CN and C$_2$H in several sources. We determine characteristic sizes of the gas disks and column densities of all molecules using a parametric power-law disk model. Our study is mostly sensitive to molecules at 200-400 au from the stars. We compare the derived column densities to the predictions of an extensive gas-grain chemical disk model, under conditions representative of T Tauri disks. This survey provides 20 new detections of HCO$^+$ in disks, 18 in HCN, 11 in C$_2$H, 8 in CS and 4 in SO. HCO$^+$ is detected in almost all sources, and its J=3-2 line is essentially optically thick, providing good estimates of the disk radii. The other transitions are (at least partially) optically thin. Variations of the column density ratios do not correlate with any specific property of the star or disk. Disks around Herbig Ae stars appear less rich in molecules than those around T Tauri stars, although the sample remains small. SO is only found in the (presumably younger) embedded objects, perhaps reflecting an evolution of the S chemistry due to increasing depletion with time. Overall, the molecular column densities, and in particular the CN/HCN and CN/C$_2$H ratios, are well reproduced by gas-grain chemistry in cold disks. This study provides a census of simple molecules in disks of radii $> 200-300$ au. Extending that to smaller disks, or searching for less abundant or more complex molecules requires a much more sensitive facility, i.e. NOEMA and ALMA.
The disk around AB Aur was imaged and resolved at 24.6,$mu$m using the Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer on the 8.2m Subaru Telescope. The gaussian full-width at half-maximum of the source size is estimated to be 90 $pm$ 6 AU, indicating th at the disk extends further out at 24.6,$mu$m than at shorter wavelengths. In order to interpret the extended 24.6,$mu$m image, we consider a disk with a reduced surface density within a boundary radius $R_c$, which is motivated by radio observations that suggest a reduced inner region within about 100 AU from the star. Introducing the surface density reduction factor $f_c$ for the inner disk, we determine that the best match with the observed radial intensity profile at 24.6,$mu$m is achieved with $R_c$=88 AU and $f_c$=0.01. We suggest that the extended emission at 24.6,$mu$m is due to the enhanced emission from a wall-like structure at the boundary radius (the inner edge of the outer disk), which is caused by a jump in the surface density at $R_c$. Such reduced inner disk and geometrically thick outer disk structure can also explain the more point-like nature at shorter wavelengths. We also note that this disk geometry is qualitatively similar to a pre-transitional disk, suggesting that the AB Aur disk is in a pre-transitional disk phase.
88 - D. Semenov 2018
Context. Several sulfur-bearing molecules are observed in the interstellar medium and in comets, in strong contrast to protoplanetary disks where only CS, H$_2$CS and SO have been detected so far. Aims. We combine observations and chemical models to constrain the sulfur abundances and their sensitivity to physical and chemical conditions in the DM Tau protoplanetary disk. Methods. We obtained $0.5^{}$ ALMA observations of DM Tau in Bands 4 and 6 in lines of CS, SO, SO$_2$, OCS, CCS, H$_2$CS and H$_2$S, achieving a $sim 5$ mJy sensitivity. Using the non-LTE radiative transfer code RADEX and the forward-modeling tool DiskFit, disk-averaged CS column densities and upper limits for the other species were derived. Results. Only CS was detected with a derived column density of $sim 2-6 times 10^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$. We report a first tentative detection of SO$_2$ in DM Tau. The upper limits range between $sim 10^{11}$ and $10^{14}$ cm$^{-2}$ for the other S-bearing species. The best-fit chemical model matching these values requires a gas-phase C/O ratio of > 1 at $r sim 50-100$ au. With chemical modeling we demonstrate that sulfur-bearing species could be robust tracers of the gas-phase C/O ratio, surface reaction rates, grain size and UV intensities. Conclusions. The lack of detections of a variety of sulfur-bearing molecules in DM Tau other than CS implies a dearth of reactive sulfur in the gas phase, either through efficient freeze-out or because most of the elemental sulfur is in other large species, as found in comets. The inferred high CS/SO and CS/SO$_2$ ratios require a non-solar C/O gas-phase ratio of > 1, consistent with the recent observations of hydrocarbon rings in DM Tau. The stronger depletion of oxygen-bearing S-species compared to CS is likely linked to the low observed abundances of gaseous water in DM Tau and points to a removal mechanism of oxygen from the gas.
AB Aur is a Herbig Ae star that hosts a prototypical transition disk. The disk shows a plethora of features connected with planet formation mechanisms. Understanding the physical and chemical characteristics of these features is crucial to advancing our knowledge of planet formation. We aim to characterize the gaseous disk around the Herbig Ae star AB Aur. A complete spectroscopic study was performed using NOEMA to determine the physical and chemical conditions. We present new observations of the continuum and 12CO, 13CO, C18O, H2CO, and SO lines. We used the integrated intensity maps and stacked spectra to derive estimates of the disk temperature. By combining our 13CO and C18O observations, we computed the gas-to-dust ratio along the disk. We also derived column density maps for the different species and used them to compute abundance maps. The results of our observations were compared with Nautilus astrochemical models. We detected continuum emission in a ring that extends from 0.6 to 2.0 arcsec, peaking at 0.97 and with a strong azimuthal asymmetry. The molecules observed show different spatial distributions, and the peaks of the distributions are not correlated with the binding energy. Using H2CO and SO lines, we derived a mean disk temperature of 39 K. We derived a gas-to-dust ratio that ranges from 10 to 40. The comparison with Nautilus models favors a disk with a low gas-to-dust ratio (40) and prominent sulfur depletion. From a very complete spectroscopic study of the prototypical disk around AB Aur, we derived, for the first time, the gas temperature and the gas-to-dust ratio along the disk, providing information that is essential to constraining hydrodynamical simulations.Moreover, we explored the gas chemistry and, in particular, the sulfur depletion. The derived sulfur depletion is dependent on the assumed C/O ratio. Our data are better explained with C/O ~ 0.7 and S/H=8e-8.
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