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Renormalization group theory of nematic ordering in d-wave superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Subir Sachdev
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We examine the quantum theory of the spontaneous breaking of lattice rotation symmetry in d-wave superconductors on the square lattice. This is described by a field theory of an Ising nematic order parameter coupled to the gapless fermionic quasiparticles. We determine the structure of the renormalization group to all orders in a 1/N_f expansion, where N_f is the number of fermion spin components. Asymptotically exact results are obtained for the quantum critical theory in which, as in the large N_f theory, the nematic order has a large anomalous dimension, and the fermion spectral functions are highly anisotropic.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Recently, complex phase transitions accompanied by the rotational symmetry breaking have been discovered experimentally in cuprate superconductors. To find the realized order parameters, we study various charge susceptibilities in an unbiased way, by applying the functional-renormalization-group method to the realistic $d$-$p$ Hubbard model. Without assuming the wavevector of the order parameter, we reveal that the most dominant instability is the uniform ($q = 0$) charge modulation on the $p_x$ and $p_y$ orbitals, which possesses the d-symmetry. This uniform nematic order triggers another nematic p-orbital density wave along the axial (Cu-Cu) direction at $Q_a = (pi/2,0)$. It is predicted that uniform nematic order is driven by the spin fluctuations in the pseudogap region, and another nematic density-wave order at $q = Q_a$ is triggered by the uniform order. The predicted multistage nematic transitions are caused by the Aslamazov-Larkin-type fluctuation-exchange processes.
203 - Hae-Young Kee , Hyeonjin Doh , 2008
This paper consists of two important theoretical observations on the interplay between l = 2 condensates; d-density wave (ddw), electronic nematic and d-wave superconducting states. (1) There is SO(4) invariance at a transition between the nematic an d d-wave superconducting states. The nematic and d-wave pairing operators can be rotated into each other by pseudospin SU(2) generators, which are s-wave pairing and electron density operators. The difference between the current work and the previous O(4) symmetry at a transition between the ddw and d-wave superconducting states (Nayak 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 R6135) is presented. (2) The nematic and ddw operators transform into each other under a unitary transformation. Thus, when a Hamiltonian is invariant under such a transformation, the two states are exactly degenerate. The competition between the nematic and ddw states in the presence of a degeneracy breaking term is discussed.
97 - B. Kyung , J.S. Landry , 2002
We show that, at weak to intermediate coupling, antiferromagnetic fluctuations enhance d-wave pairing correlations until, as one moves closer to half-filling, the antiferromagnetically-induced pseudogap begins to suppress the tendency to superconduct ivity. The accuracy of our approach is gauged by detailed comparisons with Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The negative pressure dependence of Tc and the existence of photoemission hot spots in electron-doped cuprate superconductors find their natural explanation within this approach.
We study a spin $S$ quantum Heisenberg model on the Fe lattice of the rare-earth oxypnictide superconductors. Using both large $S$ and large $N$ methods, we show that this model exhibits a sequence of two phase transitions: from a high temperature sy mmetric phase to a narrow region of intermediate ``nematic phase, and then to a low temperature spin ordered phase. Identifying phases by their broken symmetries, these phases correspond precisely to the sequence of structural (tetragonal to monoclinic) and magnetic transitions that have been recently revealed in neutron scattering studies of LaOFeAs. The structural transition can thus be identified with the existence of incipient (``fluctuating) magnetic order.
In cuprate superconductors, superconductivity appears below the CDW transition temperature $T_{CDW}$. However, many-body electronic states under the CDW order are still far from understood. Here, we study the development of the spin fluctuations unde r the presence of $d$-wave bond order (BO) with wavevector $q=(pi/2,0),(0,pi/2)$, which is derived from the paramagnon interference mechanism in recent theoretical studies. Based on the $4 times 1$ and $4 times 4$ cluster Hubbard models, the feedback effects between spin susceptibility and self-energy are calculated self-consistently by using the fluctuation-exchange (FLEX) approximation. It is found that the $d$-wave BO leads to a sizable suppression of the nuclear magnetic relaxation rate $1/T_1$. In contrast, the reduction in $T_c$ is small, since the static susceptibility $chi^s(Q_s)$ is affected by the BO just slightly. It is verified that the $d$-wave BO scenario is consistent with the experimental electronic properties below $T_{CDW}$.
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