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Magnetic field switching in parallel quantum dots

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 نشر من قبل Shmuel Gurvitz
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that the Coulomb blockade in parallel dots pierced by magnetic flux $Phi$ completely blocks the resonant current for any value of $Phi$ except for integer multiples of the flux quantum $Phi_0$. This non-analytic (switching) dependence of the current on $Phi$ arises only when the dot states that carry the current are of the same energy. The time needed to reach the steady state, however, diverges when $Phito nPhi_0$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

79 - T. A. Costi 2019
Recent experiments have measured the signatures of the Kondo effect in the zero-field thermopower of strongly correlated quantum dots [Svilans {em et al.,} Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 121}, 206801 (2018); Dutta {em et al.,} Nano Lett. {bf 19}, 506 (2019)]. They confirm the predicted Kondo-induced sign change in the thermopower, upon increasing the temperature through a gate-voltage dependent value $T_{1}gtrsim T_{rm K}$, where $T_{rm K}$ is the Kondo temperature. Here, we use the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method to investigate the effect of a finite magnetic field $B$ on the thermopower of such quantum dots. We show that, for fields $B$ exceeding a gate-voltage dependent value $B_{0}$, an additional sign change takes place in the Kondo regime at a temperature $T_{0}(Bgeq B_{0})>0$ with $T_0<T_1$. The field $B_{0}$ is comparable to, but larger than, the field $B_{c}$ at which the zero-temperature spectral function splits in a magnetic field. The validity of the NRG results for $B_{0}$ are checked by comparison with asymptotically exact higher-order Fermi-liquid calculations [Oguri {em et al.,} Phys. Rev. B {bf 97}, 035435 (2018)]. Our calculations clarify the field-dependent signatures of the Kondo effect in the thermopower of Kondo-correlated quantum dots and explain the recently measured trends in the $B$-field dependence of the thermoelectric response of such systems [Svilans {em et al.,} Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 121}, 206801 (2018)].
The non-linear zero-differential resistance state (ZDRS) that occurs for highly mobile two-dimensional electron systems in response to a dc bias in the presence of a strong magnetic field applied perpendicular to the electron plane is suppressed and disappears gradually as the magnetic field is tilted away from the perpendicular at fixed filling factor $ u$. Good agreement is found with a model that considers the effect of the Zeeman splitting of Landau levels enhanced by the in-plane component of the magnetic field.
By means of sequential and cotunneling spectroscopy, we study the tunnel couplings between metallic leads and individual levels in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. The levels are ordered in shells consisting of two doublets with strong- and weak-tunnel couplings, leading to gate-dependent level renormalization. By comparison to a one- and two-shell model, this is shown to be a consequence of disorder-induced valley mixing in the nanotube. Moreover, a parallel magnetic field is shown to reduce this mixing and thus suppress the effects of tunnel renormalization.
356 - K. Kikoin , Y. Oreg 2006
We study the possibility to observe the two channel Kondo physics in multiple quantum dot heterostructures in the presence of magnetic field. We show that a fine tuning of the coupling parameters of the system and an external magnetic field may stabi lize the two channel Kondo critical point. We make predictions for behavior of the scaling of the differential conductance in the vicinity of the quantum critical point, as a function of magnetic field, temperature and source-drain potential.
158 - Fabien Cheynis 2009
While magnetic hysteresis usually considers magnetic domains, the switching of the core of magnetic vortices has recently become an active topic. We considered Bloch domain walls, which are known to display at the surface of thin films flux-closure f eatures called Neel caps. We demonstrated the controlled switching of these caps under a magnetic field, occurring via the propagation of a surface vortex. For this we considered flux-closure states in elongated micron-sized dots, so that only the central domain wall can be addressed, while domains remain unaffected.
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