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Controlled switching of Neel caps in flux-closure magnetic dots

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 نشر من قبل Olivier Fruchart
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Fabien Cheynis

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While magnetic hysteresis usually considers magnetic domains, the switching of the core of magnetic vortices has recently become an active topic. We considered Bloch domain walls, which are known to display at the surface of thin films flux-closure features called Neel caps. We demonstrated the controlled switching of these caps under a magnetic field, occurring via the propagation of a surface vortex. For this we considered flux-closure states in elongated micron-sized dots, so that only the central domain wall can be addressed, while domains remain unaffected.

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We investigated with XMCD-PEEM magnetic imaging the magnetization reversal processes of Neel caps inside Bloch walls in self-assembled, micron-sized Fe(110) dots with flux-closure magnetic state. In most cases the magnetic-dependent processes are sym metric in field, as expected. However, some dots show pronounced asymmetric behaviors. Micromagnetic simulations suggest that the geometrical features (and their asymmetry) of the dots strongly affect the switching mechanism of the Neel caps.
We show that the Coulomb blockade in parallel dots pierced by magnetic flux $Phi$ completely blocks the resonant current for any value of $Phi$ except for integer multiples of the flux quantum $Phi_0$. This non-analytic (switching) dependence of the current on $Phi$ arises only when the dot states that carry the current are of the same energy. The time needed to reach the steady state, however, diverges when $Phito nPhi_0$.
138 - Fabien Cheynis 2009
Data storage relies on the handling of two states, called bits. The market of mass storage is currently still dominated by magnetic technology, hard disk drives for the broad public and tapes for massive archiving. In these devices each bit is stored in the form of the direction of magnetization of nanosized magnetic domains, i.e. areas of ferromagnetic materials displaying a uniform magnetization. While miniaturization is the conventional way to fuel the continuous increase of device density, disruptive solutions are also sought. To these pertain in recent years many fundamental studies no longer considering the magnetic domains themselves, but the manipulation of the domain walls (DWs) that separate such domains. Concepts of storage and logic based on the propagation of DWs along lithographically-patterned stripes have been patented, while many fundamental aspects of DW propagation deeply related to condensed matter physics are still hotly debated. If one now considers magnetic dots of submicrometer dimensions, the magnetization has a tendency to curl along the outer edges of the nanostructure to close its magnetic flux and thereby reduce its magnetostatic energy. Then both domains and DWs of well-defined geometries arise, whose combined manipulation has been proposed as a multilevel magnetic storage scheme...
A micromagnetic study of epitaxial micron-sized iron dots is reported through the analysis of Fresnel contrast in Lorentz Microscopy. Their use is reviewed and developed through analysis of various magnetic structures in such dots. Simple Landau conf iguration is used to investigate various aspects of asymmetric Bloch domain walls. The experimental width of such a complex wall is first derived and its value is discussed with the help of micromagnetic simulations. Combination of these two approaches enables us to define what is really extracted when estimating asymmetric wall width in Lorentz Microscopy. Moreover, quantitative data on the magnetization inside the dot is retrieved using phase retrieval as well as new informations on the degrees of freedom of such walls. Finally, it is shown how the existence and the propagation of a surface vortex can be characterized and monitored. This demonstrates the ability to reach a magnetic sensitivity a priori hidden in Fresnel contrast, based on an original image treatment and backed-up by the evaluation of contrasts obtained from micromagnetic simulations.
We have investigated three-dimensional magnetization structures in numerous mesoscopic Fe/Mo(110) islands by means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism combined with photoemission electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM). The particles are epitaxial islands w ith an elongated hexagonal shape with length of up to 2.5 micrometer and thickness of up to 250 nm. The XMCD-PEEM studies reveal asymmetric magnetization distributions at the surface of these particles. Micromagnetic simulations are in excellent agreement with the observed magnetic structures and provide information on the internal structure of the magnetization which is not accessible in the experiment. It is shown that the magnetization is influenced mostly by the particle size and thickness rather than by the details of its shape. Hence, these hexagonal samples can be regarded as model systems for the study of the magnetization in thick, mesoscopic ferromagnets.
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