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Weighing Wimps with Kinks at Colliders: Invisible Particle Mass Measurements from Endpoints

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 نشر من قبل Christopher Gorham Lester
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the application of endpoint techniques to the problem of mass determination for new particles produced at a hadron collider, where these particles decay to an invisible particle of unknown mass and one or more visible particles of known mass. We also consider decays of these types for pair-produced particles and in each case consider situations both with and without initial state radiation. We prove that, in most (but not all) cases, the endpoint of an appropriate transverse mass observable, considered as a function of the unknown mass of the invisible particle, has a kink at the true value of the invisible particle mass. The co-ordinates of the kink yield the masses of the decaying particle and the invisible particle. We discuss the prospects for implementing this method at the LHC.

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It is generally accepted that experiments at an e+e- linear colliders will be able to extract the masses of the selectron as well as the associated sneutrinos with a precision of ~ 1% by determining the kinematic end points of the energy spectrum of daughter electrons produced in their two body decays to a lighter neutralino or chargino. Recently, it has been suggested that by studying the energy dependence of the cross section near the production threshold, this precision can be improved by an order of magnitude, assuming an integrated luminosity of 100 fb^-1. It is further suggested that these threshold scans also allow the masses of even the heavier second and third generation sleptons and sneutrinos to be determined to better than 0.5%. We re-examine the prospects for determining sneutrino masses. We find that the cross sections for the second and third generation sneutrinos are too small for a threshold scan to be useful. An additional complication arises because the cross section for sneutrino pair to decay into any visible final state(s) necessarily depends on an unknown branching fraction, so that the overall normalization in unknown. This reduces the precision with which the sneutrino mass can be extracted. We propose a different strategy to optimize the extraction of m(tilde{ u}_mu) and m(tilde{ u}_tau) via the energy dependence of the cross section. We find that even with an integrated luminosity of 500 fb^-1, these can be determined with a precision no better than several percent at the 90% CL. We also examine the measurement of m(tilde{ u}_e) and show that it can be extracted with a precision of about 0.5% (0.2%) with an integrated luminosity of 120 fb^-1 (500 fb^-1).
We present a method to compute off-shell effects for processes involving resonant particles at hadron colliders with the possibility to include realistic cuts on the decay products. The method is based on an effective theory approach to unstable part icle production and, as an example, is applied to t-channel single top production at the LHC.
132 - J. de Blas 2019
This document aims to provide an assessment of the potential of future colliding beam facilities to perform Higgs boson studies. The analysis builds on the submissions made by the proponents of future colliders to the European Strategy Update process , and takes as its point of departure the results expected at the completion of the HL-LHC program. This report presents quantitative results on many aspects of Higgs physics for future collider projects of sufficient maturity using uniform methodologies. A first version of this report was prepared for the purposes of discussion at the Open Symposium in Granada (13-16/05/2019). Comments and feedback received led to the consideration of additional run scenarios as well as a refined analysis of the impact of electroweak measurements on the Higgs coupling extraction.
We develop techniques to determine the mass scale of invisible particles pair-produced at hadron colliders. We employ the constrained mass variable m_2C, which provides an event-by-event lower-bound to the mass scale given a mass difference. We compl ement this variable with a new variable m_2C,UB which provides an additional upper bound to the mass scale, and demonstrate its utility with a realistic case study of a supersymmetry model. These variables together effectively quantify the `kink in the function Max m_T2 which has been proposed as a mass-determination technique for collider-produced dark matter. An important advantage of the m_2C method is that it does not rely simply on the position at the endpoint, but it uses the additional information contained in events which lie far from the endpoint. We found the mass by comparing the HERWIG generated m_2C distribution to ideal distributions for different masses. We find that for the case studied, with 100 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity (about 400 signal events), the invisible particles mass can be measured to a precision of 4.1 GeV. We conclude that this techniques precision and accuracy is as good as, if not better than, the best known techniques for invisible-particle mass-determination at hadron colliders.
We further develop the constrained mass variable techniques to determine the mass scale of invisible particles pair-produced at hadron colliders. We introduce the constrained mass variable M_3C which provides an event-by-event lower bound and upper b ound to the mass scale given the two mass differences between the lightest three new particle states. This variable is most appropriate for short symmetric cascade decays involving two-body decays and on-shell intermediate states which end in standard-model particles and two dark-matter particles. An important feature of the constrained mass variables is that they do not rely simply on the position of the end point but use the additional information contained in events which lie far from the end point. To demonstrate our method we study the supersymmetric model SPS 1a. We select cuts to study events with two Neutralino_2 each of which decays to Neutralino_1, and two opposite-sign same-flavor (OSSF) charged leptons through an intermediate on-shell slepton. We find that with 300 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity the invisible-particle mass can be measured to M=96.4 +/- 2.4 GeV. Combining fits to the shape of the M_3C constrained mass variable distribution with the max m_ll edge fixes the mass differences to +/- 0.2 GeV.
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