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The Large Vector Multiplet Action

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 نشر من قبل Itai Ryb
 تاريخ النشر 2008
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 تأليف Itai Ryb

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We discuss possible actions for the d=2, N=(2,2) large vector multiplet that gauges isometries of generalized Kahler geometries. We explore two scenarios that allow us to write kinetic and superpotential terms for the scalar field-strengths, and write kinetic terms for the spinor invariants that can introduce topological terms for the connections.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present, in the N=2, D=4 harmonic superspace formalism, a general method for constructing the off-shell effective action of an N=2 abelian gauge superfield coupled to matter hypermultiplets. Using manifestly N=2 supersymmetric harmonic supergraph techniques, we calculate the low-energy corrections to the renormalized one-loop effective action in terms of N=2 (anti)chiral superfield strengths. For a harmonic gauge prepotential with vanishing vacuum expectation value, corresponding to massless hypermultiplets, the only non-trivial radiative corrections to appear are non-holomorphic. For a prepotential with non-zero vacuum value, which breaks the U(1)-factor in the N=2 supersymmetry automorphism group and corresponds to massive hypermultiplets, only non-trivial holomorphic corrections arise at leading order. These holomorphic contribution are consistent with Seibergs quantum correction to the effective action, while the first non-holomorphic contribution in the massless case is the N=2 supersymmetrization of the Heisenberg-Euler effective Lagrangian.
We propose a four-dimensional N = 1 supergravity-based Starobinsky-type inflationary model in terms of a single massive vector multiplet, whose action includes the Dirac-Born-Infeld-type kinetic terms and a generalized (new) Fayet-Iliopolulos-type te rm without gauging the R-symmetry. The bosonic action and the scalar potential are computed. Inflaton is the superpartner of goldstino in our model, and supersymmetry is spontaneously broken after inflation by the D-type mechanism, whose scale is related to the value of the cosmological constant.
We revisit the most general theory for a massive vector field with derivative self-interactions, extending previous works on the subject to account for terms having trivial total derivative interactions for the longitudinal mode. In the flat spacetim e (Minkowski) case, we obtain all the possible terms containing products of up to five first-order derivatives of the vector field, and provide a conjecture about higher-order terms. Rendering the metric dynamical, we covariantize the results and add all possible terms implying curvature.
We propose the Starobinsky-type inflationary model in the matter-coupled $N=1$ four-dimensional supergravity with the massive vector multiplet that has inflaton (scalaron) and goldstino amongst its field components, whose action includes the Dirac-Bo rn-Infeld-type kinetic term and the generalized (new) Fayet-Iliopoulos-type term, without gauging the R-symmetry. The $N=1$ chiral matter (hidden sector) is described by the modified Polonyi model needed for spontaneous supersymmetry breaking after inflation. We compute the bosonic action and the scalar potential of the model, and show that it can accommodate the positive (observed) cosmological constant (as the dark energy) and the spontaneous supersymmetry breaking at high scale after the Starobinsky inflation.
We summarize previous results on the most general Proca theory in 4 dimensions containing only first-order derivatives in the vector field (second-order at most in the associated Stuckelberg scalar) and having only three propagating degrees of freedo m with dynamics controlled by second-order equations of motion. Discussing the Hessian condition used in previous works, we conjecture that, as in the scalar galileon case, the most complete action contains only a finite number of terms with second-order derivatives of the Stuckelberg field describing the longitudinal mode, which is in agreement with the results of JCAP 1405, 015 (2014) and Phys. Lett. B 757, 405 (2016) and complements those of JCAP 1602, 004 (2016). We also correct and complete the parity violating sector, obtaining an extra term on top of the arbitrary function of the field $A_mu$, the Faraday tensor $F_{mu u}$ and its Hodge dual $tilde{F}_{mu u}$.
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