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A Statistical Description of Parametric Instabilities with an Incoherent Pump

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 نشر من قبل Denis Pesme
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The effect on parametric instability growth of pump wave incoherence is treated by deriving a set of equations governing the space-time evolution of the ensemble-average coupled-mode amplitudes and intensities. Particular attention is paid to establishing the regions of validity of the statistical description. Thresholds, growth rates, and amplification rates are given for both spatially and temporally incoherent pump waves. Both absolutely and convectively unstable modes are considered. The statistical results are verified where appropriate by numerical integration of the coupled-mode equations with different models of pump incoherence.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Electronic parametric instabilities of an ultrarelativistic circularly polarized laser pulse propagating in underdense plasmas are studied by numerically solving the dispersion relation which includes the effect of the radiation reaction force in las er-driven plasma dynamics. Emphasis is placed on studying the different modes in the laser-plasma system and identifying the absolute and convective nature of the unstable modes in a parameter map spanned by the normalized laser vector potential and the plasma density. Implications for the ultraintense laser-plasma experiments are pointed out.
Parametric instabilities driven by partially coherent radiation in plasmas are described by a generalized statistical Wigner-Moyal set of equations, formally equivalent to the full wave equation, coupled to the plasma fluid equations. A generalized d ispersion relation for Stimulated Raman Scattering driven by a partially coherent pump field is derived, revealing a growth rate dependence, with the coherence width $sigma$ of the radiation field, scaling with $1/sigma$ for backscattering (three-wave process), and with $1/sigma^{1/2}$ for direct forward scattering (four-wave process). Our results demonstrate the possibility to control the growth rates of these instabilities by properly using broadband pump radiation fields.
The development of parametric instabilities in a large scale inhomogeneous plasma with an incident laser beam composed of multiple-frequency components is studied theoretically and numerically. Firstly, theoretical analyses of the coupling between tw o laser beamlets with certain frequency difference $deltaomega_0$ for parametric instabilities is presented. It suggests that the two beamlets will be decoupled when $deltaomega_0$ is larger than certain thresholds, which are derived for stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), and two plasmon decay (TPD), respectively. In this case, the parametric instabilities for the two beamlets develop independently and can be controlled at a low level provided the laser intensity for individual beamlet is low enough. Secondly, numerical simulations of parametric instabilities with two or more beamlets ($Nsim20$) have been carried out and the above theory model is validated. Simulations confirm that the development of parametric instabilities with multiple beamlets can be controlled at a low level, provided the threshold conditions for $deltaomega_0$ is satisfied, even though the total laser intensity is as high as $sim10^{15}$W/cm$^2$. With such a laser beam structure of multiple frequency components ($Ngtrsim20$) and total bandwidth of a few percentages ($gtrsim4%$), the parametric instabilities can be well-controlled.
We report the efficient generation of high-gain parametric down-conversion, including pump depletion, with pump powers as low as 100 $mu$W (energies $0.1$~$mu$J/pulse) and conversion efficiencies up to 33%. In our simple configuration, the pump beam is tightly focused into a bulk periodically poled lithium niobate crystal placed in free space. We also observe a change in the photon number statistics for both the pump and down-converted beams as the pump power increases to reach the depleted pump regime. The experimental results are a clear signature of the interplay between the pump and the down-converted beams in highly efficient parametric down-conversion sources.
357 - A.J. Webster , R.O. Dendy 2013
The statistics of edge-localised plasma instabilities (ELMs) in toroidal magnetically confined fusion plasmas are considered. From first principles, standard experimentally motivated assumptions are shown to determine a specific probability distribut ion for the waiting times between ELMs: the Weibull distribution. This is confirmed empirically by a statistically rigorous comparison with a large data set from the Joint European Torus (JET). The successful characterisation of ELM waiting times enables future work to progress in various ways. Here we present a quantitative classification of ELM types, complementary to phenomenological approaches. It also informs us about the nature of ELMing processes, such as whether they are random or deterministic.
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