We summarize recent experimental and theoretical results, which were reported in the working group on Structure Functions and Low-x at the DIS 2007 workshop.
We report a summary of the structure function working group which covers a wide range of the recent results from HERA, Tevatron, RHIC, and JLab experiments, and many theoretical issues from low x to high x.
A new structure function analysis of CCFR deep inelastic nu-N and nubar-N scattering data is presented for previously unexplored kinematic regions down to Bjorken x=0.0045 and Q^2=0.3 GeV^2. Comparisons to charged lepton scattering data from NMC and
E665 experiments are made and the behavior of the structure function F2_nu is studied in the limit Q^2 -> 0.
I review recent developments in the study of the low-x partonic content of protons and nuclei, with a focus on the latter, as one expects possible deviations from linear QCD evolution to be most pronounced in that case. I give examples of recent theo
retical descriptions of HERA measurements with a focus on the role of BFKL evolution. I then concentrate on the status and assumptions of nuclear PDFs and the possibility to use forward particle production at the LHC as further constraint, in particular measurements of open charm and the potential of electromagnetic probes.
The world-line representation of quantum field theory is a powerful framework for the computation of perturbative multi-leg Feynman amplitudes. In particular, in gauge theories, it provides an efficient way, via point particle Grassmann functional in
tegrals, to compute spinor and color traces in these amplitudes. Further, semi-classical approximations to quantum mechanical world-line trajectories provide useful intuition in a wide range of dynamical problems. We develop here the world-line approach to compute deeply inelastic structure functions in the small x Regge limit of QCD. In particular, in a shockwave approximation valid in this limit, we show how one recovers the well-known dipole model for unpolarized structure functions. In a follow-up work, we will discuss the world-line computation of polarized structure functions at small x.
The behavior of the charm and bottom structure functions ($F_{k}^{i}(x,Q^{2})$, i=c,b; k=2,L) at small-$x$ is considered with respect to the hard-Pomeron and saturation models. Having checked that this behavior predicate the heavy flavor reduced cros
s sections concerning the unshadowed and shadowed corrections. We will show that the effective exponents for the unshadowed and saturation corrections are independent of $x$ and $Q^{2}$, and also the effective coefficients are dependent to $ln{Q^{2}}$ compared to Donnachie-Landshoff (DL) and color dipole (CD) models.