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We consider the discrete surface growth process with relaxation to the minimum [F. Family, J. Phys. A {bf 19} L441, (1986).] as a possible synchronization mechanism on scale-free networks, characterized by a degree distribution $P(k) sim k^{-lambda}$, where $k$ is the degree of a node and $lambda$ his broadness, and compare it with the usually applied Edward-Wilkinson process [S. F. Edwards and D. R. Wilkinson, Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A {bf 381},17 (1982) ]. In spite of both processes belong to the same universality class for Euclidean lattices, in this work we demonstrate that for scale-free networks with exponents $lambda<3$ this is not true. Moreover, we show that for these ubiquitous cases the Edward-Wilkinson process enhances spontaneously the synchronization when the system size is increased, which is a non-physical result. Contrarily, the discrete surface growth process do not present this flaw and is applicable for every $lambda$.
In this letter, we proposed an ungrowing scale-free network model, wherein the total number of nodes is fixed and the evolution of network structure is driven by a rewiring process only. In spite of the idiographic form of $G$, by using a two-order m
We discuss the concept of discrete scale invariance and how it leads to complex critical exponents (or dimensions), i.e. to the log-periodic corrections to scaling. After their initial suggestion as formal solutions of renormalization group equations
It was recently conjectured that in generic quantum many-body systems, the spectral density of local operators has the slowest high-frequency decay as permitted by locality. We show that the infinite-temperature version of this universal operator gro
We describe in detail and extend a recently introduced nonperturbative renormalization group (RG) method for surface growth. The scale invariant dynamics which is the key ingredient of the calculation is obtained as the fixed point of a RG transforma
Contrary to many recent models of growing networks, we present a model with fixed number of nodes and links, where it is introduced a dynamics favoring the formation of links between nodes with degree of connectivity as different as possible. By appl