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From Cooperative Paramagnet to N{e}el Order in Y_2Ru_2O_7

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 نشر من قبل Joost van Duijn
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Spin correlations in the pyrochlore antiferromagnet Y_2Ru_2O_7 with Curie-Weiss temperature $Theta_{CW}=-1100$ K and critical temperature T_N=77 K were examined through neutron scattering. For $T_N<T<Theta_{CW}/3$ the data show spin relaxation with a rate $hbarGamma= 1.17(9)k_BT$. For T<T_N spectral weight moves to higher energies with substantial changes up to $4times k_BT_N$. For T<<T_N there is a $Delta=11(1)$ meV energy gap and a pronounced spectral maximum at 19.7 meV. Throughout the temperature range examined the wave vector dependence of inelastic scattering exhibits a broad peak for $Qdapprox 3.8$ (d is Ru-Ru spacing) consistent with dipolar spin correlations.

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We report time-of-flight neutron spectroscopic and diffraction studies of the 5$d^2$ cubic double pervoskite magnets, Ba$_2$MOsO$_6$ ($M$ = Zn, Mg, Ca). These cubic materials are all described by antiferromagnetically-coupled 5$d^2$ Os$^{6+}$ ions de corating a face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice. They all exhibit thermodynamic anomalies consistent with phase transitions at a temperature $T^*$, and exhibit a gapped magnetic excitation spectrum with spectral weight concentrated at wavevectors typical of type I antiferromagnetic orders. While muon spin resonance experiments show clear evidence for time reversal symmetry breaking, no corresponding magnetic Bragg scattering is observed at low temperatures. These results, consistent with low temperature octupolar or quadrupolar order, are discussed in the context of other 5$d^2$ DP magnets, and theories for $d^2$ ions on a FCC lattice which predict exotic orders driven by multipolar interactions.
We present results for the phase diagram of an SU($N$) generalization of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a bipartite three-dimensional anisotropic cubic (tetragonal) lattice as a function of $N$ and the lattice anisotropy $gamma$. In the isotropic $gamma=1$ cubic limit, we find a transition from N{e}el to valence bond solid (VBS) between N=9 and N=10. We follow the N{e}el-VBS transition to the limiting cases of $gamma ll 1 $ (weakly coupled layers) and $gamma gg 1$ (weakly coupled chains). Throughout the phase diagram we find a direct first-order transition from N{e}el at small-$N$ to VBS at large-$N$. In the three-dimensional models studied here, we find no evidence for either an intervening spin-liquid photon phase or a continuous transition, even close to the limit $gamma ll 1$ where the isolated layers undergo continuous N{e}el-VBS transitions.
The rich phenomenology engendered by the coupling between the spin and orbital degrees of freedom has become appreciated as a key feature of many strongly-correlated electron systems. The resulting emergent physics is particularly prominent in a numb er of materials, from Fe-based unconventional superconductors to transition metal oxides, including manganites and vanadates. Here, we investigate the electronic ground states of $alpha$-Sr$_2$CrO$_4$, a compound that is a rare embodiment of the spin-1 Kugel-Khomskii model on the square lattice -- a paradigmatic platform to capture the physics of coupled magnetic and orbital electronic orders. We have used resonant X-ray diffraction at the Cr-$K$ edge to reveal N{e}el magnetic order at the in-plane wavevector $mathbf{Q}_N = (1/2, 1/2)$ below $T_N = 112$ K, as well as an additional electronic order at the stripe wavevector $mathbf{Q}_s = (1/2, 0)$ below T$_s$ $ sim 50$ K. These findings are examined within the framework of the Kugel-Khomskii model by a combination of mean-field and Monte-Carlo approaches, which supports the stability of the spin N{e}el phase with subsequent lower-temperature stripe orbital ordering, revealing a candidate mechanism for the experimentally observed peak at $mathbf{Q}_s$. On the basis of these findings, we propose that $alpha$-Sr$_2$CrO$_4$ serves as a new platform in which to investigate multi-orbital physics and its role in the low-temperature phases of Mott insulators.
We report small-angle neutron scattering studies of the lacunar spinel GaV$_4$S$_8$, which reveal the long-wavelength magnetic states to be cycloidally modulated. This provides direct support for the formation of Neel-type skyrmions recently claimed to exist in this compound. In striking contrast with all other bulk skyrmion host materials, upon cooling the modulated magnetic states transform into a ferromagnetic state. These results indicate all of the modulated states in GaV$_4$S$_8$, including the skyrmion state, gain their stability from thermal fluctuations, while at lower temperature the ferromagnetic state emerges in accord with the strong easy-axis magnetic anisotropy. In the vicinity of the transition between the ferromagnetic and modulated states, both a phase coexistence and a soliton-like state are also evidenced by our study.
We present an investigation of the influence of low-levels of chemical substitution on the magnetic ground state and N{ e}el skyrmion lattice (SkL) state in GaV$_4$S$_{8-y}$Se$_y$, where $y =0, 0.1, 7.9$, and $8$. Muon-spin spectroscopy ($mu$SR) meas urements on $y=0$ and 0.1 materials reveal the magnetic ground state consists of microscopically coexisting incommensurate cycloidal and ferromagnetic environments, while chemical substitution leads to the growth of localized regions of increased spin density. $mu$SR measurements of emergent low-frequency skyrmion dynamics show that the SkL exists under low-levels of substitution at both ends of the series. Skyrmionic excitations persist to temperatures below the equilibrium SkL in substituted samples, suggesting the presence of skyrmion precursors over a wide range of temperatures.
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