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On the character of states near the Fermi level in (Ga,Mn)As: impurity to valence band crossover

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 نشر من قبل Tomas Jungwirth
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss the character of states near the Fermi level in Mn doped GaAs, as revealed by a survey of dc transport and optical studies over a wide range of Mn concentrations. A thermally activated valence band contribution to dc transport, a mid-infrared peak at energy hbar omega approx 200 meV in the ac- conductivity, and the hot photoluminescence spectra indicate the presence of an impurity band in low doped (<<1% Mn) insulating GaAs:Mn materials. Consistent with the implications of this picture, both the impurity band ionization energy inferred from the dc transport and the position of the mid-infrared peak move to lower energies and the peak broadens with increasing Mn concentration. In metallic materials with > 2% doping, no traces of Mn-related activated contribution can be identified in dc-transport, suggesting that the impurity band has merged with the valence band. No discrepancies with this perception are found when analyzing optical measurements in the high-doped GaAs:Mn. A higher energy (hbar omega approx 250 meV) mid-infrared feature which appears in the metallic samples is associated with inter-valence band transitions. Its red-shift with increased doping can be interpreted as a consequence of increased screening which narrows the localized-state valence-band tails and weakens higher energy transition amplitudes. Our examination of the dc and ac transport characteristics of GaAs:Mn is accompanied by comparisons with its shallow acceptor counterparts, confirming the disordered valence band picture of high-doped metallic GaAs:Mn material.

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