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The Future of the Local Large Scale Structure: the roles of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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 نشر من قبل Gustavo Yepes
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Yehuda Hoffman

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We study the distinct effects of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on the future evolution of nearby large scale structures using constrained N-body simulations. We contrast a model of Cold Dark Matter and a Cosmological Constant (LCDM) with an Open CDM (OCDM) model with the same matter density Omega_m =0.3 and the same Hubble constant h=0.7. Already by the time the scale factor increased by a factor of 6 (29 Gyr from now in LCDM; 78 Gyr from now in OCDM) the comoving position of the Local Group is frozen. Well before that epoch the two most massive members of the Local Group, the Milky Way and Andromeda, will merge. However, as the expansion rates of the scale factor in the two models are different, the Local Group will be receding in physical coordinates from Virgo exponentially in a LCDM model and at a roughly constant velocity in an OCDM model. More generally, in comoving coordinates the future large scale structure will look like a sharpened image of the present structure: the skeleton of the cosmic web will remain the same, but clusters will be more `isolated and the filaments will become thinner. This implies that the long-term fate of large scale structure as seen in comoving coordinates is determined primarily by the matter density. We conclude that although the LCDM model is accelerating at present due to its Dark Energy component while the OCDM model is non accelerating, their large scale structure in the future will look very similar in comoving coordinates.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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117 - Matthew Lewandowski 2019
We study infrared effects in perturbation theory for large-scale structure coupled to the effective field theory of dark energy, focusing on, in particular, Degenerate Higher-Order Scalar-Tensor (DHOST) theories. In the subhorizon, Newtonian limit, D HOST theories introduce an extra large-scale velocity $v^i_pi$ which is in general different from the matter velocity $v^i$. Contrary to the case in Horndeski theories, the presence of this extra large-scale velocity means that one cannot eliminate the long-wavelength effects of both $v^i$ and $v^i_pi$ with a single coordinate transformation, and thus the standard $Lambda$CDM consistency relations for large-scale structure are violated by terms proportional to the relative velocity $v^i - v^i_pi$. We show, however, that in non-linear quantities this violation is determined by the linear equations and the symmetries of the fluid system. We find that the size of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the squeezed limit of the bispectrum is modified, that the bias expansion contains extra terms which contribute to the squeezed limit of the galaxy bispectrum, that infrared modes in the one-loop power spectrum no longer cancel, and that the equal-time double soft limit of the tree-level trispectrum is non-vanishing. In addition, we give explicit expressions for how these violations depend on the relative velocity. Many of our computations are also relevant for perturbation theory in $Lambda$CDM with exact time dependence.
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