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Unstable and Stable Galaxy Models

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 نشر من قبل Zhiwu Lin
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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To determine the stability and instability of a given steady galaxy configuration is one of the fundamental problems in the Vlasov theory for galaxy dynamics. In this article, we study the stability of isotropic spherical symmetric galaxy models $f_{0}(E)$, for which the distribution function $f_{0}$ depends on the particle energy $E$ only. In the first part of the article, we derive the first sufficient criterion for linear instability of $f_{0}(E):$ $f_{0}(E)$ is linearly unstable if the second-order operator [ A_{0}equiv-Delta+4piint f_{0}^{prime}(E){I-mathcal{P}}dv ] has a negative direction, where $mathcal{P}$ is the projection onto the function space ${g(E,L)},$ $L$ being the angular momentum [see the explicit formula (ref{A0-radial})]. In the second part of the article, we prove that for the important King model, the corresponding $A_{0}$ is positive definite. Such a positivity leads to the nonlinear stability of the King model under all spherically symmetric perturbations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

174 - Zhiyu Wang , Yan Guo , Zhiwu Lin 2013
The dynamics of collisionless galaxy can be described by the Vlasov-Poisson system. By the Jeans theorem, all the spherically symmetric steady galaxy models are given by a distribution of {Phi}(E,L), where E is the particle energy and L the angular m omentum. In a celebrated Doremus-Feix-Baumann Theorem, the galaxy model {Phi}(E,L) is stable if the distribution {Phi} is monotonically decreasing with respect to the particle energy E. On the other hand, the stability of {Phi}(E,L) remains largely open otherwise. Based on a recent abstract instability criterion of Guo-Lin, we constuct examples of unstable galaxy models of f(E,L) and f(E) in which f fails to be monotone in E.
Modulational instabilities play a key role in a wide range of nonlinear optical phenomena, leading e.g. to the formation of spatial and temporal solitons, rogue waves and chaotic dynamics. Here we experimentally demonstrate the existence of a modulat ional instability in condensates of cavity polaritons, arising from the strong coupling of cavity photons with quantum well excitons. For this purpose we investigate the spatiotemporal coherence properties of polariton condensates in GaAs-based microcavities under continuous-wave pumping. The chaotic behavior of the instability results in a strongly reduced spatial and temporal coherence and a significantly inhomogeneous density. Additionally we show how the instability can be tamed by introducing a periodic potential so that condensation occurs into negative mass states, leading to largely improved coherence and homogeneity. These results pave the way to the exploration of long-range order in dissipative quantum fluids of light within a controlled platform.
We present a new understanding of the unstable ghost-like resonance which appears in theories such as quadratic gravity and Lee-Wick type theories. Quantum corrections make this resonance unstable, such that it does not appear in the asymptotic spect rum. We prove that these theories are unitary to all orders. Unitarity is satisfied by the inclusion of only cuts from stable states in the unitarity sum. This removes the need to consider this as a ghost state in the unitarity sum. However, we often use a narrow-width approximation where we do include cuts through unstable states, and ignore cuts through the stable decay products. If we do this with the unstable ghost resonance at one loop, we get the correct answer only by using a contour which was originally defined by Lee and Wick. The quantum effects also provide damping in both the Feynman and the retarded propagators, leading to stability under perturbations.
We present a study of the Rayleigh-Taylor unstable regime of accretion onto rotating magnetized stars in a set of high grid resolution three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations performed in low-viscosity discs. We find that the bou ndary between the stable and unstable regimes is determined almost entirely by the fastness parameter omega_s=Omega_star/Omega_K(r_m), where Omega_star is the angular velocity of the star and Omega_K(r_m) is the angular velocity of the Keplerian disc at the disc-magnetosphere boundary r=r_m. We found that accretion is unstable if omega_s < 0.6. Accretion through instabilities is present in stars with different magnetospheric sizes. However, only in stars with relatively small magnetospheres, r_m/R_star < 7, do the unstable tongues produce chaotic hot spots on the stellar surface and irregular light-curves. At even smaller values of the fastness parameter, omega_s < 0.45, multiple irregular tongues merge, forming one or two ordered unstable tongues that rotate with the angular frequency of the inner disc. This transition occurs in stars with even smaller magnetospheres, r_m/R_star < 4.2. Most of our simulations were performed at a small tilt of the dipole magnetosphere, Theta=5 degrees, and a small viscosity parameter alpha=0.02. Test simulations at higher alpha values show that many more cases become unstable, and the light-curves become even more irregular. Test simulations at larger tilts of the dipole Theta show that instability is present, however, accretion in two funnel streams dominates if Theta > 15 degrees. The results of these simulations can be applied to accreting magnetized stars with relatively small magnetospheres: Classical T Tauri stars, accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars, and cataclysmics variables.
We investigated the boundary between stable and unstable regimes of accretion and its dependence on different parameters. Simulations were performed using a cubed sphere code with high grid resolution (244 grid points in the azimuthal direction), whi ch is twice as high as that used in our earlier studies. We chose a very low viscosity value, with alpha-parameter alpha=0.02. We observed from the simulations that the boundary strongly depends on the ratio between magnetospheric radius r_m (where the magnetic stress in the magnetosphere matches the matter stress in the disk) and corotation radius r_cor (where the Keplerian velocity in the disk is equal to the angular velocity of the star). For a small misalignment angle of the dipole field, Theta=5 degrees, accretion is unstable if r_cor/r_m>1.35, and is stable otherwise. In cases of a larger misalignment angle of the dipole, Theta=20 degrees, instability occurs at slightly larger values, r_cor/r_m>1.41.
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