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In this work we apply generalized A. Sparavigna method (use of freely available softwares (programs), e.g. http://www.sollumis.com/, http://suncalc.net/#/44.557,22.0265,13/2014.12.29/09:22, http://universimmedia.pagesperso-orange.fr/geo/loc.htm, http ://www.spectralcalc.com/solar_calculator/solar_position.php and http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Yourhorizon) for analysis of possible astronomical characteristics of three remarkable Giza, i.e. Cheops, Chephren and Mikerin pyramids. Concretely, we use mentioned programs for determination of the Giza plateau longitude and latitude, moments of the sunrise and sunset for any day at the Giza plateau, and, simulation of the sky horizon above Giza plateau in any moment of any day, respectively. In this way we obtain a series of the figures which unambiguously imply the following original results. Any of three remarkable Giza pyramids (Cheops, Chephren and Mikerin) holds only one characteristic edge between apex and north-west vertex of the base so that sunrise direction overlap almost exactly this edge during 28. October. (There is a small declination of the overlap date by Chephren pyramid by which overlap date is approximately 23. or 24. October.) Simultaneously, in the sunset moment for the same day, Taurus constellation (corresponding to holly bull in ancient Egypt mythology) appears at a point at the very eastern boundary of the sky horizon.
In this work we consider some old hypotheses according to which remarkable mesolithic village Lepenski Vir (9500 -- 5500 BC) at the right (nearly west) Danube riverside in the Iron gate in Serbia was an ancient (one of the oldest) Sun observatory. We use method recently suggested by A. C. Sparavigna, concretely we use freely available software or local Sun radiation direction simulation computer programs. In this way we obtain and discuss pictures of the sunrise in the Lepenski Vir during winter and summer solstice and spring and autumn equinox in relation to position of the mountains, especially Treskavac (Trescovat) and Kukuvija at left (nearly east) Danube riverside (in Romania). While mountain Kukuvija represents really the marker for the Sun in date of the winter solstice, mountain Treskavac, in despite to usual opinions, does not represent a real marker for the Sun in date of the summer solstice. Sun rises behind Treskavac, roughly speaking, between 22.April and 1. May. It corresponds to year period when heliacal rising of the Pleiades constellation occurs, which by many ancient cultures, e.g. Celts of northern Europe, denotes very beginning of the year. All this, in common with some archeological facts (house-shrine No.47 in the Lepenski Vir holds seven signs beside hearth which would correspond to the seven Pleiades stars), opens a possibility that Lepenski Vir was an ancient Pleiades constellation observatory.
59 - Vladan Pankovic 2013
In this work we suggest a simple theoretical model of the proton able to effectively solve proton spin crisis. Within domain of applicability of this simple model proton consists only of two u quarks and one d quarks (two of which have spin opposite to proton and one identical to proton) and one neutral vector phi meson (with spin two times larger than proton spin and directed identically to proton spin). This model is in full agreement not only with existing DIS experiments, but also with spin and electric charge conservation as well as in a satisfactory agreement with rest mass-energy conservation (since phi meson mass is close to proton rest mass). Our model opens an interesting possibility of the solution of the quarks and leptons families problem (proton is not an absolutely non-strange particle, but only a particle with almost totally effectively hidden strange). Also we suggest a possible first step toward the solution of the supersymmetry crisis using so-called superexclusion principle. According to this principle usual particles (electron, neutrino,...) can exist actually and virtually, while their supersymmetric partners, s-particles (selectron, neutralino, ...) can exist (super)exclusively virtually but not actually.
239 - Vladan Pankovic 2011
In this work we consider a possible conceptual similarity between recent, amazing OPERA experiment of the superluminal propagation of neutrino and experiment of the gain-assisted superluminal light propagation realized about ten years ago. Last exper iment refers on the propagation of the light, precisely laser pulse through a medium, precisely caesium atomic gas, with characteristic anomalous dispersion and corresponding negative group-velocity index with very large amplitude between two closely spaced gain lines (that is in some way similar to quantum theory of the ferromagnetism). It implies superluminal propagation of the light through this medium. Nevertheless all this, at it has been pointed out by authors, is not at odds with causality or special relativity, since it simply represents a direct consequence of the classical interference between ... different frequency components. We suggest that OPERA experiment can be in some way conceptually similar to the gain-assisted superluminal light propagation experiment. For this reason we suppose too that OPERA experiment can be simply explained in full agreement with causality and special relativity if there is some medium, precisely a scalar field (e.g. dark matter field, Higgs field or similar) through which neutrino propagates. We prove that, according to OPERA experiment data, supposed medium must be non-dispersive while its refractive index must be positive, smaller but relatively close to 1 (that is in some way similar to quantum theory of the diamagnetism). If it is true OPERA experiment results do not mean that special theory of relativity is broken, but they mean detection of suggested medium, i.e. a scalar field (e.g. dark matter field, Higgs field or similar).
Kelly and Leff demonstrated and discussed formal and conceptual similarities between basic thermodynamic formulas for the classical ideal gas and black body photon gas. Leff pointed out that thermodynamic formulas for the photon gas cannot be deduced completely by thermodynamic methods since these formulas hold two characteristic parameters, {it r} and {it b}, whose accurate values can be obtained exclusively by accurate methods of the quantum statistics (by explicit use of the Plancks or Bose-Einstein distribution). In this work we prove that the complete quantum thermodynamics of the black body photon gas can be done by simple, thermodynamic (non-statistical) methods. We prove that both mentioned parameters and corresponding variables (photons number and pressure) can be obtained very simply and practically exactly (with relative error about few percent), by non-statistical (without any use of the Plancks or Bose-Einstein distribution), quantum thermodynamic methods. Corner-stone of these methods represents a quantum thermodynamic stability condition that is, in some degree, very similar to quantum stability condition in the Bohr quantum atomic theory (de Broglies interpretation of the Bohr quantization postulate). Finally, we discuss conceptual similarities between black body photon gas entropy and Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy.
58 - Vladan Pankovic 2010
In this work we suggest (in a formal analogy with Linde chaotic inflation scenario) simple dynamical model of the dark energy or cosmological constant. Concretely, we suggest a Lagrangian dependent of Universe scale factor and scalar field (with cons tant and positive total energy density as cosmological constant). Then, Euler-Lagrange equation for Universe scale factor is equivalent to the second Friedman equation for the flat empty space with cosmological constant (in this sense our model is full agreement with recent astronomical observations). Also there is Euler-Lagrange equation for scalar field that includes additional friction term and negative first partial derivative of unknown potential energy density (this equation is, in some way, similar to Klein-Gordon equation modified for cosmic expansion in Linde chaotic inflation scenario). Finally, total time derivative of the (constant) scalar field total energy density must be zero. It implies third dynamical equation which is equivalent to usual Euler-Lagrange equation with positive partial derivative of unknown potential energy density (this equation is formally exactly equivalent to corresponding equation in static Universe). Last two equations admit simple exact determination of scalar field and potential energy density, while cosmological constant stands a free parameter. Potential energy density represents a square function of scalar field with unique maximum (dynamically non-stable point). Any initial scalar field tends (co-exponentially) during time toward the same final scalar field, argument of the maximum of the potential energy density. It admits a possibility that final dynamically non-stable scalar field value turns out spontaneously in any other scalar field value when all begins again (like Sisyphus boulder motion).
In this work we definitely prove a possibility that Milgroms modified Newtonian dynamics, MOND, can be consistently interpreted as a theory with the modified kinetic terms of the usual Newtonain dynamics, simply called k-MOND. Precisely, we suggest o nly a functional dependence between inertial and gravitational mass tending toward identity in the limit of large accelerations (characteristic for Newtonian dynamics and its relativistic generalizations) but which behaves as a principal non-identity in the limit of small accelerations (smaller than Milgroms acceleration constant). This functional dependence implies a generalization of the kinetic terms (without any change of the gravitational potential energy terms) in the usual Newtonain dynamics including generalization of corresponding Lagrange formalism. Such generalized dynamics, k-MOND, is identical to Milgroms MOND. Also, mentioned k-MOND distinction between inertial and gravitational mass would be formally treated as dark matter.
In this work we suggest a sufficiently simple for understanding without knowing the details of the quantum gravity and quite correct deduction of the Unruh temperature (but not whole Unruh radiation process!). Firstly, we shall directly apply usual c onsequences of the Unruh radiation and temperature at surface gravity of a large spherical physical system and we shall show that corresponding thermal energy can be formally quite correctly presented as the potential energy absolute value of the classical gravitational interaction between this large and a small quantum system with well defined characteristics. Secondly, we shall inversely postulate small quantum system with necessary well defined characteristics and then, after supposition on the equivalence between potential energy absolute value of its gravitational interaction with large system with thermal energy, we shall obtain exact value of the Unruh temperature. Moreover, by very simple and correct application of suggested formalism (with small quantum system) at thermodynamic laws, we shall successfully study other thermodynamic characteristics, especially entropy, characteristic for Unruh and Hawking radiation
In this work we consider some consequences of the Bohr-Sommerfeld-Hansson (Old or quasi-classical) quantum theory of the Newtonian gravity, i.e. of the gravitational atom. We prove that in this case (for gravitational central force and quantized angu lar momentum) centrifugal acceleration becomes formally-theoretically dependent (proportional to fourth degree) of the mass of gravitational electron rotating around gravitational nucleus for any quantum number (state). It seemingly leads toward a paradoxical breaking of the relativistic equivalence principle which contradicts to real experimental data. We demonstrate that this equivalence principle breaking does not really appear in the (quasi classical) quantum theory, but that it necessary appears only in a hypothetical extension of the quantum theory that needs a classical like interpretation of the Bohr-Sommerfeld angular momentum quantization postulate. It is, in some sense, similar to Bell-Aspect analysis that points out that a hypothetical deterministic extension of the quantum mechanics, in distinction to usual quantum mechanics, can reproduce experimental data if and only if it is non-local (superluminal) in contradiction with relativistic locality (luminality) principle.
In this work we consider a quantum variation of the usual Aharonov-Bohm effect with two solenoids sufficiently close one to the other so that (external) electron cannot propagate between two solenoids but only around both solenoids. Here magnetic fie ld (or classical vector potential of the electromagnetic field) acting at quantum propagating (external) electron represents the quantum mechanical average value or statistical mixture. It is obtained by wave function of single (internal, quantum propagating within some solenoid wire) electron (or homogeneous ensemble of such (internal) electrons) representing a quantum superposition with two practically non-interfering terms. All this implies that phase difference and interference shape translation of the quantum propagating (external) electron represent the quantum mechanical average value or statistical mixture. On the other hand we consider a classical analogy and variation of the usual Aharonov-Bohm effect in which Aharonov-Bohm solenoid is used for the primary coil inside secondary large coil in the remarkable classical Faraday experiment of the electromagnetic induction.

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