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100 - C. Gradl , M. Kempf , D. Schuh 2014
Due to its p-like character, the valence band in GaAs-based heterostructures offers rich and complex spin-dependent phenomena. One manifestation is the large anisotropy of Zeeman spin splitting. Using undoped, coupled quantum wells (QWs), we examine this anisotropy by comparing the hole spin dynamics for high- and low-symmetry crystallographic orientations of the QWs. We directly measure the hole $g$ factor via time-resolved Kerr rotation, and for the low-symmetry crystallographic orientations (110) and (113a), we observe a large in-plane anisotropy of the hole $g$ factor, in good agreement with our theoretical calculations. Using resonant spin amplification, we also observe an anisotropy of the hole spin dephasing in the (110)-grown structure, indicating that crystal symmetry may be used to control hole spin dynamics.
We study the optically induced spin polarization, spin dephasing and diffusion in several high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems, which are embedded in GaAs quantum wells grown on (110)-oriented substrates. The experimental techniques compris e a two-beam magneto-optical spectroscopy system and polarization-resolved photoluminescence. Under weak excitation conditions at liquid-helium temperatures, we observe spin lifetimes above 100 ns in one of our samples, which are reduced with increasing excitation density due to additional, hole-mediated, spin dephasing. The spin dynamic is strongly influenced by the carrier density and the ionization of remote donors, which can be controlled by temperature and above-barrier illumination. The absolute value of the average electron spin polarization in the samples is directly observable in the circular polarization of photoluminescence collected under circularly polarized excitation and reaches values of about 5 percent. Spin diffusion is studied by varying the distance between pump and probe beams in micro-spectroscopy experiments. We observe diffusion lengths above 100 $mu$m and, at high excitation intensity, a nonmonotonic dependence of the spin polarization on the pump-probe distance.
We have studied spin dephasing in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system (2DES), confined in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well grown in the [110] direction, using the resonant spin amplification (RSA) technique. From the characteristic shape of the RSA spectra, we are able to extract the spin dephasing times (SDT) for electron spins aligned along the growth direction or within the sample plane, as well as the $g$ factor. We observe a strong anisotropy in the spin dephasing times. While the in-plane SDT remains almost constant as the temperature is varied between 4 K and 50 K, the out-of-plane SDT shows a dramatic increase at a temperature of about 25 K and reaches values of about 100 ns. The SDTs at 4 K can be further increased by additional, weak above-barrier illumination. The origin of this unexpected behavior is discussed, the SDT enhancement is attributed to the redistribution of charge carriers between the electron gas and remote donors.
197 - T. Korn , S. Heydrich , M. Hirmer 2011
The band structure of MoS$_2$ strongly depends on the number of layers, and a transition from indirect to direct-gap semiconductor has been observed recently for a single layer of MoS$_2$. Single-layer MoS$_2$ therefore becomes an efficient emitter o f photoluminescence even at room temperature. Here, we report on scanning Raman and on temperature-dependent, as well as time-resolved photoluminescence measurements on single-layer MoS$_2$ flakes prepared by exfoliation. We observe the emergence of two distinct photoluminescence peaks at low temperatures. The photocarrier recombination at low temperatures occurs on the few-picosecond timescale, but with increasing temperatures, a biexponential photoluminescence decay with a longer-lived component is observed.
We have studied spin dephasing and spin diffusion in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system, embedded in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well grown in the [110] direction, by a two-beam Hanle experiment. For very low excitation density, we observe spi n lifetimes of more than 16 ns, which rapidly decrease as the pump intensity is increased. Two mechanisms contribute to this decrease: the optical excitation produces holes, which lead to a decay of electron spin via the Bir-Aranov-Pikus mechanism and recombination with spin-polarized electrons. By scanning the distance between the pump and probe beams, we observe the diffusion of spin-polarized electrons over more than 20 microns. For high pump intensity, the spin polarization in a distance of several microns from the pump beam is larger than at the pump spot, due to the reduced influence of photogenerated holes.
192 - S. Heydrich , M. Hirmer , C. Preis 2010
We have investigated antidot lattices, which were prepared on exfoliated graphene single layers via electron-beam lithography and ion etching, by means of scanning Raman spectroscopy. The peak positions, peak widths and intensities of the characteris tic phonon modes of the carbon lattice have been studied systematically in a series of samples. In the patterned samples, we found a systematic stiffening of the G band mode, accompanied by a line narrowing, while the 2D mode energies are found to be linearly correlated with the G mode energies. We interpret this as evidence for p-type doping of the nanostructured graphene.
We investigate the spin dynamics of high-mobility two-dimensional electrons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells grown along the $[001]$ and $[110]$ directions by time-resolved Faraday rotation at low temperatures. In measurements on the $(001)$-grown struct ures without external magnetic fields, we observe coherent oscillations of the electron spin polarization about the effective spin-orbit field. In non-quantizing magnetic fields applied normal to the sample plane, the cyclotron motion of the electrons rotates the effective spin-orbit field. This rotation leads to fast oscillations in the spin polarization about a non-zero value and a strong increase in the spin dephasing time in our experiments. These two effects are absent in the $(110)$-grown structure due to the different symmetry of its effective spin-orbit field. The measurements are in excellent agreement with our theoretical model.
209 - T. Korn , M. Kugler , M. Griesbeck 2009
For the realisation of scalable solid-state quantum-bit systems, spins in semiconductor quantum dots are promising candidates. A key requirement for quantum logic operations is a sufficiently long coherence time of the spin system. Recently, hole spi ns in III-V-based quantum dots were discussed as alternatives to electron spins, since the hole spin, in contrast to the electron spin, is not affected by contact hyperfine interaction with the nuclear spins. Here, we report a breakthrough in the spin coherence times of hole ensembles, confined in so called natural quantum dots, in narrow GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at temperatures below 500 mK. Consistently, time-resolved Faraday rotation and resonant spin amplification techniques deliver hole-spin coherence times, which approach in the low magnetic field limit values above 70 ns. The optical initialisation of the hole spin polarisation, as well as the interconnected electron and hole spin dynamics in our samples are well reproduced using a rate equation model.
122 - M. Kugler , T. Andlauer , T. Korn 2009
We have investigated spin and carrier dynamics of resident holes in high-mobility two-dimensional hole systems in GaAs/Al$_{0.3}$Ga$_{0.7}$As single quantum wells at temperatures down to 400 mK. Time-resolved Faraday and Kerr rotation, as well as tim e-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy are utilized in our study. We observe long-lived hole spin dynamics that are strongly temperature dependent, indicating that in-plane localization is crucial for hole spin coherence. By applying a gate voltage, we are able to tune the observed hole g factor by more than 50 percent. Calculations of the hole g tensor as a function of the applied bias show excellent agreement with our experimental findings.
Semiconductor structures using ferromagnetic semiconductors as spin injectors are promising systems for future spintronic devices. Here, we present combined photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved magneto-optical experiments of a nominally nonmagnet ic quantum well(QW) separated by a thin barrier from a ferromagnetic Ga(Mn)As layer. Due to the partial quenching of the PL, we conclude that there is a significant Mn backdiffusion into the QW. Moreover, from the time-resolved measurements, we infer that the Mn leads to n-type doping within the QW, and, in addition, strongly increases the electron spin dephasing time.

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