ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

69 - Matthew Kleban 2011
Current theories of the origin of the Universe, including string theory, predict the existence of a multiverse containing many bubble universes. These bubble universes will generically collide, and collisions with ours produce cosmic wakes that enter our Hubble volume, appear as unusually symmetric disks in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and disturb large scale structure (LSS). There is preliminary observational evidence consistent with one or more of these disturbances on our sky. However, other sources can produce similar features in the CMB temperature map and so additional signals are needed to verify their extra-universal origin. Here we find, for the first time, the detailed three-dimensional shape and CMB temperature and polarization signals of the cosmic wake of a bubble collision in the early universe consistent with current observations. The predicted polarization pattern has distinctive features that when correlated with the corresponding temperature pattern are a unique and striking signal of a bubble collision. These features represent the first verifiable prediction of the multiverse paradigm and might be detected by current experiments such as Planck and future CMB polarization missions. A detection of a bubble collision would confirm the existence of the Multiverse, provide compelling evidence for the string theory landscape, and sharpen our picture of the Universe and its origins.
We present a new mechanism for slow-roll inflation based on higher dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory compactified to four dimensions with twisted (supersymmetry breaking) boundary conditions. These boundary conditions lead to a potential for di rections in field space that would have been flat were supersymmetry preserved. For field values in these directions much larger than the supersymmetry-breaking scale, the flatness of the potential is nearly restored. Starting in this nearly flat region, inflation can occur as the theory relaxes towards the origin of field space. Near the origin, the potential becomes steep and the theory quickly descends to a confining gauge theory in which the inflaton does not exist as a particle. This confining gauge theory could be part of the Standard Model (QCD) or a natural dark matter sector; we comment on various scenarios for reheating. As a specific illustration of this mechanism, we discuss 4+1 dimensional maximally supersymmetric gauge theory on a circle with antiperiodic boundary conditions for fermions. When the theory is weakly coupled at the compactification scale, we calculate the inflaton potential directly in field theory by integrating out the heavy W-bosons and their superpartners. At strong coupling the model can be studied using a gravity dual, which realizes a new model of brane inflation on a non-supersymmetric throat geometry. Assuming there exists a UV completion that avoids the eta-problem, predictions from our model are consistent with present observations, and imply a small tensor-to-scalar ratio.
We study large scale structure in the cosmology of Coleman-de Luccia bubble collisions. Within a set of controlled approximations we calculate the effects on galaxy motion seen from inside a bubble which has undergone such a collision. We find that g enerically bubble collisions lead to a coherent bulk flow of galaxies on some part of our sky, the details of which depend on the initial conditions of the collision and redshift to the galaxy in question. With other parameters held fixed the effects weaken as the amount of inflation inside our bubble grows, but can produce measurable flows past the number of efolds required to solve the flatness and horizon problems.
We show that M-theory admits a supersymmetric compactification to the Godel universe of the form Godel3 x S2 x CY3. We interpret this geometry as coming from the backreaction of M2-branes wrapping the S2 in an AdS3 x S2 x CY3 flux compactification. I n the black hole deconstruction proposal similar states give rise to the entropy of a D4-D0 black hole. The system is effectively described by a three-dimensional theory consisting of an axion-dilaton coupled to gravity with a negative cosmological constant. Other embeddings of the three-dimensional theory imply similar supersymmetric Godel compactifications of type IIA/IIB string theory and F-theory.
We extend our previous work on the cosmology of Coleman-de Luccia bubble collisions. Within a set of approximations we calculate the effects on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as seen from inside a bubble which has undergone such a collision. W e find that the effects are always qualitatively similar--an anisotropy that depends only on the angle to the collision direction--but can produce a cold or hot spot of varying size, as well as power asymmetries along the axis determined by the collision. With other parameters held fixed the effects weaken as the amount of inflation which took place inside our bubble grows, but generically survive order 10 efolds past what is required to solve the horizon and flatness problems. In some regions of parameter space the effects can survive arbitrarily long inflation.
We analyze the cosmological signatures visible to an observer in a Coleman-de Luccia bubble when another such bubble collides with it. We use a gluing procedure to generalize the results of Freivogel, Horowitz, and Shenker to the case of a general co smological constant in each bubble and study the resulting spacetimes. The collision breaks the isotropy and homogeneity of the bubble universe and provides a cosmological axis of evil which can affect the cosmic microwave background in several unique and potentially detectable ways. Unlike more conventional perturbations to the inflationary initial state, these signatures can survive even relatively long periods of inflation. In addition, we find that for a given collision the observers in the bubble with smaller cosmological constant are safest from collisions with domain walls, possibly providing another anthropic selection principle for small positive vacuum energy.

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