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We present sCOLA -- an extension of the N-body COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration (COLA) method to the spatial domain. Similar to the original temporal-domain COLA, sCOLA is an N-body method for solving for large-scale structure in a frame that is como ving with observers following trajectories calculated in Lagrangian Perturbation Theory. Incorporating the sCOLA method in an N-body code allows one to gain computational speed by capturing the gravitational potential from the far field using perturbative techniques, while letting the N-body code solve only for the near field. The far and near fields are completely decoupled, effectively localizing gravity for the N-body side of the code. Thus, running an N-body code for a small simulation volume using sCOLA can reproduce the results of a standard N-body run for the same small volume embedded inside a much larger simulation. We demonstrate that sCOLA can be safely combined with the original temporal-domain COLA. sCOLA can be used as a method for performing zoom-in simulations. It also allows N-body codes to be made embarrassingly parallel, thus allowing for efficiently tiling a volume of interest using grid computing. Moreover, sCOLA can be useful for cheaply generating large ensembles of accurate mock halo catalogs required to study galaxy clustering. Surveys that will benefit the most are ones with large aspect ratios, such as pencil-beam surveys, where sCOLA can easily capture the effects of large-scale transverse modes without the need to substantially increase the simulated volume. As an illustration of the method, we present proof-of-concept zoom-in simulations using a freely available sCOLA-based N-body code.
109 - Svetlin Tassev 2013
Motivated by the results presented in a companion paper, here we give a simple analytical expression for the matter n-point functions in the Zeldovich approximation (ZA) both in real and in redshift space (including the angular case). We present nume rical results for the 2-dimensional redshift-space correlation function, as well as for the equilateral configuration for the real-space 3-point function. We compare those to the tree-level results. Our analysis is easily extendable to include Lagrangian bias, as well as higher-order perturbative corrections to the ZA. The results should be especially useful for modelling probes of large-scale structure in the linear regime, such as the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. We make the numerical code used in this paper freely available.
182 - Svetlin Tassev 2013
We present a pedagogical systematic investigation of the accuracy of Eulerian and Lagrangian perturbation theories of large-scale structure. We show that significant differences exist between them especially when trying to model the Baryon Acoustic O scillations (BAO). We find that the best available model of the BAO in real space is the Zeldovich Approximation (ZA), giving an accuracy of <~3% at redshift of z=0 in modelling the matter 2-pt function around the acoustic peak. All corrections to the ZA around the BAO scale are perfectly perturbative in real space. Any attempt to achieve better precision requires calibrating the theory to simulations because of the need to renormalize those corrections. In contrast, theories which do not fully preserve the ZA as their solution, receive O(1) corrections around the acoustic peak in real space at z=0, and are thus of suspicious convergence at low redshift around the BAO. As an example, we find that a similar accuracy of 3% for the acoustic peak is achieved by Eulerian Standard Perturbation Theory (SPT) at linear order only at z~4. Thus even when SPT is perturbative, one needs to include loop corrections for z<~4 in real space. In Fourier space, all models perform similarly, and are controlled by the overdensity amplitude, thus recovering standard results. However, that comes at a price. Real space cleanly separates the BAO signal from non-linear dynamics. In contrast, Fourier space mixes signal from short mildly non-linear scales with the linear signal from the BAO to the level that non-linear contributions from short scales dominate. Therefore, one has little hope in constructing a systematic theory for the BAO in Fourier space.
We present the COmoving Lagrangian Acceleration (COLA) method: an N-body method for solving for Large Scale Structure (LSS) in a frame that is comoving with observers following trajectories calculated in Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT). Unlike s tandard N-body methods, the COLA method can straightforwardly trade accuracy at small-scales in order to gain computational speed without sacrificing accuracy at large scales. This is especially useful for cheaply generating large ensembles of accurate mock halo catalogs required to study galaxy clustering and weak lensing, as those catalogs are essential for performing detailed error analysis for ongoing and future surveys of LSS. As an illustration, we ran a COLA-based N-body code on a box of size 100Mpc/h with particles of mass ~5*10^9Msolar/h. Running the code with only 10 timesteps was sufficient to obtain an accurate description of halo statistics down to halo masses of at least 10^11Msolar/h. This is only at a modest speed penalty when compared to mocks obtained with LPT. A standard detailed N-body run is orders of magnitude slower than our COLA-based code. The speed-up we obtain with COLA is due to the fact that we calculate the large-scale dynamics exactly using LPT, while letting the N-body code solve for the small scales, without requiring it to capture exactly the internal dynamics of halos. Achieving a similar level of accuracy in halo statistics without the COLA method requires at least 3 times more timesteps than when COLA is employed.
The Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the large-scale structure of the universe leave a distinct peak in the two-point correlation function of the matter distribution. That acoustic peak is smeared and shifted by bulk flows and non-linear evoluti on. However, it has been shown that it is still possible to sharpen the peak and remove its shift by undoing the effects of the bulk flows. We propose an improvement to the standard acoustic peak reconstruction. Contrary to the standard approach, the new scheme has no free parameters, treats the large-scale modes consistently, and uses optimal filters to extract the BAO information. At redshift of zero, the reconstructed linear matter power spectrum leads to a markedly improved sharpening of the reconstructed acoustic peak compared to standard reconstruction.
We obtain approximations for the CDM particle trajectories starting from Lagrangian Perturbation Theory. These estimates for the CDM trajectories result in approximations for the density in real and redshift space, as well as for the momentum density that are better than what standard Eulerian and Lagrangian perturbation theory give. For the real space density, we find that our proposed approximation gives a good cross-correlation (>95%) with the non-linear density down to scales almost twice smaller than the non-linear scale, and six times smaller than the corresponding scale obtained using linear theory. This allows for a speed-up of an order of magnitude or more in the scanning of the cosmological parameter space with N-body simulations for the scales relevant for the baryon acoustic oscillations. Possible future applications of our method include baryon acoustic peak reconstruction, building mock galaxy catalogs, momentum field reconstruction.
We present a simple physically motivated picture for the mildly non-linear regime of structure formation, which captures the effects of the bulk flows. We apply this picture to develop a method to significantly reduce the sample variance in cosmologi cal N-body simulations at the scales relevant to the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). The results presented in this paper will allow for a speed-up of an order of magnitude (or more) in the scanning of the cosmological parameter space using N-body simulations for studies which require a good handle of the mildly non-linear regime, such as those targeting the BAO. Using this physical picture we develop a simple formula, which allows for the rapid calculation of the mildly non-linear matter power spectrum to percent level accuracy, and for robust estimation of the BAO scale.
132 - Svetlin Tassev 2010
We present a new formalism to study large-scale structure in the universe. The result is a hierarchy (which we call the Helmholtz Hierarchy) of equations describing the phase space statistics of cold dark matter (CDM). The hierarchy features a physic al ordering parameter which interpolates between the Zeldovich approximation and fully-fledged gravitational interactions. The results incorporate the effects of stream crossing. We show that the Helmholtz hierarchy is self-consistent and obeys causality to all orders. We present an interpretation of the hierarchy in terms of effective particle trajectories.

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