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We theoretically evaluate establishing remote entanglement between distinguishable matter qubits through interference and detection of two emitted photons. The fidelity of the entanglement operation is analyzed as a function of the temporal and frequ ency mode-matching between the photons emitted from each quantum memory. With a general analysis, we define limits on the absolute magnitudes of temporal and frequency mode-mismatches in order to maintain entanglement fidelities greater than 99% with two-photon detection efficiencies greater than 90%. We apply our analysis to several selected systems of quantum memories. Results indicate that high fidelities may be achieved in each system using current experimental techniques, while maintaining acceptable rates of entanglement. Thus, it might be possible to use two-photon-mediated entanglement operations between distinguishable quantum memories to establish a network for quantum communication and distributed quantum computation.
We perform randomized benchmarking on neutral atomic quantum bits (qubits) confined in an optical lattice. Single qubit gates are implemented using microwaves, resulting in a measured error per randomized computational gate of 1.4(1) x 10^-4 that is dominated by the system T2 relaxation time. The results demonstrate the robustness of the system, and its viability for more advanced quantum information protocols.
Quantum teleportation is the faithful transfer of quantum states between systems, relying on the prior establishment of entanglement and using only classical communication during the transmission. We report teleportation of quantum information betwee n atomic quantum memories separated by about 1 meter. A quantum bit stored in a single trapped ytterbium ion (Yb+) is teleported to a second Yb+ atom with an average fidelity of 90% over a replete set of states. The teleportation protocol is based on the heralded entanglement of the atoms through interference and detection of photons emitted from each atom and guided through optical fibers. This scheme may be used for scalable quantum computation and quantum communication.
Trapped atomic ions have proven to be one of the most promising candidates for the realization of quantum computation due to their long trapping times, excellent coherence properties, and exquisite control of the internal atomic states. Integrating i ons (quantum memory) with photons (distance link) offers a unique path to large-scale quantum computation and long-distance quantum communication. In this article, we present a detailed review of the experimental implementation of a heralded photon-mediated quantum gate between remote ions, and the employment of this gate to perform a teleportation protocol between two ions separated by a distance of about one meter.
We present a precise measurement of the lifetime of the 6p 2P_1/2 excited state of a single trapped ytterbium ion (Yb+). A time-correlated single-photon counting technique is used, where ultrafast pulses excite the ion and the emitted photons are cou pled into a single-mode optical fiber. By performing the measurement on a single atom with fast excitation and excellent spatial filtering, we are able to eliminate common systematics. The lifetime of the 6p 2P_1/2 state is measured to be 8.12 +/- 0.02 ns.
We demonstrate the use of trapped ytterbium ions as quantum bits for quantum information processing. We implement fast, efficient state preparation and state detection of the first-order magnetic field-insensitive hyperfine levels of 171Yb+, with a m easured coherence time of 2.5 seconds. The high efficiency and high fidelity of these operations is accomplished through the stabilization and frequency modulation of relevant laser sources.

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