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Ground states of interacting QFTs are non-gaussian states, i.e. their connected n-point correlation functions do not vanish for n>2, in contrast to the free QFT case. We show that when the ground state of an interacting QFT evolves under a free massi ve QFT for a long time (a scenario that can be realised by a Quantum Quench), the connected correlation functions decay and all local physical observables equilibrate to values that are given by a gaussian density matrix that keeps memory only of the two-point initial correlation function. The argument hinges upon the fundamental physical principle of cluster decomposition, which is valid for the ground state of a general QFT. An analogous result was already known to be valid in the case of d=1 spatial dimensions, where it is a special case of the so-called Generalised Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) hypothesis, and we now generalise it to higher dimensions. Moreover in the case of massless free evolution, despite the fact that the evolution may not lead to equilibration but unbounded increase of correlations with time instead, the GGE gives correctly the leading order asymptotic behaviour of correlation functions in the thermodynamic and large time limit. The demonstration is performed in the context of bosonic relativistic QFT, but the arguments apply more generally.
In the majority of the analytical verifications of the conjecture that the Generalised Gibbs Ensemble describes the large time asymptotics of local observables in quantum quench problems, both the post-quench and the pre-quench Hamiltonians are essen tially noninteracting. We test this conjecture studying the field correlations in the more general case of an arbitrary pre-quench Hamiltonian, while keeping the post-quench one noninteracting. We first show that in the previously studied special case of a noninteracting pre-quench Hamiltonian, the validity of the conjecture is a consequence of Wicks theorem. We then show that it is also valid in the general case of an arbitrary interacting pre-quench Hamiltonian, but this time as a consequence of the cluster decomposition property of the initial state, which is a fundamental principle for generic physical states. For arbitrary initial states that do not satisfy the cluster decomposition property, the above conjecture is not generally true. As a byproduct of our investigation we obtain an analytical derivation of earlier numerical results for the large time evolution of correlations after a quantum quench of the interaction in the Lieb-Liniger model from a nonzero value to zero.
We study a quantum quench of the mass and the interaction in the Sinh-Gordon model starting from a large initial mass and zero initial coupling. Our focus is on the determination of the expansion of the initial state in terms of post-quench excitatio ns. We argue that the large energy profile of the involved excitations can be relevant for the late time behaviour of the system and common regularization schemes are unreliable. We therefore proceed in determining the initial state by first principles expanding it in a systematic and controllable fashion on the basis of the asymptotic states. Our results show that, for the special limit of pre-quench parameters we consider, it assumes a squeezed state form that has been shown to evolve so as to exhibit the equilibrium behaviour predicted by the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble.
We consider a quantum quench of the trap frequency in a system of bosons interacting through an inverse-square potential and confined in a harmonic trap (the harmonic Calogero model). We determine exactly the initial state in terms of the post-quench eigenstates and derive the time evolution of simple physical observables. Since this model possesses an infinite set of integrals of motion (IoM) that allow its exact solution, a generalised Gibbs ensemble (GGE), i.e. a statistical ensemble that takes into account the conservation of all IoM, can be proposed in order to describe the values of local physical observables long after the quench. Even though, due to the presence of the trap, physical observables do not exhibit equilibration but periodic evolution, such a GGE may still describe correctly their time averaged values. We check this analytically for the local boson density and find that the GGE conjecture is indeed valid, in the thermodynamic limit.
Motivated by experiments on splitting one-dimensional quasi-condensates, we study the statistics of the work done by a quantum quench in a bosonic system. We discuss the general features of the probability distribution of the work and focus on its be haviour at the lowest energy threshold, which develops an edge singularity. A formal connection between this probability distribution and the critical Casimir effect in thin classical films shows that certain features of the edge singularity are universal as the post-quench gap tends to zero. Our results are quantitatively illustrated by an exact calculation for non-interacting bosonic systems. The effects of finite system size, dimensionality, and non-zero initial temperature are discussed in detail.
We study the problem of a quantum quench in which the initial state is the ground state of an inhomogeneous hamiltonian, in two different models, conformal field theory and ordinary free field theory, which are known to exhibit thermalisation of fini te regions in the homogeneous case. We derive general expressions for the evolution of the energy flow and correlation functions, as well as the entanglement entropy in the conformal case. Comparison of the results of the two approaches in the regime of their common validity shows agreement up to a point further discussed. Unlike the thermal analogue, the evolution in our problem is non-diffusive and can be physically interpreted using an intuitive picture of quasiparticles emitted from the initial time hypersurface and propagating semiclassically.

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