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We study the degree of polynomial representations of knots. We give the lexicographic degree of all two-bridge knots with 11 or fewer crossings. First, we estimate the total degree of a lexicographic parametrisation of such a knot. This allows us to transform this problem into a study of real algebraic trigonal plane curves, and in particular to use the braid theoretical method developed by Orevkov.
Let $K$ be a link of Conways normal form $C(m)$, $m geq 0$, or $C(m,n)$ with $mntextgreater{}0$, and let $D$ be a trigonal diagram of $K.$ We show that it is possible to transform $D$ into an alternating trigonal diagram, so that all intermediate dia grams remain trigonal, and the number of crossings never increases.
We study the degree of polynomial representations of knots. We obtain the lexicographic degree for two-bridge torus knots and generalized twist knots. The proof uses the braid theoretical method developed by Orevkov to study real plane curves, combin ed with previous results from [KP10] and [BKP14]. We also give a sharp lower bound for the lexicographic degree of any knot, using real polynomial curves properties.
The harmonic knot $H(a,b,c)$ is parametrized as $K(t)= (T_a(t) ,T_b (t), T_c (t))$ where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are pairwise coprime integers and $T_n$ is the degree $n$ Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. We classify the harmonic knots $H(a,b,c)$ for $ a le 4. $ We study the knots $H (2n-1, 2n, 2n+1),$ the knots $H(5,n,n+1),$ and give a table of the simplest harmonic knots.
We give necessary conditions for a polynomial to be the Conway polynomial of a two-bridge link. As a consequence, we obtain simple proofs of the classical theorems of Murasugi and Hartley. We give a modulo 2 congruence for links, which implies the cl assical modulo 2 Murasugi congruence for knots. We also give sharp bounds for the coefficients of the Conway and Alexander polynomials of a two-bridge link. These bounds improve and generalize those of Nakanishi and Suketa.
A Chebyshev knot is a knot which admits a parametrization of the form $ x(t)=T_a(t); y(t)=T_b(t) ; z(t)= T_c(t + phi), $ where $a,b,c$ are pairwise coprime, $T_n(t)$ is the Chebyshev polynomial of degree $n,$ and $phi in RR .$ Chebyshev knots are n on compact analogues of the classical Lissajous knots. We show that there are infinitely many Chebyshev knots with $phi = 0.$ We also show that every knot is a Chebyshev knot.
A Chebyshev curve C(a,b,c,phi) has a parametrization of the form x(t)=Ta(t); y(t)=T_b(t) ; z(t)= Tc(t + phi), where a,b,c are integers, Tn(t) is the Chebyshev polynomial of degree n and phi in RR. When C(a,b,c,phi) has no double points, it defines a polynomial knot. We determine all possible knots when a, b and c are given.
A Chebyshev knot ${cal C}(a,b,c,phi)$ is a knot which has a parametrization of the form $ x(t)=T_a(t); y(t)=T_b(t) ; z(t)= T_c(t + phi), $ where $a,b,c$ are integers, $T_n(t)$ is the Chebyshev polynomial of degree $n$ and $phi in R.$ We show that any two-bridge knot is a Chebyshev knot with $a=3$ and also with $a=4$. For every $a,b,c$ integers ($a=3, 4$ and $a$, $b$ coprime), we describe an algorithm that gives all Chebyshev knots $cC(a,b,c,phi)$. We deduce a list of minimal Chebyshev representations of two-bridge knots with small crossing number.
We show that every two-bridge knot $K$ of crossing number $N$ admits a polynomial parametrization $x=T_3(t), y = T_b(t), z =C(t)$ where $T_k(t)$ are the Chebyshev polynomials and $b+deg C = 3N$. If $C (t)= T_c(t)$ is a Chebyshev polynomial, we call s uch a knot a harmonic knot. We give the classification of harmonic knots for $a le 3.$ Most results are derived from continued fractions and their matrix representations.
We show that the Conway polynomials of Fibonacci links are Fibonacci polynomials modulo 2. We deduce that, when $ n otequiv 0 Mod 4$ and $(n,j) eq (3,3),$ the Fibonacci knot $ cF_j^{(n)} $ is not a Lissajous knot.

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