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Cu${}_{50-x}$Zr${}_{x}$ (x = 50, 54, 60 and 66.6) polycrystalline alloys were prepared by arc-melting. The crystal structure of the ingots has been examined by X-ray diffraction. Non-equilibrium martensitic phases with monoclinic structure were detec ted in all the alloys except Cu${}_{33.4}$Zr${}_{66.6}$. Temperature dependencies of electrical resistivity in the temperature range of T = 4 - 300 K have been measured as well as room temperature values of Hall coefficients and thermal conductivity. Electrical resistivity demonstrates anomalous behavior. At the temperatures lower than 20 K, their temperature dependencies are non-monotonous with pronounced minima. At elevated temperatures they have sufficiently non-linear character which cannot be described within framework of the standard Bloch--Gr{u}neisen model. We propose generalized Bloch--Gr{u}neisen model with variable Debye temperature which describes experimental resistivity dependencies with high accuracy. We found that both the electrical resistivity and the Hall coefficients reveal metallic-type conductivity in the Cu-Zr alloys. The estimated values of both the charge carrier mobility and the phonon contribution to thermal and electric conductivity indicate the strong lattice defects and structure disorder.
Usual paradigm in the theory of electron transport is related to the fact that the dielectric permittivity of the insulator is assumed to be constant, no time dispersion. We take into account the slow polarization dynamics of the dielectric layers in the tunnel barriers in the fluctuating electric fields induced by single-electron tunneling events and study transport in the single electron transistor (SET). Here slow dielectric implies slow compared to the characteristic time scales of the SET charging-discharging effects. We show that for strong enough polarizability, such that the induced charge on the island is comparable with the elementary charge, the transport properties of the SET substantially deviate from the known results of transport theory of SET. In particular, the coulomb blockade is more pronounced at finite temperature, the conductance peaks change their shape and the current-voltage characteristics show the memory-effect (hysteresis). However, in contrast to SETs with ferroelectric tunnel junctions, here the periodicity of the conductance in the gate voltage is not broken, instead the period strongly depends on the polarizability of the gate-dielectric. We uncover the fine structure of the hysteresis-effect where the large hysteresis loop may include a number of smaller loops. Also we predict the memory effect in the current-voltage characteristics $I(V)$, with $I(V) eq -I(-V)$.
The fundamental property of most single-electron devices with quasicontinuous quasiparticle spectrum on the island is the periodicity of their transport characteristics in the gate voltage. This property is robust even with respect to placing the fer roelectric insulators in the source and drain tunnel junctions. We show that placing the ferroelectric inside the gate capacitance breaks this periodicity. The current-voltage characteristics of this SET strongly depends on the ferroelectric polarization and shows the giant memory-effect even for negligible ferroelectric hysteresis making this device promising for memory applications.
Using the molecular dynamics simulations we investigate properties of velocity autocorrelation function of Lennard-Jones fluid at long and intermediate time scales in wide ranges of temperature and density. We show that the amplitudes of the leading and subleading VAF time asymptotes, $a_1$ and $a_2$, show essentially non monotonous temperature and density dependence. There are two lines on temperature-density plain corresponding to maxima of $a_1$ ($a_2$) along isochors and isotherms situated in the supercritical fluid (hydrodynamic anomalies). These lines give insight into the stages of the fluid evolution into gas.
We investigate the force between plasmonic nanoparticle and highly excited two-level system (molecule). Usually van der Waals force between nanoscale electrically neutral systems is monotonic and attractive at moderate and larger distances and repuls ive at small distances. In our system, the van der Waals force acting on molecule has optical nature. At moderate distances it is attractive as usual but its strength highly increases in a narrow distance ranges (lacunas). We show that quantum fluctuations of (quasi)continuum of multipole plasmons of high, nearly infinite degree altogether form effective environment and determine the interaction force while their spectral peculiarities stand behind the large and narrow lacunas in force. We solve exactly the Hamiltonian problem and discuss the role of the dissipation.
We consider the behavior of Fermi atoms on optical superlattices with two-well structure of each node. Fermions on such lattices serve as an analog simulator of Fermi type Hamiltonian. We derive a mapping between fermion quantum ordering in the optic al superlattices and the spin-orbital physics developed for degenerate $d$-electron compounds. The appropriate effective spin-orbital model appears to be the modification of the Kugel-Khomskii Hamiltonian. We show how different ground states of this Hamiltonian correspond to particular spin-pseudospin arrangement patterns of fermions on the lattice. The dependence of fermion arrangement on phases of complex hopping amplitudes is illustrated.
We investigate generalized Sherrington--Kirkpatrick glassy systems without reflection symmetry. In the neighbourhood of the transition temperature we in general uncover the structure of the glass state building the full-replica-symmetry breaking solu tion. Physical example of explicitly constructed solution is given.
We investigate the generalized p-spin models that contain arbitrary diagonal operators U with no reflection symmetry. We derive general equations that give an opportunity to uncover the behavior of the system near the glass transition at different (c ontinuous) p. The quadrupole glass with J=1 is considered as an illustrating example. It is shown that the crossover from continuous to discontinuous glass transition to one-step replica breaking solution takes place at p=3.3 for this model. For p <2+Delta p, where Delta p= 0.5 is a finite value, stable 1RSB-solution disappears. This behaviour is strongly different from that of the p-spin Ising glass model.
The local order units of dense simple liquid are typically three dimensional (close packed) clusters: hcp, fcc and icosahedrons. We show that the fluid demonstrates the superstable tetrahedral local order up to temperatures several orders of magnitud e higher than the melting temperature and down to critical density. While the solid-like local order (hcp, fcc) disappears in the fluid at much lower temperatures and far above critical density. We conclude that the supercritical fluid shows the temperature (density) driven two stage melting of the three dimensional local order. We also find that the structure relaxation times in the supercritical fluid are much larger than ones estimated for weakly interactive gas even far above the melting line.
We investigate the dynamics of the spaser-based nanolaser in the strong incoherent pumping regime in the quantum limit when the photon number is the order of unity. We consider the situation where the newly irradiated photon finds itself in the cloud of earlier irradiated photons that are not thermalized. As the result the entanglement of nanoparticle with quantum dot degrees of freedom in the nanolaser and the lasing intensity increases several times. In fact the nonthermal bath effectively makes the nanolaser more quantum and master equation for the nanolaser density matrix nonlinear and selfconsistent.

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