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Experimentally detected ultrafast spin-avalanches spreading in crystals of molecular (nano)magnets (Decelle et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 027203 (2009)), have been recently explained in terms of magnetic detonation (Modestov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 207208 (2011)). Here magnetic detonation structure is investigated by taking into account transport processes of the crystals such as thermal conduction and volume viscosity. In contrast to the previously suggested model, the transport processes result in smooth profiles of the most important thermodynamical crystal parameters - such as temperature, density and pressure - all over the magnetic detonation front including the leading shock, which is one of the key regions of magnetic detonation. In the case of zero volume viscosity, thermal conduction leads to an isothermal discontinuity instead of the shock, for which temperature is continuous while density and pressure experience jump.
We obtain a fundamental instability of the magnetization-switching fronts in super-paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials such as crystals of nanomagnets, ferromagnetic nanowires, and systems of quantum dots with large spin. We develop the instabil ity theory for both linear and nonlinear stages. By using numerical simulations we investigate the instability properties focusing on spin avalanches in crystals of nanomagnets. The instability distorts spontaneously the fronts and leads to a complex multidimensional front dynamics. We show that the instability has a universal physical nature, with a deep relationship to a wide variety of physical systems, such as the Darrieus-Landau instability of deflagration fronts in combustion, inertial confinement fusion and thermonuclear su- pernovae, and the instability of doping fronts in organic semiconductors.
A scalar Wigner distribution function for describing polarized light is proposed in analogy with the treatment of spin variables in quantum kinetic theory. The formalism is applied to the propagation of circularly polarized light in nonlinear Kerr me dia and an extended phase space evolution equation is derived along with invariant quantities. We further consider modulation instability as well as the extension to partially coherent fields.
We discuss a two-fold extension of QED assuming the presence of strong external fields provided by an ultra-intense laser and noncommutativity of spacetime. While noncommutative effects leave the electrons intensity induced mass shift unchanged, the photons change significantly in character: they acquire a quasi-momentum that is no longer light-like. We study the consequences of this combined noncommutative strong-field effect for basic lepton-photon interactions.
For quantum effects to be significant in plasmas it is often assumed that the temperature over density ratio must be small. In this paper we challenge this assumption by considering the contribution to the dynamics from the electron spin properties. As a starting point we consider a multicomponent plasma model, where electrons with spin up and spin down are regarded as different fluids. By studying the propagation of Alfv{e}n wave solitons we demonstrate that quantum effects can survive in a relatively high-temperature plasma. The consequences of our results are discussed.
Starting from the governing equations for a quantum magnetoplasma including the quantum Bohm potential and electron spin-1/2 effects, we show that the system of quantum magnetohydrodynamic (QMHD) equations admit rarefactive solitons due to the balanc e between nonlinearities and quantum diffraction/tunneling effects. It is found that the electron spin-1/2 effect introduces a pressure-like term with negative sign in the QMHD equations, which modifies the shape of the solitary magnetosonic waves and makes them wider and shallower. Numerical simulations of the time-dependent system shows the development of rarefactive QMHD solitary waves that are modified by the spin effects.
The three-dimensional instability of two coupled electromagnetic waves in an unmagnetized plasma is investigated theoretically and numerically. In the regime of two-plasmon decay, where one pump wave frequency is approximately twice the electron plas ma frequency, we find that the coupled pump waves give rise to enhanced instability with wave vectors between those of the two beams. In the case of ion parametric decay instability, where the pump wave decays into one Langmuir wave and one ion acoustic wave, the instability regions are added with no distinct amplification. Our investigation can be useful in interpreting laser-plasma as well as ionospheric heating experiments.

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