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Entrywise powers of matrices have been well-studied in the literature, and have recently received renewed attention in the regularization of high-dimensional correlation matrices. In this paper, we study powers of positive semidefinite block matrices $(H_{st})_{s,t=1}^n$ with complex entries. We first characterize the powers $alphainmathbb{R}$ such that the blockwise power map $(H_{st}) mapsto (H_{st}^alpha)$ preserves Loewner positivity. The characterization is obtained by exploiting connections with the theory of matrix monotone functions developed by Loewner. Second, we revisit previous work by Choudhury [Proc. AMS 108] who had provided a lower bound on $alpha$ for preserving positivity when the blocks $H_{st}$ pairwise commute. We completely settle this problem by characterizing the full set of powers preserving positivity in this setting. Our characterizations generalize previous work by FitzGerald-Horn, Bhatia-Elsner, and Hiai from scalars to arbitrary block size, and in particular, generalize the Schur Product Theorem. Finally, a natural and unifying framework for studying the case of diagonalizable blocks consists of replacing real powers by general characters of the complex plane. We thus classify such characters, and generalize our results to this more general setting. In the course of our work, given $betainmathbb{Z}$, we provide lower and upper bounds for the threshold power $alpha >0$ above which the complex characters $re^{itheta}mapsto r^alpha e^{ibetatheta}$ preserve positivity when applied entrywise to positive semidefinite matrices. In particular, we completely resolve the $n=3$ case of a question raised in 2001 by Xingzhi Zhan. As an application, we extend previous work by de Pillis [Duke Math. J. 36] by classifying the characters $K$ of the complex plane for which the map $(H_{st})_{s,t=1}^n mapsto (K({rm tr}(H_{st})))_{s,t=1}^n$ preserves positivity.
Understanding centennial scale climate variability requires data sets that are accurate, long, continuous and of broad spatial coverage. Since instrumental measurements are generally only available after 1850, temperature fields must be reconstructed using paleoclimate archives, known as proxies. Various climate field reconstructions (CFR) methods have been proposed to relate past temperature to such proxy networks. In this work, we propose a new CFR method, called GraphEM, based on Gaussian Markov random fields embedded within an EM algorithm. Gaussian Markov random fields provide a natural and flexible framework for modeling high-dimensional spatial fields. At the same time, they provide the parameter reduction necessary for obtaining precise and well-conditioned estimates of the covariance structure, even in the sample-starved setting common in paleoclimate applications. In this paper, we propose and compare the performance of different methods to estimate the graphical structure of climate fields, and demonstrate how the GraphEM algorithm can be used to reconstruct past climate variations. The performance of GraphEM is compared to the widely used CFR method RegEM with regularization via truncated total least squares, using synthetic data. Our results show that GraphEM can yield significant improvements, with uniform gains over space, and far better risk properties. We demonstrate that the spatial structure of temperature fields can be well estimated by graphs where each neighbor is only connected to a few geographically close neighbors, and that the increase in performance is directly related to recovering the underlying sparsity in the covariance of the spatial field. Our work demonstrates how significant improvements can be made in climate reconstruction methods by better modeling the covariance structure of the climate field.
Doubly non-negative matrices arise naturally in many setting including Markov random fields (positively banded graphical models) and in the convergence analysis of Markov chains. In this short note, we settle a recent conjecture by C.R. Johnson et al . [Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011)] by proving that the critical exponent beyond which all continuous conventional powers of $n$-by-$n$ doubly nonnegative matrices are doubly nonnegative is exactly $n-2$. We show that the conjecture follows immediately by applying a general characterization from the literature. We prove a stronger form of the conjecture by classifying all powers preserving doubly nonnegative matrices, and proceed to generalize the conjecture for broad classes of functions. We also provide different approaches for settling the original conjecture.
We consider the problem of characterizing entrywise functions that preserve the cone of positive definite matrices when applied to every off-diagonal element. Our results extend theorems of Schoenberg [Duke Math. J. 9], Rudin [Duke Math. J. 26], Chri stensen and Ressel [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 243], and others, where similar problems were studied when the function is applied to all elements, including the diagonal ones. It is shown that functions that are guaranteed to preserve positive definiteness cannot at the same time induce sparsity, i.e., set elements to zero. These results have important implications for the regularization of positive definite matrices, where functions are often applied to only the off-diagonal elements to obtain sparse matrices with better properties (e.g., Markov random field/graphical model structure, better condition number). As a particular case, it is shown that emph{soft-thresholding}, a commonly used operation in modern high-dimensional probability and statistics, is not guaranteed to maintain positive definiteness, even if the original matrix is sparse. This result has a deep connection to graphs, and in particular, to the class of trees. We then proceed to fully characterize functions which do preserve positive definiteness. This characterization is in terms of absolutely monotonic functions and turns out to be quite different from the case when the function is also applied to diagonal elements. We conclude by giving bounds on the condition number of a matrix which guarantee that the regularized matrix is positive definite.
Positive definite (p.d.) matrices arise naturally in many areas within mathematics and also feature extensively in scientific applications. In modern high-dimensional applications, a common approach to finding sparse positive definite matrices is to threshold their small off-diagonal elements. This thresholding, sometimes referred to as hard-thresholding, sets small elements to zero. Thresholding has the attractive property that the resulting matrices are sparse, and are thus easier to interpret and work with. In many applications, it is often required, and thus implicitly assumed, that thresholded matrices retain positive definiteness. In this paper we formally investigate the algebraic properties of p.d. matrices which are thresholded. We demonstrate that for positive definiteness to be preserved, the pattern of elements to be set to zero has to necessarily correspond to a graph which is a union of disconnected complete components. This result rigorously demonstrates that, except in special cases, positive definiteness can be easily lost. We then proceed to demonstrate that the class of diagonally dominant matrices is not maximal in terms of retaining positive definiteness when thresholded. Consequently, we derive characterizations of matrices which retain positive definiteness when thresholded with respect to important classes of graphs. In particular, we demonstrate that retaining positive definiteness upon thresholding is governed by complex algebraic conditions.

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