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The solution of an initial-boundary value problem for a linear evolution partial differential equation posed on the half-line can be represented in terms of an integral in the complex (spectral) plane. This representation is obtained by the {em unifi ed transform} introduced by Fokas in the 90s. On the other hand, it is known that many initial-boundary value problems can be solved via a classical transform pair, constructed via the spectral analysis of the associated spatial operator. For example, the Dirichlet problem for the heat equation can be solved by applying the Fourier sine transform pair. However, for many other initial-boundary value problems there is {em no} suitable transform pair in the classical literature. Here we pose and answer two related questions: Given any well-posed initial-boundary value problem, does there exist a (non-classical) transform pair suitable for solving that problem? If so, can this transform pair be constructed via the spectral analysis of a differential operator? The answer to both of these questions is positive and given in terms of {em augmented eigenfunctions}, a novel class of spectral functionals. These are eigenfunctions of a suitable differential operator in a certain generalised sense, they provide an effective spectral representation of the operator, and are associated with a transform pair suitable to solve the given initial-boundary value problem.
Imaging ultracold atomic gases close to surfaces is an important tool for the detailed analysis of experiments carried out using atom chips. We describe the critical factors that need be considered, especially when the imaging beam is purposely refle cted from the surface. In particular we present methods to measure the atom-surface distance, which is a prerequisite for magnetic field imaging and studies of atom surface-interactions.
In many real-world networks, the rates of node and link addition are time dependent. This observation motivates the definition of accelerating networks. There has been relatively little investigation of accelerating networks and previous efforts at a nalyzing their degree distributions have employed mean-field techniques. By contrast, we show that it is possible to apply a master-equation approach to such network development. We provide full time-dependent expressions for the evolution of the degree distributions for the canonical situations of random and preferential attachment in networks undergoing constant acceleration. These results are in excellent agreement with results obtained from simulations. We note that a growing, non-equilibrium network undergoing constant acceleration with random attachment is equivalent to a classical random graph, bridging the gap between non-equilibrium and classical equilibrium networks.
We introduce the link-space formalism for analyzing network models with degree-degree correlations. The formalism is based on a statistical description of the fraction of links l_{i,j} connecting nodes of degrees i and j. To demonstrate its use, we a pply the framework to some pedagogical network models, namely, random-attachment, Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment and the classical Erdos and Renyi random graph. For these three models the link-space matrix can be solved analytically. We apply the formalism to a simple one-parameter growing network model whose numerical solution exemplifies the effect of degree-degree correlations for the resulting degree distribution. We also employ the formalism to derive the degree distributions of two very simple network decay models, more specifically, that of random link deletion and random node deletion. The formalism allows detailed analysis of the correlations within networks and we also employ it to derive the form of a perfectly non-assortative network for arbitrary degree distribution.
Three dimensional spectroscopy of extended sources is typically performed with dedicated integral field spectrographs. We describe a method of reconstructing full spectral cubes, with two spatial and one spectral dimension, from rastered spectral map ping observations employing a single slit in a traditional slit spectrograph. When the background and image characteristics are stable, as is often achieved in space, the use of traditional long slits for integral field spectroscopy can substantially reduce instrument complexity over dedicated integral field designs, without loss of mapping efficiency -- particularly compelling when a long slit mode for single unresolved source followup is separately required. We detail a custom flux-conserving cube reconstruction algorithm, discuss issues of extended source flux calibration, and describe CUBISM, a tool which implements these methods for spectral maps obtained with ther Spitzer Space Telescopes Infrared Spectrograph.

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