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369 - Ziyu Jia , Youfang Lin , Jing Wang 2021
Sleep stage classification is essential for sleep assessment and disease diagnosis. Although previous attempts to classify sleep stages have achieved high classification performance, several challenges remain open: 1) How to effectively utilize time- varying spatial and temporal features from multi-channel brain signals remains challenging. Prior works have not been able to fully utilize the spatial topological information among brain regions. 2) Due to the many differences found in individual biological signals, how to overcome the differences of subjects and improve the generalization of deep neural networks is important. 3) Most deep learning methods ignore the interpretability of the model to the brain. To address the above challenges, we propose a multi-view spatial-temporal graph convolutional networks (MSTGCN) with domain generalization for sleep stage classification. Specifically, we construct two brain view graphs for MSTGCN based on the functional connectivity and physical distance proximity of the brain regions. The MSTGCN consists of graph convolutions for extracting spatial features and temporal convolutions for capturing the transition rules among sleep stages. In addition, attention mechanism is employed for capturing the most relevant spatial-temporal information for sleep stage classification. Finally, domain generalization and MSTGCN are integrated into a unified framework to extract subject-invariant sleep features. Experiments on two public datasets demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.
192 - Ziyu Jia , Youfang Lin , Jing Wang 2021
The research on human emotion under multimedia stimulation based on physiological signals is an emerging field, and important progress has been achieved for emotion recognition based on multi-modal signals. However, it is challenging to make full use of the complementarity among spatial-spectral-temporal domain features for emotion recognition, as well as model the heterogeneity and correlation among multi-modal signals. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stream heterogeneous graph recurrent neural network, named HetEmotionNet, fusing multi-modal physiological signals for emotion recognition. Specifically, HetEmotionNet consists of the spatial-temporal stream and the spatial-spectral stream, which can fuse spatial-spectral-temporal domain features in a unified framework. Each stream is composed of the graph transformer network for modeling the heterogeneity, the graph convolutional network for modeling the correlation, and the gated recurrent unit for capturing the temporal domain or spectral domain dependency. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed model achieves better performance than state-of-the-art baselines.
The recent breakthrough achieved by contrastive learning accelerates the pace for deploying unsupervised training on real-world data applications. However, unlabeled data in reality is commonly imbalanced and shows a long-tail distribution, and it is unclear how robustly the latest contrastive learning methods could perform in the practical scenario. This paper proposes to explicitly tackle this challenge, via a principled framework called Self-Damaging Contrastive Learning (SDCLR), to automatically balance the representation learning without knowing the classes. Our main inspiration is drawn from the recent finding that deep models have difficult-to-memorize samples, and those may be exposed through network pruning. It is further natural to hypothesize that long-tail samples are also tougher for the model to learn well due to insufficient examples. Hence, the key innovation in SDCLR is to create a dynamic self-competitor model to contrast with the target model, which is a pruned version of the latter. During training, contrasting the two models will lead to adaptive online mining of the most easily forgotten samples for the current target model, and implicitly emphasize them more in the contrastive loss. Extensive experiments across multiple datasets and imbalance settings show that SDCLR significantly improves not only overall accuracies but also balancedness, in terms of linear evaluation on the full-shot and few-shot settings. Our code is available at: https://github.com/VITA-Group/SDCLR.
Sleep staging is fundamental for sleep assessment and disease diagnosis. Although previous attempts to classify sleep stages have achieved high classification performance, several challenges remain open: 1) How to effectively extract salient waves in multimodal sleep data; 2) How to capture the multi-scale transition rules among sleep stages; 3) How to adaptively seize the key role of specific modality for sleep staging. To address these challenges, we propose SalientSleepNet, a multimodal salient wave detection network for sleep staging. Specifically, SalientSleepNet is a temporal fully convolutional network based on the $rm U^2$-Net architecture that is originally proposed for salient object detection in computer vision. It is mainly composed of two independent $rm U^2$-like streams to extract the salient features from multimodal data, respectively. Meanwhile, the multi-scale extraction module is designed to capture multi-scale transition rules among sleep stages. Besides, the multimodal attention module is proposed to adaptively capture valuable information from multimodal data for the specific sleep stage. Experiments on the two datasets demonstrate that SalientSleepNet outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines. It is worth noting that this model has the least amount of parameters compared with the existing deep neural network models.
Recent work has shown that, when integrated with adversarial training, self-supervised pre-training can lead to state-of-the-art robustness In this work, we improve robustness-aware self-supervised pre-training by learning representations that are co nsistent under both data augmentations and adversarial perturbations. Our approach leverages a recent contrastive learning framework, which learns representations by maximizing feature consistency under differently augmented views. This fits particularly well with the goal of adversarial robustness, as one cause of adversarial fragility is the lack of feature invariance, i.e., small input perturbations can result in undesirable large changes in features or even predicted labels. We explore various options to formulate the contrastive task, and demonstrate that by injecting adversarial perturbations, contrastive pre-training can lead to models that are both label-efficient and robust. We empirically evaluate the proposed Adversarial Contrastive Learning (ACL) and show it can consistently outperform existing methods. For example on the CIFAR-10 dataset, ACL outperforms the previous state-of-the-art unsupervised robust pre-training approach by 2.99% on robust accuracy and 2.14% on standard accuracy. We further demonstrate that ACL pre-training can improve semi-supervised adversarial training, even when only a few labeled examples are available. Our codes and pre-trained models have been released at: https://github.com/VITA-Group/Adversarial-Contrastive-Learning.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been increasingly deployed to edge devices. Hence, many efforts have been made towards efficient CNN inference in resource-constrained platforms. This paper attempts to explore an orthogonal direction: how to conduct more energy-efficient training of CNNs, so as to enable on-device training. We strive to reduce the energy cost during training, by dropping unnecessary computations from three complementary levels: stochastic mini-batch dropping on the data level; selective layer update on the model level; and sign prediction for low-cost, low-precision back-propagation, on the algorithm level. Extensive simulations and ablation studies, with real energy measurements from an FPGA board, confirm the superiority of our proposed strategies and demonstrate remarkable energy savings for training. For example, when training ResNet-74 on CIFAR-10, we achieve aggressive energy savings of >90% and >60%, while incurring a top-1 accuracy loss of only about 2% and 1.2%, respectively. When training ResNet-110 on CIFAR-100, an over 84% training energy saving is achieved without degrading inference accuracy.
Arctic environments are rapidly changing under the warming climate. Of particular interest are wetlands, a type of ecosystem that constitutes the most effective terrestrial long-term carbon store. As permafrost thaws, the carbon that was locked in th ese wetland soils for millennia becomes available for aerobic and anaerobic decomposition, which releases CO2 and CH4, respectively, back to the atmosphere.As CO2 and CH4 are potent greenhouse gases, this transfer of carbon from the land to the atmosphere further contributes to global warming, thereby increasing the rate of permafrost degradation in a positive feedback loop. Therefore, monitoring Arctic wetland health and dynamics is a key scientific task that is also of importance for policy. However, the identification and delineation of these important wetland ecosystems, remain incomplete and often inaccurate. Mapping the extent of Arctic wetlands remains a challenge for the scientific community. Conventional, coarser remote sensing methods are inadequate at distinguishing the diverse and micro-topographically complex non-vascular vegetation that characterize Arctic wetlands, presenting the need for better identification methods. To tackle this challenging problem, we constructed and annotated the first-of-its-kind Arctic Wetland Dataset (AWD). Based on that, we present ArcticNet, a deep neural network that exploits the multi-spectral, high-resolution imagery captured from nanosatellites (Planet Dove CubeSats) with additional DEM from the ArcticDEM project, to semantically label a Arctic study area into six types, in which three Arctic wetland functional types are included. We present multi-fold efforts to handle the arising challenges, including class imbalance, and the choice of fusion strategies. Preliminary results endorse the high promise of ArcticNet, achieving 93.12% in labelling a hold-out set of regions in our Arctic study area.
Segmentation of ultra-high resolution images is increasingly demanded, yet poses significant challenges for algorithm efficiency, in particular considering the (GPU) memory limits. Current approaches either downsample an ultra-high resolution image o r crop it into small patches for separate processing. In either way, the loss of local fine details or global contextual information results in limited segmentation accuracy. We propose collaborative Global-Local Networks (GLNet) to effectively preserve both global and local information in a highly memory-efficient manner. GLNet is composed of a global branch and a local branch, taking the downsampled entire image and its cropped local patches as respective inputs. For segmentation, GLNet deeply fuses feature maps from two branches, capturing both the high-resolution fine structures from zoomed-in local patches and the contextual dependency from the downsampled input. To further resolve the potential class imbalance problem between background and foreground regions, we present a coarse-to-fine variant of GLNet, also being memory-efficient. Extensive experiments and analyses have been performed on three real-world ultra-high aerial and medical image datasets (resolution up to 30 million pixels). With only one single 1080Ti GPU and less than 2GB memory used, our GLNet yields high-quality segmentation results and achieves much more competitive accuracy-memory usage trade-offs compared to state-of-the-arts.

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