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We study disorder operator, defined as a symmetry transformation applied to a finite region, across a continuous quantum phase transition in $(2+1)d$. We show analytically that at a conformally-invariant critical point with U(1) symmetry, the disorde r operator with a small U(1) rotation angle defined on a rectangle region exhibits power-law scaling with the perimeter of the rectangle. The exponent is proportional to the current central charge of the critical theory. Such a universal scaling behavior is due to the sharp corners of the region and we further obtain a general formula for the exponent when the corner is nearly smooth. To probe the full parameter regime, we carry out systematic computation of the U(1) disorder parameter in the square lattice Bose-Hubbard model across the superfluid-insulator transition with large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, and confirm the presence of the universal corner correction. The exponent of the corner term determined from numerical simulations agrees well with the analytical predictions.
Recently, quantum simulation of low-dimensional lattice gauge theories (LGTs) has attracted many interests, which may improve our understanding of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. Here, we propose an implementation to approximate $mathb b{Z}_2$ LGT on superconducting quantum circuits, where the effective theory is a mixture of a LGT and a gauge-broken term. Using matrix product state based methods, both the ground state properties and quench dynamics are systematically investigated. With an increase of the transverse (electric) field, the system displays a quantum phase transition from a disordered phase to a translational symmetry breaking phase. In the ordered phase, an approximate Gauss law of the $mathbb{Z}_2$ LGT emerges in the ground state. Moreover, to shed light on the experiments, we also study the quench dynamics, where there is a dynamical signature of the spontaneous translational symmetry breaking. The spreading of the single particle of matter degree is diffusive under the weak transverse field, while it is ballistic with small velocity for the strong field. Furthermore, due to the emergent Gauss law under the strong transverse field, the matter degree can also exhibit a confinement which leads to a strong suppression of the nearest-neighbor hopping. Our results pave the way for simulating the LGT on superconducting circuits, including the quantum phase transition and quench dynamics.
Over the past several years, reliable Quantum Monte Carlo results for the charge density wave transition temperature $T_{cdw}$ of the half-filled two dimensional Holstein model in square and honeycomb lattices have become available for the first time . Exploiting the further development of numerical methodology, here we present results in three dimensions, which are made possible through the use of Langevin evolution of the quantum phonon degrees of freedom. In addition to determining $T_{cdw}$ from the scaling of the charge correlations, we also examine the nature of charge order at general wave vectors for different temperatures, couplings, and phonon frequencies, and the behavior of the spectral function and specific heat.
An extended Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice with two orbitals per site at charge neutrality is investigated with unbiased large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The Fermi velocity of the Dirac fermions is renormalized as the cluster charge interaction increases, until a mass term emerges and a quantum phase transition from Dirac semi-metal to valence bond solid (VBS) insulator is established. The quantum critical point is discovered to belong to 3D $N=4$ Gross-Neveu chiral XY universality with the critical exponents obtained at high precision. Further enhancement of the interaction drives the system into two different VBS phases, the properties and transition between them are also revealed. Since the model is related to magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, our results may have relevance towards the symmetry breaking order at the charge neutrality point of the material, and associate the wide range of universal strange metal behavior around it with quantum critical fluctuations.
Noethers theorem is one of the fundamental laws of physics, relating continuous symmetries and conserved currents. Here we explore the role of Noethers theorem at the deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP), which is the quantum phase transition bey ond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm. It was expected that a larger continuous symmetry could emerge at the DQCP, which, if true, should lead to emerged conserved current at low energy. By identifying the emergent current fluctuation in the spin excitation spectra, we can quantitatively study the current-current correlation in large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our results reveal the conservation of the emergent current, as signified by the vanishing anomalous dimension of the current operator, and hence provide supporting evidence for the emergent symmetry at the DQCP. Our study demonstrates an elegant yet practical approach to detect emergent symmetry by probing the spin excitations, which could potentially guide the ongoing experimental search for DQCP in quantum magnets.
The spontaneous generation of charge-density-wave order in a Dirac fermion system via the natural mechanism of electron-phonon coupling is studied in the framework of the Holstein model on the honeycomb lattice. Using two independent and unbiased qua ntum Monte Carlo methods, the phase diagram as a function of temperature and coupling strength is determined. It features a quantum critical point as well as a line of thermal critical points. Finite-size scaling appears consistent with fermionic Gross-Neveu-Ising universality for the quantum phase transition, and bosonic Ising universality for the thermal phase transition. The critical temperature has a maximum at intermediate couplings. Our findings motivate experimental efforts to identify or engineer Dirac systems with sufficiently strong and tunable electron-phonon coupling.

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