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Translating e-commercial product descriptions, a.k.a product-oriented machine translation (PMT), is essential to serve e-shoppers all over the world. However, due to the domain specialty, the PMT task is more challenging than traditional machine tran slation problems. Firstly, there are many specialized jargons in the product description, which are ambiguous to translate without the product image. Secondly, product descriptions are related to the image in more complicated ways than standard image descriptions, involving various visual aspects such as objects, shapes, colors or even subjective styles. Moreover, existing PMT datasets are small in scale to support the research. In this paper, we first construct a large-scale bilingual product description dataset called Fashion-MMT, which contains over 114k noisy and 40k manually cleaned description translations with multiple product images. To effectively learn semantic alignments among product images and bilingual texts in translation, we design a unified product-oriented cross-modal cross-lingual model (upoc~) for pre-training and fine-tuning. Experiments on the Fashion-MMT and Multi30k datasets show that our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models even pre-trained on the same dataset. It is also shown to benefit more from large-scale noisy data to improve the translation quality. We will release the dataset and codes at https://github.com/syuqings/Fashion-MMT.
144 - Ludan Ruan 2021
Entities Object Localization (EOL) aims to evaluate how grounded or faithful a description is, which consists of caption generation and object grounding. Previous works tackle this problem by jointly training the two modules in a framework, which lim its the complexity of each module. Therefore, in this work, we propose to divide these two modules into two stages and improve them respectively to boost the whole system performance. For the caption generation, we propose a Unified Multi-modal Pre-training Model (UMPM) to generate event descriptions with rich objects for better localization. For the object grounding, we fine-tune the state-of-the-art detection model MDETR and design a post processing method to make the grounding results more faithful. Our overall system achieves the state-of-the-art performances on both sub-tasks in Entities Object Localization challenge at Activitynet 2021, with 72.57 localization accuracy on the testing set of sub-task I and 0.2477 F1_all_per_sent on the hidden testing set of sub-task II.
Video paragraph captioning aims to describe multiple events in untrimmed videos with descriptive paragraphs. Existing approaches mainly solve the problem in two steps: event detection and then event captioning. Such two-step manner makes the quality of generated paragraphs highly dependent on the accuracy of event proposal detection which is already a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a paragraph captioning model which eschews the problematic event detection stage and directly generates paragraphs for untrimmed videos. To describe coherent and diverse events, we propose to enhance the conventional temporal attention with dynamic video memories, which progressively exposes new video features and suppresses over-accessed video contents to control visual focuses of the model. In addition, a diversity-driven training strategy is proposed to improve diversity of paragraph on the language perspective. Considering that untrimmed videos generally contain massive but redundant frames, we further augment the video encoder with keyframe awareness to improve efficiency. Experimental results on the ActivityNet and Charades datasets show that our proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art performance on both accuracy and diversity metrics without using any event boundary annotations. Code will be released at https://github.com/syuqings/video-paragraph.

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