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The learning efficiency and generalization ability of an intelligent agent can be greatly improved by utilizing a useful set of skills. However, the design of robot skills can often be intractable in real-world applications due to the prohibitive amo unt of effort and expertise that it requires. In this work, we introduce Skill Learning In Diversified Environments (SLIDE), a method to discover generalizable skills via automated generation of a diverse set of tasks. As opposed to prior work on unsupervised discovery of skills which incentivizes the skills to produce different outcomes in the same environment, our method pairs each skill with a unique task produced by a trainable task generator. To encourage generalizable skills to emerge, our method trains each skill to specialize in the paired task and maximizes the diversity of the generated tasks. A task discriminator defined on the robot behaviors in the generated tasks is jointly trained to estimate the evidence lower bound of the diversity objective. The learned skills can then be composed in a hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm to solve unseen target tasks. We demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively learn a variety of robot skills in two tabletop manipulation domains. Our results suggest that the learned skills can effectively improve the robots performance in various unseen target tasks compared to existing reinforcement learning and skill learning methods.
269 - Yifan Sun , Yuke Zhu , Yuhan Zhang 2021
This paper introduces a new fundamental characteristic, ie, the dynamic range, from real-world metric tools to deep visual recognition. In metrology, the dynamic range is a basic quality of a metric tool, indicating its flexibility to accommodate var ious scales. Larger dynamic range offers higher flexibility. In visual recognition, the multiple scale problem also exist. Different visual concepts may have different semantic scales. For example, ``Animal and ``Plants have a large semantic scale while ``Elk has a much smaller one. Under a small semantic scale, two different elks may look quite emph{different} to each other . However, under a large semantic scale (eg, animals and plants), these two elks should be measured as being emph{similar}. %We argue that such flexibility is also important for deep metric learning, because different visual concepts indeed correspond to different semantic scales. Introducing the dynamic range to deep metric learning, we get a novel computer vision task, ie, the Dynamic Metric Learning. It aims to learn a scalable metric space to accommodate visual concepts across multiple semantic scales. Based on three types of images, emph{i.e.}, vehicle, animal and online products, we construct three datasets for Dynamic Metric Learning. We benchmark these datasets with popular deep metric learning methods and find Dynamic Metric Learning to be very challenging. The major difficulty lies in a conflict between different scales: the discriminative ability under a small scale usually compromises the discriminative ability under a large one, and vice versa. As a minor contribution, we propose Cross-Scale Learning (CSL) to alleviate such conflict. We show that CSL consistently improves the baseline on all the three datasets. The datasets and the code will be publicly available at https://github.com/SupetZYK/DynamicMetricLearning.
Using sensor data from multiple modalities presents an opportunity to encode redundant and complementary features that can be useful when one modality is corrupted or noisy. Humans do this everyday, relying on touch and proprioceptive feedback in vis ually-challenging environments. However, robots might not always know when their sensors are corrupted, as even broken sensors can return valid values. In this work, we introduce the Crossmodal Compensation Model (CCM), which can detect corrupted sensor modalities and compensate for them. CMM is a representation model learned with self-supervision that leverages unimodal reconstruction loss for corruption detection. CCM then discards the corrupted modality and compensates for it with information from the remaining sensors. We show that CCM learns rich state representations that can be used for contact-rich manipulation policies, even when input modalities are corrupted in ways not seen during training time.
robosuite is a simulation framework for robot learning powered by the MuJoCo physics engine. It offers a modular design for creating robotic tasks as well as a suite of benchmark environments for reproducible research. This paper discusses the key sy stem modules and the benchmark environments of our new release robosuite v1.0.
Real-world tasks often exhibit a compositional structure that contains a sequence of simpler sub-tasks. For instance, opening a door requires reaching, grasping, rotating, and pulling the door knob. Such compositional tasks require an agent to reason about the sub-task at hand while orchestrating global behavior accordingly. This can be cast as an online task inference problem, where the current task identity, represented by a context variable, is estimated from the agents past experiences with probabilistic inference. Previous approaches have employed simple latent distributions, e.g., Gaussian, to model a single context for the entire task. However, this formulation lacks the expressiveness to capture the composition and transition of the sub-tasks. We propose a variational inference framework OCEAN to perform online task inference for compositional tasks. OCEAN models global and local context variables in a joint latent space, where the global variables represent a mixture of sub-tasks required for the task, while the local variables capture the transitions between the sub-tasks. Our framework supports flexible latent distributions based on prior knowledge of the task structure and can be trained in an unsupervised manner. Experimental results show that OCEAN provides more effective task inference with sequential context adaptation and thus leads to a performance boost on complex, multi-stage tasks.
179 - Yuke Zhu , Yan Bai , Yichen Wei 2020
Data augmentation in feature space is effective to increase data diversity. Previous methods assume that different classes have the same covariance in their feature distributions. Thus, feature transform between different classes is performed via tra nslation. However, this approach is no longer valid for recent deep metric learning scenarios, where feature normalization is widely adopted and all features lie on a hypersphere. This work proposes a novel spherical feature transform approach. It relaxes the assumption of identical covariance between classes to an assumption of similar covariances of different classes on a hypersphere. Consequently, the feature transform is performed by a rotation that respects the spherical data distributions. We provide a simple and effective training method, and in depth analysis on the relation between the two different transforms. Comprehensive experiments on various deep metric learning benchmarks and different baselines verify that our method achieves consistent performance improvement and state-of-the-art results.
We introduce Adaptive Procedural Task Generation (APT-Gen), an approach to progressively generate a sequence of tasks as curricula to facilitate reinforcement learning in hard-exploration problems. At the heart of our approach, a task generator learn s to create tasks from a parameterized task space via a black-box procedural generation module. To enable curriculum learning in the absence of a direct indicator of learning progress, we propose to train the task generator by balancing the agents performance in the generated tasks and the similarity to the target tasks. Through adversarial training, the task similarity is adaptively estimated by a task discriminator defined on the agents experiences, allowing the generated tasks to approximate target tasks of unknown parameterization or outside of the predefined task space. Our experiments on the grid world and robotic manipulation task domains show that APT-Gen achieves substantially better performance than various existing baselines by generating suitable tasks of rich variations.
The fundamental challenge of planning for multi-step manipulation is to find effective and plausible action sequences that lead to the task goal. We present Cascaded Variational Inference (CAVIN) Planner, a model-based method that hierarchically gene rates plans by sampling from latent spaces. To facilitate planning over long time horizons, our method learns latent representations that decouple the prediction of high-level effects from the generation of low-level motions through cascaded variational inference. This enables us to model dynamics at two different levels of temporal resolutions for hierarchical planning. We evaluate our approach in three multi-step robotic manipulation tasks in cluttered tabletop environments given high-dimensional observations. Empirical results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art model-based methods by strategically interacting with multiple objects.
280 - Zengyi Qin , Kuan Fang , Yuke Zhu 2019
We aim to develop an algorithm for robots to manipulate novel objects as tools for completing different task goals. An efficient and informative representation would facilitate the effectiveness and generalization of such algorithms. For this purpose , we present KETO, a framework of learning keypoint representations of tool-based manipulation. For each task, a set of task-specific keypoints is jointly predicted from 3D point clouds of the tool object by a deep neural network. These keypoints offer a concise and informative description of the object to determine grasps and subsequent manipulation actions. The model is learned from self-supervised robot interactions in the task environment without the need for explicit human annotations. We evaluate our framework in three manipulation tasks with tool use. Our model consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of task success rates. Qualitative results of keypoint prediction and tool generation are shown to visualize the learned representations.
63 - Linxi Fan , Yuke Zhu , Jiren Zhu 2019
We present an overview of SURREAL-System, a reproducible, flexible, and scalable framework for distributed reinforcement learning (RL). The framework consists of a stack of four layers: Provisioner, Orchestrator, Protocol, and Algorithms. The Provisi oner abstracts away the machine hardware and node pools across different cloud providers. The Orchestrator provides a unified interface for scheduling and deploying distributed algorithms by high-level description, which is capable of deploying to a wide range of hardware from a personal laptop to full-fledged cloud clusters. The Protocol provides network communication primitives optimized for RL. Finally, the SURREAL algorithms, such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Evolution Strategies (ES), can easily scale to 1000s of CPU cores and 100s of GPUs. The learning performances of our distributed algorithms establish new state-of-the-art on OpenAI Gym and Robotics Suites tasks.

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