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109 - Yuanyi Zhong , Bodi Yuan , Hong Wu 2021
We present a novel semi-supervised semantic segmentation method which jointly achieves two desiderata of segmentation model regularities: the label-space consistency property between image augmentations and the feature-space contrastive property amon g different pixels. We leverage the pixel-level L2 loss and the pixel contrastive loss for the two purposes respectively. To address the computational efficiency issue and the false negative noise issue involved in the pixel contrastive loss, we further introduce and investigate several negative sampling techniques. Extensive experiments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our method (PC2Seg) with the DeepLab-v3+ architecture, in several challenging semi-supervised settings derived from the VOC, Cityscapes, and COCO datasets.
The control variates (CV) method is widely used in policy gradient estimation to reduce the variance of the gradient estimators in practice. A control variate is applied by subtracting a baseline function from the state-action value estimates. Then t he variance-reduced policy gradient presumably leads to higher learning efficiency. Recent research on control variates with deep neural net policies mainly focuses on scalar-valued baseline functions. The effect of vector-valued baselines is under-explored. This paper investigates variance reduction with coordinate-wise and layer-wise control variates constructed from vector-valued baselines for neural net policies. We present experimental evidence suggesting that lower variance can be obtained with such baselines than with the conventional scalar-valued baseline. We demonstrate how to equip the popular Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm with these new control variates. We show that the resulting algorithm with proper regularization can achieve higher sample efficiency than scalar control variates in continuous control benchmarks.
This paper presents a detection-aware pre-training (DAP) approach, which leverages only weakly-labeled classification-style datasets (e.g., ImageNet) for pre-training, but is specifically tailored to benefit object detection tasks. In contrast to the widely used image classification-based pre-training (e.g., on ImageNet), which does not include any location-related training tasks, we transform a classification dataset into a detection dataset through a weakly supervised object localization method based on Class Activation Maps to directly pre-train a detector, making the pre-trained model location-aware and capable of predicting bounding boxes. We show that DAP can outperform the traditional classification pre-training in terms of both sample efficiency and convergence speed in downstream detection tasks including VOC and COCO. In particular, DAP boosts the detection accuracy by a large margin when the number of examples in the downstream task is small.
Reinforcement learning from self-play has recently reported many successes. Self-play, where the agents compete with themselves, is often used to generate training data for iterative policy improvement. In previous work, heuristic rules are designed to choose an opponent for the current learner. Typical rules include choosing the latest agent, the best agent, or a random historical agent. However, these rules may be inefficient in practice and sometimes do not guarantee convergence even in the simplest matrix games. In this paper, we propose a new algorithmic framework for competitive self-play reinforcement learning in two-player zero-sum games. We recognize the fact that the Nash equilibrium coincides with the saddle point of the stochastic payoff function, which motivates us to borrow ideas from classical saddle point optimization literature. Our method trains several agents simultaneously, and intelligently takes each other as opponent based on simple adversarial rules derived from a principled perturbation-based saddle optimization method. We prove theoretically that our algorithm converges to an approximate equilibrium with high probability in convex-concave games under standard assumptions. Beyond the theory, we further show the empirical superiority of our method over baseline methods relying on the aforementioned opponent-selection heuristics in matrix games, grid-world soccer, Gomoku, and simulated robot sumo, with neural net policy function approximators.
In this paper, we propose an effective knowledge transfer framework to boost the weakly supervised object detection accuracy with the help of an external fully-annotated source dataset, whose categories may not overlap with the target domain. This se tting is of great practical value due to the existence of many off-the-shelf detection datasets. To more effectively utilize the source dataset, we propose to iteratively transfer the knowledge from the source domain by a one-class universal detector and learn the target-domain detector. The box-level pseudo ground truths mined by the target-domain detector in each iteration effectively improve the one-class universal detector. Therefore, the knowledge in the source dataset is more thoroughly exploited and leveraged. Extensive experiments are conducted with Pascal VOC 2007 as the target weakly-annotated dataset and COCO/ImageNet as the source fully-annotated dataset. With the proposed solution, we achieved an mAP of $59.7%$ detection performance on the VOC test set and an mAP of $60.2%$ after retraining a fully supervised Faster RCNN with the mined pseudo ground truths. This is significantly better than any previously known results in related literature and sets a new state-of-the-art of weakly supervised object detection under the knowledge transfer setting. Code: url{https://github.com/mikuhatsune/wsod_transfer}.
In many vision-based reinforcement learning (RL) problems, the agent controls a movable object in its visual field, e.g., the players avatar in video games and the robotic arm in visual grasping and manipulation. Leveraging action-conditioned video p rediction, we propose an end-to-end learning framework to disentangle the controllable object from the observation signal. The disentangled representation is shown to be useful for RL as additional observation channels to the agent. Experiments on a set of Atari games with the popular Double DQN algorithm demonstrate improved sample efficiency and game performance (from 222.8% to 261.4% measured in normalized game scores, with prediction bonus reward).
Recent advances in deep reinforcement learning algorithms have shown great potential and success for solving many challenging real-world problems, including Go game and robotic applications. Usually, these algorithms need a carefully designed reward function to guide training in each time step. However, in real world, it is non-trivial to design such a reward function, and the only signal available is usually obtained at the end of a trajectory, also known as the episodic reward or return. In this work, we introduce a new algorithm for temporal credit assignment, which learns to decompose the episodic return back to each time-step in the trajectory using deep neural networks. With this learned reward signal, the learning efficiency can be substantially improved for episodic reinforcement learning. In particular, we find that expressive language models such as the Transformer can be adopted for learning the importance and the dependency of states in the trajectory, therefore providing high-quality and interpretable learned reward signals. We have performed extensive experiments on a set of MuJoCo continuous locomotive control tasks with only episodic returns and demonstrated the effectiveness of our algorithm.
In this paper, we propose a general approach to optimize anchor boxes for object detection. Nowadays, anchor boxes are widely adopted in state-of-the-art detection frameworks. However, these frameworks usually pre-define anchor box shapes in heuristi c ways and fix the sizes during training. To improve the accuracy and reduce the effort of designing anchor boxes, we propose to dynamically learn the anchor shapes, which allows the anchors to automatically adapt to the data distribution and the network learning capability. The learning approach can be easily implemented with stochastic gradient descent and can be plugged into any anchor box-based detection framework. The extra training cost is almost negligible and it has no impact on the inference time or memory cost. Exhaustive experiments demonstrate that the proposed anchor optimization method consistently achieves significant improvement ($ge 1%$ mAP absolute gain) over the baseline methods on several benchmark datasets including Pascal VOC 07+12, MS COCO and Brainwash. Meanwhile, the robustness is also verified towards different anchor initialization methods and the number of anchor shapes, which greatly simplifies the problem of anchor box design.
We propose a large-margin Gaussian Mixture (L-GM) loss for deep neural networks in classification tasks. Different from the softmax cross-entropy loss, our proposal is established on the assumption that the deep features of the training set follow a Gaussian Mixture distribution. By involving a classification margin and a likelihood regularization, the L-GM loss facilitates both a high classification performance and an accurate modeling of the training feature distribution. As such, the L-GM loss is superior to the softmax loss and its major variants in the sense that besides classification, it can be readily used to distinguish abnormal inputs, such as the adversarial examples, based on their features likelihood to the training feature distribution. Extensive experiments on various recognition benchmarks like MNIST, CIFAR, ImageNet and LFW, as well as on adversarial examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.
Plenty of effective methods have been proposed for face recognition during the past decade. Although these methods differ essentially in many aspects, a common practice of them is to specifically align the facial area based on the prior knowledge of human face structure before feature extraction. In most systems, the face alignment module is implemented independently. This has actually caused difficulties in the designing and training of end-to-end face recognition models. In this paper we study the possibility of alignment learning in end-to-end face recognition, in which neither prior knowledge on facial landmarks nor artificially defined geometric transformations are required. Specifically, spatial transformer layers are inserted in front of the feature extraction layers in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for face recognition. Only human identity clues are used for driving the neural network to automatically learn the most suitable geometric transformation and the most appropriate facial area for the recognition task. To ensure reproducibility, our model is trained purely on the publicly available CASIA-WebFace dataset, and is tested on the Labeled Face in the Wild (LFW) dataset. We have achieved a verification accuracy of 99.08% which is comparable to state-of-the-art single model based methods.

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