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188 - Yixing Zhu , Xueqing Wu , Jun Du 2019
We propose a novel method for representing oriented objects in aerial images named Adaptive Period Embedding (APE). While traditional object detection methods represent object with horizontal bounding boxes, the objects in aerial images are oritented . Calculating the angle of object is an yet challenging task. While almost all previous object detectors for aerial images directly regress the angle of objects, they use complex rules to calculate the angle, and their performance is limited by the rule design. In contrast, our method is based on the angular periodicity of oriented objects. The angle is represented by two two-dimensional periodic vectors whose periods are different, the vector is continuous as shape changes. The label generation rule is more simple and reasonable compared with previous methods. The proposed method is general and can be applied to other oriented detector. Besides, we propose a novel IoU calculation method for long objects named length independent IoU (LIIoU). We intercept part of the long side of the target box to get the maximum IoU between the proposed box and the intercepted target box. Thereby, some long boxes will have corresponding positive samples. Our method reaches the 1st place of DOAI2019 competition task1 (oriented object) held in workshop on Detecting Objects in Aerial Images in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 2019.
213 - Yixing Zhu , Jun Du 2018
In this paper, we propose a novel scene text detection method named TextMountain. The key idea of TextMountain is making full use of border-center information. Different from previous works that treat center-border as a binary classification problem, we predict text center-border probability (TCBP) and text center-direction (TCD). The TCBP is just like a mountain whose top is text center and foot is text border. The mountaintop can separate text instances which cannot be easily achieved using semantic segmentation map and its rising direction can plan a road to top for each pixel on mountain foot at the group stage. The TCD helps TCBP learning better. Our label rules will not lead to the ambiguous problem with the transformation of angle, so the proposed method is robust to multi-oriented text and can also handle well with curved text. In inference stage, each pixel at the mountain foot needs to search the path to the mountaintop and this process can be efficiently completed in parallel, yielding the efficiency of our method compared with others. The experiments on MLT, ICDAR2015, RCTW-17 and SCUT-CTW1500 databases demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better or comparable performance in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. It is worth mentioning our method achieves an F-measure of 76.85% on MLT which outperforms the previous methods by a large margin. Code will be made available.
69 - Yixing Zhu , Jun Du 2018
Traditional text detection methods mostly focus on quadrangle text. In this study we propose a novel method named sliding line point regression (SLPR) in order to detect arbitrary-shape text in natural scene. SLPR regresses multiple points on the edg e of text line and then utilizes these points to sketch the outlines of the text. The proposed SLPR can be adapted to many object detection architectures such as Faster R-CNN and R-FCN. Specifically, we first generate the smallest rectangular box including the text with region proposal network (RPN), then isometrically regress the points on the edge of text by using the vertically and horizontally sliding lines. To make full use of information and reduce redundancy, we calculate x-coordinate or y-coordinate of target point by the rectangular box position, and just regress the remaining y-coordinate or x-coordinate. Accordingly we can not only reduce the parameters of system, but also restrain the points which will generate more regular polygon. Our approach achieved competitive results on traditional ICDAR2015 Incidental Scene Text benchmark and curve text detection dataset CTW1500.
Recently, great progress has been made for online handwritten Chinese character recognition due to the emergence of deep learning techniques. However, previous research mostly treated each Chinese character as one class without explicitly considering its inherent structure, namely the radical components with complicated geometry. In this study, we propose a novel trajectory-based radical analysis network (TRAN) to firstly identify radicals and analyze two-dimensional structures among radicals simultaneously, then recognize Chinese characters by generating captions of them based on the analysis of their internal radicals. The proposed TRAN employs recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as both an encoder and a decoder. The RNN encoder makes full use of online information by directly transforming handwriting trajectory into high-level features. The RNN decoder aims at generating the caption by detecting radicals and spatial structures through an attention model. The manner of treating a Chinese character as a two-dimensional composition of radicals can reduce the size of vocabulary and enable TRAN to possess the capability of recognizing unseen Chinese character classes, only if the corresponding radicals have been seen. Evaluated on CASIA-OLHWDB database, the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art whole-character modeling approach with a relative character error rate (CER) reduction of 10%. Meanwhile, for the case of recognition of 500 unseen Chinese characters, TRAN can achieve a character accuracy of about 60% while the traditional whole-character method has no capability to handle them.
Chinese characters have a huge set of character categories, more than 20,000 and the number is still increasing as more and more novel characters continue being created. However, the enormous characters can be decomposed into a compact set of about 5 00 fundamental and structural radicals. This paper introduces a novel radical analysis network (RAN) to recognize printed Chinese characters by identifying radicals and analyzing two-dimensional spatial structures among them. The proposed RAN first extracts visual features from input by employing convolutional neural networks as an encoder. Then a decoder based on recurrent neural networks is employed, aiming at generating captions of Chinese characters by detecting radicals and two-dimensional structures through a spatial attention mechanism. The manner of treating a Chinese character as a composition of radicals rather than a single character class largely reduces the size of vocabulary and enables RAN to possess the ability of recognizing unseen Chinese character classes, namely zero-shot learning.

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