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We argue that stringy effects in a putative gravity-dual picture for SYK-like models are related to the branching time, a kinetic coefficient defined in terms of the retarded kernel. A bound on the branching time is established assuming that the lead ing diagrams are ladders with thin rungs. Thus, such models are unlikely candidates for sub-AdS holography. In the weak coupling limit, we derive a relation between the branching time, the Lyapunov exponent, and the quasiparticle lifetime using two different approximations.
In this work, we study non-equilibrium dynamics in Floquet conformal field theories (CFTs) in 1+1D, in which the driving Hamiltonian involves the energy-momentum density spatially modulated by an arbitrary smooth function. This generalizes earlier wo rk which was restricted to the sine-square deformed type of Floquet Hamiltonians, operating within a $mathfrak{sl}_2$ sub-algebra. Here we show remarkably that the problem remains soluble in this generalized case which involves the full Virasoro algebra, based on a geometrical approach. It is found that the phase diagram is determined by the stroboscopic trajectories of operator evolution. The presence/absence of spatial fixed points in the operator evolution indicates that the driven CFT is in a heating/non-heating phase, in which the entanglement entropy grows/oscillates in time. Additionally, the heating regime is further subdivided into a multitude of phases, with different entanglement patterns and spatial distribution of energy-momentum density, which are characterized by the number of spatial fixed points. Phase transitions between these different heating phases can be achieved simply by changing the duration of application of the driving Hamiltonian. We demonstrate the general features with concrete CFT examples and compare the results to lattice calculations and find remarkable agreement.
124 - Pengfei Zhang , Yingfei Gu 2020
We study the quantum dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates when the scattering length is modulated periodically or quasi-periodically in time within the Bogoliubov framework. For the periodically driven case, we consider two protocols where the modul ation is a square-wave or a sine-wave. In both protocols for each fixed momentum, there are heating and non-heating phases, and a phase boundary between them. The two phases are distinguished by whether the number of excited particles grows exponentially or not. For the quasi-periodically driven case, we again consider two protocols: the square-wave quasi-periodicity, where the excitations are generated for almost all parameters as an analog of the Fibonacci-type quasi-crystal; and the sine-wave quasi-periodicity, where there is a finite measure parameter regime for the non-heating phase. We also plot the analogs of the Hofstadter butterfly for both protocols.
We study quantum many-body systems with a global U(1) conservation law, focusing on a theory of $N$ interacting fermions with charge conservation, or $N$ interacting spins with one conserved component of total spin. We define an effective operator si ze at finite chemical potential through suitably regularized out-of-time-ordered correlation functions. The growth rate of this density-dependent operator size vanishes algebraically with charge density; hence we obtain new bounds on Lyapunov exponents and butterfly velocities in charged systems at a given density, which are parametrically stronger than any Lieb-Robinson bound. We argue that the density dependence of our bound on the Lyapunov exponent is saturated in the charged Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. We also study random automaton quantum circuits and Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, each of which exhibit a different density dependence for the Lyapunov exponent, and explain the discrepancy. We propose that our results are a cartoon for understanding Planckian-limited energy-conserving dynamics at finite temperature.
The most puzzling aspect of the strange metal behavior of correlated electron compounds is that the linear in temperature resistivity often extends down to low temperatures, lower than natural microscopic energy scales. We consider recently proposed deconfined critical points (or phases) in models of electrons in large dimension lattices with random nearest-neighbor exchange interactions. The criticality is in the class of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, and exhibits a time reparameterization soft mode representing gravity in dual holographic theories. We compute the low temperature resistivity in a large $M$ limit of models with SU($M$) spin symmetry, and find that the dominant temperature dependence arises from this soft mode. The resistivity is linear in temperature down to zero temperature at the critical point, with a co-efficient universally proportional to the product of the residual resistivity and the co-efficient of the linear in temperature specific heat. We argue that the time reparameterization soft mode offers a promising and generic mechanism for resolving the strange metal puzzle.
We describe numerous properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model for complex fermions with $Ngg 1$ flavors and a global U(1) charge. We provide a general definition of the charge in the $(G,Sigma)$ formalism, and compute its universal relation to the i nfrared asymmetry of the Green function. The same relation is obtained by a renormalization theory. The conserved charge contributes a compact scalar field to the effective action, from which we derive the many-body density of states and extract the charge compressibility. We compute the latter via three distinct numerical methods and obtain consistent results. Finally, we present a two dimensional bulk picture with free Dirac fermions for the zero temperature entropy.
112 - Yingfei Gu , Xiao-Liang Qi 2019
Recently, Hao Huang proved the Sensitivity Conjecture, an important result about complexity measures of Boolean functions. We will discuss how this simple and elegant proof turns out to be closely related to physics concepts of the Jordan-Wigner tran sformation and Majorana fermions. This note is not intended to contain original results. Instead, it is a translation of the math literature in a language that is more familiar to physicists, which helps our understanding and hopefully may inspire future works along this direction.
We study the energy and entanglement dynamics of $(1+1)$D conformal field theories (CFTs) under a Floquet drive with the sine-square deformed (SSD) Hamiltonian. Previous work has shown this model supports both a non-heating and a heating phase. Here we analytically establish several robust and `super-universal features of the heating phase which rely on conformal invariance but not on the details of the CFT involved. First, we show the energy density is concentrated in two peaks in real space, a chiral and anti-chiral peak, which leads to an exponential growth in the total energy. The peak locations are set by fixed points of the Mobius transformation. Second, all of the quantum entanglement is shared between these two peaks. In each driving period, a number of Bell pairs are generated, with one member pumped to the chiral peak, and the other member pumped to the anti-chiral peak. These Bell pairs are localized and accumulate at these two peaks, and can serve as a source of quantum entanglement. Third, in both the heating and non-heating phases we find that the total energy is related to the half system entanglement entropy by a simple relation $E(t)propto c exp left( frac{6}{c}S(t) right)$ with $c$ being the central charge. In addition, we show that the non-heating phase, in which the energy and entanglement oscillate in time, is unstable to small fluctuations of the driving frequency in contrast to the heating phase. Finally, we point out an analogy to the periodically driven harmonic oscillator which allows us to understand global features of the phases, and introduce a quasiparticle picture to explain the spatial structure, which can be generalized to setups beyond the SSD construction.
133 - Haoyu Guo , Yingfei Gu , 2019
We compute the transport and chaos properties of lattices of quantum Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands coupled by single fermion hopping, and with the islands coupled to a large number of local, low energy phonons. We find two distinct regimes of linear-in-t emperature ($T$) resistivity, and describe the crossover between them. When the electron-phonon coupling is weak, we obtain the `incoherent metal regime, where there is near-maximal chaos with front propagation at a butterfly velocity $v_B$, and the associated diffusivity $D_{rm chaos} = v_B^2/(2 pi T)$ closely tracks the energy diffusivity. On the other hand, when the electron-phonon coupling is strong, and the linear resistivity is largely due to near-elastic scattering of electrons off nearly free phonons, we find that the chaos is far from maximal and spreads diffusively. We also describe the crossovers to low $T$ regimes where the electronic quasiparticles are well defined.
We discuss the connections between the complex SYK model at the conformal limit and warped conformal field theories. Both theories have an $SL(2,R) times U(1)$ global symmetry. We present comparisons on symmetries, correlation functions, the effectiv e action and the entropy formula. We also use modular covariance to reinterpret results in the complex SYK model.

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