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Although giant clumps of stars are crucial to galaxy formation and evolution, the most basic demographics of clumps are still uncertain, mainly because the definition of clumps has not been thoroughly discussed. In this paper, we study the basic demo graphics of clumps in star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at 0.5<z<3, using our proposed physical definition that UV-bright clumps are discrete star-forming regions that individually contribute more than 8% of the rest-frame UV light of their galaxies. Clumps defined this way are significantly brighter than the HII regions of nearby large spiral galaxies, either individually or blended, when physical spatial resolution and cosmological dimming are considered. Under this definition, we measure the fraction of SFGs that contain at least one off-center clump (Fclumpy) and the contributions of clumps to the rest-frame UV light and star formation rate of SFGs in the CANDELS/GOODS-S and UDS fields, where our mass-complete sample consists of 3239 galaxies with axial ratio q>0.5. The redshift evolution of Fclumpy changes with the stellar mass (M*) of the galaxies. Low-mass (log(M*/Msun)<9.8) galaxies keep an almost constant Fclumpy of about 60% from z~3.0 to z~0.5. Intermediate-mass and massive galaxies drop their Fclumpy from 55% at z~3.0 to 40% and 15%, respectively, at z~0.5. We find that (1) the trend of disk stabilization predicted by violent disk instability matches the Fclumpy trend of massive galaxies; (2) minor mergers are a viable explanation of the Fclumpy trend of intermediate-mass galaxies at z<1.5, given a realistic observability timescale; and (3) major mergers are unlikely responsible for the Fclumpy trend in all masses at z<1.5. The clump contribution to the rest-frame UV light of SFGs shows a broad peak around galaxies with log(M*/Msun)~10.5 at all redshifts, possibly linked to the molecular gas fraction of the galaxies. (Abridged)
Cosmological simulations of galaxies have typically produced too many stars at early times. We study the global and morphological effects of radiation pressure (RP) in eight pairs of high-resolution cosmological galaxy formation simulations. We find that the additional feedback suppresses star formation globally by a factor of ~2. Despite this reduction, the simulations still overproduce stars by a factor of ~2 with respect to the predictions provided by abundance matching methods for halos more massive than 5E11 Msun/h (Behroozi, Wechsler & Conroy 2013). We also study the morphological impact of radiation pressure on our simulations. In simulations with RP the average number of low mass clumps falls dramatically. Only clumps with stellar masses Mclump/Mdisk <= 5% are impacted by the inclusion of RP, and RP and no-RP clump counts above this range are comparable. The inclusion of RP depresses the contrast ratios of clumps by factors of a few for clump masses less than 5% of the disk masses. For more massive clumps, the differences between and RP and no-RP simulations diminish. We note however, that the simulations analyzed have disk stellar masses below about 2E10 Msun/h. By creating mock Hubble Space Telescope observations we find that the number of clumps is slightly reduced in simulations with RP. However, since massive clumps survive the inclusion of RP and are found in our mock observations, we do not find a disagreement between simulations of our clumpy galaxies and observations of clumpy galaxies. We demonstrate that clumps found in any single gas, stellar, or mock observation image are not necessarily clumps found in another map, and that there are few clumps common to multiple maps.
We present a UV-to-mid infrared multi-wavelength catalog in the CANDELS/GOODS-S field, combining the newly obtained CANDELS HST/WFC3 F105W, F125W, and F160W data with existing public data. The catalog is based on source detection in the WFC3 F160W ba nd. The F160W mosaic includes the data from CANDELS deep and wide observations as well as previous ERS and HUDF09 programs. The mosaic reaches a 5$sigma$ limiting depth (within an aperture of radius 0.17 arcsec) of 27.4, 28.2, and 29.7 AB for CANDELS wide, deep, and HUDF regions, respectively. The catalog contains 34930 sources with the representative 50% completeness reaching 25.9, 26.6, and 28.1 AB in the F160W band for the three regions. In addition to WFC3 bands, the catalog also includes data from UV (U-band from both CTIO/MOSAIC and VLT/VIMOS), optical (HST/ACS F435W, F606W, F775W, F814W, and F850LP), and infrared (HST/WFC3 F098M, VLT/ISAAC Ks, VLT/HAWK-I Ks, and Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0 $mu$m) observations. The catalog is validated via stellar colors, comparison with other published catalogs, zeropoint offsets determined from the best-fit templates of the spectral energy distribution of spectroscopically observed objects, and the accuracy of photometric redshifts. The catalog is able to detect unreddened star-forming (passive) galaxies with stellar mass of 10^{10}M_odot at a 50% completeness level to z$sim$3.4 (2.8), 4.6 (3.2), and 7.0 (4.2) in the three regions. As an example of application, the catalog is used to select both star-forming and passive galaxies at z$sim$2--4 via the Balmer break. It is also used to study the color--magnitude diagram of galaxies at 0<z<4.
We have made a serendipitous discovery of a massive cD galaxy at z=1.096 in a candidate rich cluster in the HUDF area of GOODS-South. This brightest cluster galaxy is the most distant cD galaxy confirmed to date. Ultra-deep HST/WFC3 images reveal an extended envelope starting from ~10 kpc and reaching ~70 kpc in radius along the semi-major axis. The spectral energy distributions indicate that both its inner component and outer envelope are composed of an old, passively-evolving stellar population. The cD galaxy lies on the same mass-size relation as the bulk of quiescent galaxies at similar redshifts. The cD galaxy has a higher stellar mass surface density but a similar velocity dispersion to those of more-massive, nearby cDs. If the cD galaxy is one of the progenitors of todays more massive cDs, its size and stellar mass have had to increase on average by factors of $3.4pm1.1$ and $3.3pm1.3$ over the past ~8 Gyrs, respectively. Such increases in size and stellar mass without being accompanied by significant increases in velocity dispersion are consistent with evolutionary scenarios driven by both major and minor dry mergers. If such cD envelopes originate from dry mergers, our discovery of even one example proves that some BCGs entered the dry merger phase at epochs earlier than z=1. Our data match theoretical models which predict that the continuance of dry mergers at z<1 can result in structures similar to those of massive cD galaxies seen today. Moreover, our discovery is a surprise given that the extreme depth of the HUDF is essential to reveal such an extended cD envelope at z>1 and, yet, the HUDF covers only a minuscule region of sky. Adding that cDs are rare, Our serendipitous discovery hints that such cDs may be more common than expected. [Abridged]
141 - Yicheng Guo 2011
A new set of color selection criteria (VJL) analogous with the BzK method is designed to select both star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and passively-evolving galaxies (PEGs) at 2.3<z<3.5 by using rest-frame UV--optical (V-J vs. J-L) colors. The criteria a re thoroughly tested with theoretical stellar population synthesis models and real galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to evaluate their efficiency and contamination. We apply the well-tested VJL criteria to the HST/WFC3 Early Release Science field and study the physical properties of selected galaxies. The redshift distribution of selected SFGs peaks at z~2.7, slightly lower than that of Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3. Comparing the observed mid-infrared fluxes of selected galaxies with the prediction of pure stellar emission, we find that our VJL method is effective at selecting massive dusty SFGs that are missed by the Lyman Break Technique. About half of the star formation in massive (M_{star}>10^{10}M_{Sun}) galaxies at 2.3<z<3.5 is contributed by dusty (extinction E(B-V)>0.4) SFGs, which however, only account for ~20% of the number density of massive SFGs. We also use the mid-infrared fluxes to clean our PEG sample, and find that galaxy size can be used as a secondary criterion to effectively eliminate the contamination of dusty SFGs. The redshift distribution of the cleaned PEG sample peaks at z~2.5. We find 6 PEG candidates at z>3 and discuss possible methods to distinguish them from dusty contamination. We conclude that at least part of our candidates are real PEGs at z~3, implying that this type of galaxies began to form their stars at z>5. We measure the integrated stellar mass density of PEGs at z~2.5 and set constraints on it at z>3. We find that the integrated stellar mass density grows by at least about factor of 10 in 1 Gyr at 3<z<5 and by another factor of 10 in next 3.5 Gyr (1<z<3).
90 - P. Cassata 2011
We report on the evolution of the number density and size of early-type galaxies from z~2 to z~0. We select a sample of 563 massive (M>10^{10} Msun), passively evolving (SSFR<10^{-2} Gyr^{-1}) and morphologically spheroidal galaxies at 0<z<2.5, using the panchromatic photometry and spectroscopic redshifts available in the GOODS fields. We combine ACS and WFC3 HST images to study the morphology of our galaxies in their optical rest-frame in the whole 0<z<2.5 range. We find that throughout the explored redshift range the passive galaxies selected with our criteria have weak morphological K-correction, with size being slightly smaller in the optical than in the UV rest-frame (by ~20 and ~10 at z>1.2 and z<1.2, respectively). We measure a significant evolution of the mass-size relation of early-type galaxies, with the fractional increment that is almost independent on the stellar mass. Early-type galaxies (ETGs) formed at z>1 appear to be preferentially small, and the evolution of the mass-size relation at z<1 is driven by both the continuous size growth of the compact galaxies and the appearance of new ETGs with large sizes. We also find that the number density of all passive early-type galaxies increases rapidly, by a factor of 5, from z~2 to z~1, and then more mildly by another factor of 1.5 from z~1 to z~0. We interpret these results as the evidence that the bulk of the ETGs are formed at 1<z<3 through a mechanism that leaves very compact remnants. At z<1 the compact ETGs grow gradually in size, becoming normal size galaxies, and at the same time new ETGs with normal-large sizes are formed.
131 - Yicheng Guo 2011
We report the detection of color gradients in six massive (stellar mass > 10^{10} M_{sun}) and passively evolving (specific SFR < 10^{-11}/yr) galaxies at redshift 1.3<z<2.5 identified in the HUDF using HST ACS and WFC3/IR images. After matching diff erent PSFs, we obtain color maps and multi-band optical/near-IR photometry (BVizYJH) in concentric annuli, from the smallest resolved radial (~1.7 kpc) up to several times the H-band effective radius. We find that the inner regions of these galaxies have redder rest-frame UV--optical colors than the outer parts. The slopes of the color gradients mildly depend on the overall dust obscuration and rest-frame (U-V) color, with more obscured or redder galaxies having steeper color gradients. The z~2 color gradients are also steeper than those of local early-types. The gradient of a single parameter (age, extinction or metallicity) cannot fully explain the observed color gradients. Fitting spatially resolved HST seven-band photometry to stellar population synthesis models, we find that, regardless of assumptions for metallicity gradient, the redder inner regions of the galaxies have slightly higher dust obscuration than the bluer outer regions, although the magnitude depends on the assumed extinction law. The derived age gradient depends on the assumptions for metallicity gradient. We discuss the implications of a number of assumptions for metallicity gradient on the formation and evolution of these galaxies. We find that the evolution of the mass--size relationship from z~2 to z~0 cannot be driven by in--situ extended star formation, implying that accretion or merger is mostly responsible for the evolution. The lack of a correlation between color gradient and stellar mass argues against the metallicity gradient predicted by the monolithic collapse, which would require significant major mergers to evolve into the one observed at z~0. (Abridged)
We present near-IR images, obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the WFC3/IR camera, of six passive and massive galaxies at redshift 1.3<z<2.4 (SSFR<10^{-2} Gyr^{-1}; stellar mass M~10^{11} M_{sun}), selected from the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). These images, which have a spatial resolution of ~1.5 kpc, provide the deepest view of the optical rest-frame morphology of such systems to date. We find that the light profile of these galaxies is regular and well described by a Sersic model with index typical of todays spheroids. Their size, however, is generally much smaller than todays early types of similar stellar mass, with four out of six galaxies having r_e ~ 1 kpc or less, in quantitative agreement with previous similar measures made at rest-frame UV wavelengths. The images reach limiting surface brightness mu~26.5 mag arcsec^{-2} in the F160W bandpass; yet, there is no evidence of a faint halo in the galaxies of our sample, even in their stacked image. We also find that these galaxies have very weak morphological k-correction between the rest-frame UV (from the ACS z-band), and the rest--frame optical (WFC3 H-band): the Sersic index, physical size and overall morphology are independent or only mildly dependent on the wavelength, within the errors.
We investigate the incidence of major mergers creating >10e11 Msun galaxies in present-day groups and clusters more massive than 2.5e13 Msun. We identify 38 pairs of massive galaxies with mutual tidal interaction signatures selected from >5000 galaxi es with >5e10 Msun that reside in 845 such groups. We fit the images of each galaxy pair as the line-of-sight projection of symmetric models and identify mergers by the presence of residual asymmetries around each progenitor, such as off-center isophotes, broad tidal tails, and dynamical friction wakes. At the resolution and sensitivity of the SDSS, such mergers are found in 16% of high-mass, galaxy-galaxy pairs with magnitude differences of <1.5 and <30 kpc projected separations. We find that 90% of these mergers have nearly equal-mass progenitors with red-sequence colors and centrally-concentrated morphologies, the hallmarks of dissipationless merger simulations. Mergers at group centers are more common than between 2 satellites, but both are morphologically indistinguishable and we tentatively conclude that the latter are likely located at the dynamical centers of recently accreted subhalos. The frequency of central and satellite merging diminishes with group mass consistent with dynamical friction expectations. Based on reasonable assumptions, the centers of these massive halos are growing in stellar mass by 1-9% per Gyr, on average. Compared to all LRG-LRG mergers, we find a 2-9 times higher rate for their merging when restricted to these dense environments. Our results imply that the massive end of the galaxy population continues to evolve hierarchically at a measurable level, and that the centers of massive groups are the preferred environment for merger-driven galaxy assembly. (abridged)

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