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Existing equivariant neural networks for continuous groups require discretization or group representations. All these approaches require detailed knowledge of the group parametrization and cannot learn entirely new symmetries. We propose to work with the Lie algebra (infinitesimal generators) instead of the Lie group.Our model, the Lie algebra convolutional network (L-conv) can learn potential symmetries and does not require discretization of the group. We show that L-conv can serve as a building block to construct any group equivariant architecture. We discuss how CNNs and Graph Convolutional Networks are related to and can be expressed as L-conv with appropriate groups. We also derive the MSE loss for a single L-conv layer and find a deep relation with Lagrangians used in physics, with some of the physics aiding in defining generalization and symmetries in the loss landscape. Conversely, L-conv could be used to propose more general equivariant ansatze for scientific machine learning.
50 - Yanchen Liu 2020
We define a new measure of network symmetry that is capable of capturing approximate global symmetries of networks. We apply this measure to different networks sampled from several classic network models, as well as several real-world networks. We fi nd that among the network models that we have examined, Erdos-Renyi networks have the least levels of symmetry, and Random Geometric Graphs are likely to have high levels of symmetry. We find that our network symmetry measure can capture properties of network structure, and help us gain insights on the structure of real-world networks. Moreover, our network symmetry measure is capable of capturing imperfect network symmetry, which would have been undetected if only perfect symmetry is considered.
Network data sets are often constructed by some kind of thresholding procedure. The resulting networks frequently possess properties such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering, large connected components and short average shortest path len gths. These properties are considered typical of complex networks and appear in many contexts, prompting consideration of their universality. Here we introduce a simple model for correlated relational data and study the network ensemble obtained by thresholding it. We find that some, but not all, of the properties associated with complex networks can be seen after thresholding the correlated data, even though the underlying data are not complex. In particular, we observe heavy-tailed degree distributions, a large numbers of triangles, and short path lengths, while we do not observe non-vanishing clustering or community structure.
Grouping objects into clusters based on similarities or weights between them is one of the most important problems in science and engineering. In this work, by extending message passing algorithms and spectral algorithms proposed for unweighted commu nity detection problem, we develop a non-parametric method based on statistical physics, by mapping the problem to Potts model at the critical temperature of spin glass transition and applying belief propagation to solve the marginals corresponding to the Boltzmann distribution. Our algorithm is robust to over-fitting and gives a principled way to determine whether there are significant clusters in the data and how many clusters there are. We apply our method to different clustering tasks and use extensive numerical experiments to illustrate the advantage of our method over existing algorithms. In the community detection problem in weighted and directed networks, we show that our algorithm significantly outperforms existing algorithms. In the clustering problem when the data was generated by mixture models in the sparse regime we show that our method works to the theoretical limit of detectability and gives accuracy very close to that of the optimal Bayesian inference. In the semi-supervised clustering problem, our method only needs several labels to work perfectly in classic datasets. Finally, we further develop Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations which reduce heavily the computation complexity in dense-networks but gives almost the same performance as belief propagation.

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