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Approximate Network Symmetry

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 نشر من قبل Yanchen Liu
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Yanchen Liu

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We define a new measure of network symmetry that is capable of capturing approximate global symmetries of networks. We apply this measure to different networks sampled from several classic network models, as well as several real-world networks. We find that among the network models that we have examined, Erdos-Renyi networks have the least levels of symmetry, and Random Geometric Graphs are likely to have high levels of symmetry. We find that our network symmetry measure can capture properties of network structure, and help us gain insights on the structure of real-world networks. Moreover, our network symmetry measure is capable of capturing imperfect network symmetry, which would have been undetected if only perfect symmetry is considered.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Real networks are finite metric spaces. Yet the geometry induced by shortest path distances in a network is definitely not its only geometry. Other forms of network geometry are the geometry of latent spaces underlying many networks, and the effectiv e geometry induced by dynamical processes in networks. These three approaches to network geometry are all intimately related, and all three of them have been found to be exceptionally efficient in discovering fractality, scale-invariance, self-similarity, and other forms of fundamental symmetries in networks. Network geometry is also of great utility in a variety of practical applications, ranging from the understanding how the brain works, to routing in the Internet. Here, we review the most important theoretical and practical developments dealing with these approaches to network geometry in the last two decades, and offer perspectives on future research directions and challenges in this novel frontier in the study of complexity.
We study the network dismantling problem, which consists in determining a minimal set of vertices whose removal leaves the network broken into connected components of sub-extensive size. For a large class of random graphs, this problem is tightly con nected to the decycling problem (the removal of vertices leaving the graph acyclic). Exploiting this connection and recent works on epidemic spreading we present precise predictions for the minimal size of a dismantling set in a large random graph with a prescribed (light-tailed) degree distribution. Building on the statistical mechanics perspective we propose a three-stage Min-Sum algorithm for efficiently dismantling networks, including heavy-tailed ones for which the dismantling and decycling problems are not equivalent. We also provide further insights into the dismantling problem concluding that it is an intrinsically collective problem and that optimal dismantling sets cannot be viewed as a collection of individually well performing nodes.
157 - Zygmunt Lalak 2012
We investigate basic consequences of the assumption that the mass scale of the perturbative sector responsible for the spontaneous symmetry breaking is generated dynamically in a theory with a large UV scale. It is assumed that in addition to an elem entary scalar there exists an additional scalar, a modulus, which controls the dynamical hierarchy of scales in the manner similar to that of supersymmetric gaugino condensation. It is shown that a light degree of freedom appears that couples to the gauge bosons and to charged fermions in a specific way which is different from the couplings of the dilaton of the exact scale invariance.
We argue that neutrino mass and dark matter can arise from an approximate $B-L$ symmetry. This idea can be realized in a minimal setup of the flipped 3-3-1 model, which discriminates lepton families while keeping universal quark families and uses onl y two scalar triplets in order for symmetry breaking and mass generation. This proposal contains naturally an approximate non-Abelian $B-L$ symmetry which consequently leads to an approximate matter parity. The approximate symmetries produce small neutrino masses in terms of type II and III seesaws and may make dark matter long lived. Additionally, dark matter candidate is either unified with the Higgs doublet by gauge symmetry or acted as an inert multiplet. The Peccei-Quinn symmetry is discussed. The gauge and scalar sectors are exactly diagonalized. The signals of the new physics at colliders are examined.
This chapter introduces statistical methods used in the analysis of social networks and in the rapidly evolving parallel-field of network science. Although several instances of social network analysis in health services research have appeared recentl y, the majority involve only the most basic methods and thus scratch the surface of what might be accomplished. Cutting-edge methods using relevant examples and illustrations in health services research are provided.
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