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Thermal signatures of fractionalized excitations are a fingerprint of quantum spin liquids (QSLs). In the $J_{eff}=1/2$ honeycomb magnet $alpha$-RuCl$_3$, a QSL state emerges upon applying an in-plane magnetic field $H_{||}$ greater than the critical field $H_{C2} approx$ 7 T along the a-axis, where the thermal Hall conductivity ($k_{XY}/T$) was reported to take on the half-quantized value $k_{HQ}/T$. This finding was discussed as a signature of an emergent Majorana edge mode predicted for the Kitaev QSL. The $H_{||}$- and $T$-range of the half-quantized signal and its relevance to a Majorana edge mode are, however, still under debate. Here we present a comprehensive study of $k_{XY}/T$ in $alpha$-RuCl$_3$ with $H_{||}$ up to 13 T and $T$ down to 250 mK, which reveals the presence of an extended region of the phase diagram with $k_{XY}/T approx k_{HQ}/T$ above $H_{C2}$, in particular across a plateau-like plane for $H_{||}$ > 10 T and $T$ < 6.5 K. From 7 T up to $sim$10 T, $k_{XY}/T$ is suppressed to zero upon cooling to lowest temperature without any plateau-like behavior and exhibits correlations with complex anomalies in the longitudinal thermal conductivity ($k_{XX}$) and magnetization around 10 T. The results are in support of a topological state with a half-quantized $k_{XY}/T$ and suggest an interplay with crossovers or weak phase transitions beyond $H_{C2}$ in RuCl$_3$.
340 - T. Haku , K. Kimura , Y. Matsumoto 2016
We study low energy excitations in the quantum breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnet Ba$_3$Yb$_2$Zn$_5$O$_{11}$ by combination of inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and thermodynamical properties measurements. The INS spectra are quantitatively explai ned by spin-1/2 single-tetrahedron model having $XXZ$ anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This model has a two-fold degeneracy of the lowest-energy state per tetrahedron and well reproduces the magnetization curve at 0.5 K and heat capacity above 1.5 K. At lower temperatures, however, we observe a broad maximum in the heat capacity around 63 mK, demonstrating that a unique quantum ground state is selected due to extra perturbations with energy scale smaller than the instrumental resolution of INS.
110 - Y. Matsumoto , T. Amano , 2013
Electron acceleration associated with various plasma kinetic instabilities in a nonrelativistic, very-high-Alfven Mach-number ($M_A sim 45$) shock is revealed by means of a two-dimensional fully kinetic PIC simulation. Electromagnetic (ion Weibel) an d electrostatic (ion-acoustic and Buneman) instabilities are strongly activated at the same time in different regions of the two-dimensional shock structure. Relativistic electrons are quickly produced predominantly by the shock surfing mechanism with the Buneman instability at the leading edge of the foot. The energy spectrum has a high-energy tail exceeding the upstream ion kinetic energy accompanying the main thermal population. This gives a favorable condition for the ion acoustic instability at the shock front, which in turn results in additional energization. The large-amplitude ion Weibel instability generates current sheets in the foot, implying another dissipation mechanism via magnetic reconnection in a three-dimensional shock structure in the very-high-$M_A$ regime.
We have grown the new uranium compound URhIn$_5$ with the tetragonal HoCoGa$_5$-type by the In self flux method. In contrast to the nonmagnetic ground state of the isoelectronic analogue URhGa$_5$, URhIn$_5$ is an antiferromagnet with antiferromagnet ic transition temperature $T_{rm N}$ = 98 K. The moderately large electronic specific heat coefficient $gamma$ = 50 mJ/K$^2$mol demonstrates the contribution of 5$f$ electrons to the conduction band. On the other hand, magnetic susceptibility in the paramagnetic state roughly follows a Curie-Weiss law with a paramagnetic effective moment corresponding to a localized uranium ion. The crossover from localized to itinerant character at low temperature may occur around the characteristic temperature 150 K where the magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity show a marked anomaly.
We study the extent to which vibrotactile stimuli delivered to the head of a subject can serve as a platform for a brain computer interface (BCI) paradigm. Six head positions are used to evoke combined somatosensory and auditory (via the bone conduct ion effect) brain responses, in order to define a multimodal tactile and auditory brain computer interface (taBCI). Experimental results of subjects performing online taBCI, using stimuli with a moderately fast inter-stimulus interval (ISI), validate the taBCI paradigm, while the feasibility of the concept is illuminated through information transfer rate case studies.
beta-YbAlB_4 is the unique heavy fermion superconductor that exhibits unconventional quantum criticality without tuning in a strongly intermediate valence state. Despite the large coherence temperature, set by the peak of the longitudinal resistivity , our Hall effect measurements reveal that resonant skew scattering from incoherent local moments persists down to at least ~40 K, where the Hall coefficient exhibits a distinct minimum signaling another formation of coherence. The observation strongly suggests that the hybridization between f-moments and conduction electrons has a two component character with distinct Kondo or coherence scales T_K of ~40 K and 200 K; this is confirmed by the magnetic field dependence of rho_xy.
117 - Y. Matsumoto , K. Kuga , Y. Karaki 2009
$beta$-YbAlB$_4$ is the first Yb-based heavy fermion superconductor with $T_{rm c} = 80$ mK. We measured low temperature magnetization of high-purity single crystals down to $T=$ 25 mK. The measurements have revealed a considerable amount of volume f ractions of the superconductivity and the upper critical field $B_{c2}$ curve under field along the c axis, consistent with the previous results. In the normal state, the previously observed divergent behavior in the temperature dependence of the magnetization has been confirmed using higher quality samples and under a low field of 22 mT. In addition, the measurements have revealed a power law behavior, namely, $dM/dTpropto T^{3/2}$, which has a slightly higher exponent than the previous results.

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