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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable performance across a wide area of applications. However, they are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which motivates the adversarial defense. By adopting simple evaluation metrics, most of the cur rent defenses only conduct incomplete evaluations, which are far from providing comprehensive understandings of the limitations of these defenses. Thus, most proposed defenses are quickly shown to be attacked successfully, which result in the arm race phenomenon between attack and defense. To mitigate this problem, we establish a model robustness evaluation framework containing a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent set of evaluation metrics, which could fully evaluate model robustness and provide deep insights into building robust models. With 23 evaluation metrics in total, our framework primarily focuses on the two key factors of adversarial learning (ie, data and model). Through neuron coverage and data imperceptibility, we use data-oriented metrics to measure the integrity of test examples; by delving into model structure and behavior, we exploit model-oriented metrics to further evaluate robustness in the adversarial setting. To fully demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we conduct large-scale experiments on multiple datasets including CIFAR-10 and SVHN using different models and defenses with our open-source platform AISafety. Overall, our paper aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework which could demonstrate detailed inspections of the model robustness, and we hope that our paper can inspire further improvement to the model robustness.
There is now extensive evidence demonstrating that deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, motivating the development of defenses against adversarial attacks. However, existing adversarial defenses typically improve model robustn ess against individual specific perturbation types. Some recent methods improve model robustness against adversarial attacks in multiple $ell_p$ balls, but their performance against each perturbation type is still far from satisfactory. To better understand this phenomenon, we propose the emph{multi-domain} hypothesis, stating that different types of adversarial perturbations are drawn from different domains. Guided by the multi-domain hypothesis, we propose emph{Gated Batch Normalization (GBN)}, a novel building block for deep neural networks that improves robustness against multiple perturbation types. GBN consists of a gated sub-network and a multi-branch batch normalization (BN) layer, where the gated sub-network separates different perturbation types, and each BN branch is in charge of a single perturbation type and learns domain-specific statistics for input transformation. Then, features from different branches are aligned as domain-invariant representations for the subsequent layers. We perform extensive evaluations of our approach on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Tiny-ImageNet, and demonstrate that GBN outperforms previous defense proposals against multiple perturbation types, i.e, $ell_1$, $ell_2$, and $ell_{infty}$ perturbations, by large margins of 10-20%.
Adversarial examples are inputs with imperceptible perturbations that easily misleading deep neural networks(DNNs). Recently, adversarial patch, with noise confined to a small and localized patch, has emerged for its easy feasibility in real-world sc enarios. However, existing strategies failed to generate adversarial patches with strong generalization ability. In other words, the adversarial patches were input-specific and failed to attack images from all classes, especially unseen ones during training. To address the problem, this paper proposes a bias-based framework to generate class-agnostic universal adversarial patches with strong generalization ability, which exploits both the perceptual and semantic bias of models. Regarding the perceptual bias, since DNNs are strongly biased towards textures, we exploit the hard examples which convey strong model uncertainties and extract a textural patch prior from them by adopting the style similarities. The patch prior is more close to decision boundaries and would promote attacks. To further alleviate the heavy dependency on large amounts of data in training universal attacks, we further exploit the semantic bias. As the class-wise preference, prototypes are introduced and pursued by maximizing the multi-class margin to help universal training. Taking AutomaticCheck-out (ACO) as the typical scenario, extensive experiments including white-box and black-box settings in both digital-world(RPC, the largest ACO related dataset) and physical-world scenario(Taobao and JD, the world s largest online shopping platforms) are conducted. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art adversarial patch attack methods.
Adversarial attacks are valuable for providing insights into the blind-spots of deep learning models and help improve their robustness. Existing work on adversarial attacks have mainly focused on static scenes; however, it remains unclear whether suc h attacks are effective against embodied agents, which could navigate and interact with a dynamic environment. In this work, we take the first step to study adversarial attacks for embodied agents. In particular, we generate spatiotemporal perturbations to form 3D adversarial examples, which exploit the interaction history in both the temporal and spatial dimensions. Regarding the temporal dimension, since agents make predictions based on historical observations, we develop a trajectory attention module to explore scene view contributions, which further help localize 3D objects appeared with the highest stimuli. By conciliating with clues from the temporal dimension, along the spatial dimension, we adversarially perturb the physical properties (e.g., texture and 3D shape) of the contextual objects that appeared in the most important scene views. Extensive experiments on the EQA-v1 dataset for several embodied tasks in both the white-box and black-box settings have been conducted, which demonstrate that our perturbations have strong attack and generalization abilities.
The binary neural network, largely saving the storage and computation, serves as a promising technique for deploying deep models on resource-limited devices. However, the binarization inevitably causes severe information loss, and even worse, its dis continuity brings difficulty to the optimization of the deep network. To address these issues, a variety of algorithms have been proposed, and achieved satisfying progress in recent years. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these algorithms, mainly categorized into the native solutions directly conducting binarization, and the optimized ones using techniques like minimizing the quantization error, improving the network loss function, and reducing the gradient error. We also investigate other practical aspects of binary neural networks such as the hardware-friendly design and the training tricks. Then, we give the evaluation and discussions on different tasks, including image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation. Finally, the challenges that may be faced in future research are prospected.
186 - Jun Han , Fan Ding , Xianglong Liu 2020
Gradient-based approximate inference methods, such as Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD), provide simple and general-purpose inference engines for differentiable continuous distributions. However, existing forms of SVGD cannot be directly appl ied to discrete distributions. In this work, we fill this gap by proposing a simple yet general framework that transforms discrete distributions to equivalent piecewise continuous distributions, on which the gradient-free SVGD is applied to perform efficient approximate inference. The empirical results show that our method outperforms traditional algorithms such as Gibbs sampling and discontinuous Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on various challenging benchmarks of discrete graphical models. We demonstrate that our method provides a promising tool for learning ensembles of binarized neural network (BNN), outperforming other widely used ensemble methods on learning binarized AlexNet on CIFAR-10 dataset. In addition, such transform can be straightforwardly employed in gradient-free kernelized Stein discrepancy to perform goodness-of-fit (GOF) test on discrete distributions. Our proposed method outperforms existing GOF test methods for intractable discrete distributions.
Abstract reasoning refers to the ability to analyze information, discover rules at an intangible level, and solve problems in innovative ways. Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) test is typically used to examine the capability of abstract reasoning. T he subject is asked to identify the correct choice from the answer set to fill the missing panel at the bottom right of RPM (e.g., a 3$times$3 matrix), following the underlying rules inside the matrix. Recent studies, taking advantage of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved encouraging progress to accomplish the RPM test. However, they partly ignore necessary inductive biases of RPM solver, such as order sensitivity within each row/column and incremental rule induction. To address this problem, in this paper we propose a Stratified Rule-Aware Network (SRAN) to generate the rule embeddings for two input sequences. Our SRAN learns multiple granularity rule embeddings at different levels, and incrementally integrates the stratified embedding flows through a gated fusion module. With the help of embeddings, a rule similarity metric is applied to guarantee that SRAN can not only be trained using a tuplet loss but also infer the best answer efficiently. We further point out the severe defects existing in the popular RAVEN dataset for RPM test, which prevent from the fair evaluation of the abstract reasoning ability. To fix the defects, we propose an answer set generation algorithm called Attribute Bisection Tree (ABT), forming an improved dataset named Impartial-RAVEN (I-RAVEN for short). Extensive experiments are conducted on both PGM and I-RAVEN datasets, showing that our SRAN outperforms the state-of-the-art models by a considerable margin.
Recently deep neutral networks have achieved promising performance for filling large missing regions in image inpainting tasks. They usually adopted the standard convolutional architecture over the corrupted image, leading to meaningless contents, su ch as color discrepancy, blur and artifacts. Moreover, most inpainting approaches cannot well handle the large continuous missing area cases. To address these problems, we propose a generic inpainting framework capable of handling with incomplete images on both continuous and discontinuous large missing areas, in an adversarial manner. From which, region-wise convolution is deployed in both generator and discriminator to separately handle with the different regions, namely existing regions and missing ones. Moreover, a correlation loss is introduced to capture the non-local correlations between different patches, and thus guides the generator to obtain more information during inference. With the help of our proposed framework, we can restore semantically reasonable and visually realistic images. Extensive experiments on three widely-used datasets for image inpainting tasks have been conducted, and both qualitative and quantitative experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches, both on the large continuous and discontinuous missing areas.
Weight and activation binarization is an effective approach to deep neural network compression and can accelerate the inference by leveraging bitwise operations. Although many binarization methods have improved the accuracy of the model by minimizing the quantization error in forward propagation, there remains a noticeable performance gap between the binarized model and the full-precision one. Our empirical study indicates that the quantization brings information loss in both forward and backward propagation, which is the bottleneck of training accurate binary neural networks. To address these issues, we propose an Information Retention Network (IR-Net) to retain the information that consists in the forward activations and backward gradients. IR-Net mainly relies on two technical contributions: (1) Libra Parameter Binarization (Libra-PB): simultaneously minimizing both quantization error and information loss of parameters by balanced and standardized weights in forward propagation; (2) Error Decay Estimator (EDE): minimizing the information loss of gradients by gradually approximating the sign function in backward propagation, jointly considering the updating ability and accurate gradients. We are the first to investigate both forward and backward processes of binary networks from the unified information perspective, which provides new insight into the mechanism of network binarization. Comprehensive experiments with various network structures on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets manifest that the proposed IR-Net can consistently outperform state-of-the-art quantization methods.
Orthogonal matrix has shown advantages in training Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), but such matrix is limited to be square for the hidden-to-hidden transformation in RNNs. In this paper, we generalize such square orthogonal matrix to orthogonal rec tangular matrix and formulating this problem in feed-forward Neural Networks (FNNs) as Optimization over Multiple Dependent Stiefel Manifolds (OMDSM). We show that the rectangular orthogonal matrix can stabilize the distribution of network activations and regularize FNNs. We also propose a novel orthogonal weight normalization method to solve OMDSM. Particularly, it constructs orthogonal transformation over proxy parameters to ensure the weight matrix is orthogonal and back-propagates gradient information through the transformation during training. To guarantee stability, we minimize the distortions between proxy parameters and canonical weights over all tractable orthogonal transformations. In addition, we design an orthogonal linear module (OLM) to learn orthogonal filter banks in practice, which can be used as an alternative to standard linear module. Extensive experiments demonstrate that by simply substituting OLM for standard linear module without revising any experimental protocols, our method largely improves the performance of the state-of-the-art networks, including Inception and residual networks on CIFAR and ImageNet datasets. In particular, we have reduced the test error of wide residual network on CIFAR-100 from 20.04% to 18.61% with such simple substitution. Our code is available online for result reproduction.

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