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Monopole operators are studied at certain quantum critical points between a Dirac spin liquid and topological quantum spin liquids (QSLs): chiral and Z$_{2}$ QSLs. These quantum phase transitions are described by conformal field theories (CFTs): quan tum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions with 2N flavors of two-component massless Dirac fermions and a four-fermion interaction term. For the transition to a chiral spin liquid, it is the Gross-Neveu interaction (QED$_{3}$-GN), while for the transition to the Z$_{2}$ QSL it is a superconducting pairing term (QED$_{3}$-Z$_{2}$GN). Using the state-operator correspondence, we obtain monopole scaling dimensions to sub-leading order in 1/N. For monopoles with a minimal topological charge q = 1/2, the scaling dimension is 2N*0.26510 at leading-order, with the quantum correction being 0.118911(7) for the chiral spin liquid, and 0.102846(9) for the Z$_{2}$ case. Although these two anomalous dimensions are nearly equal, the underlying quantum fluctuations possess distinct origins. The analogous result in QED$_{3}$ is also obtained and we find a sub-leading contribution of $-$0.038138(5), which is slightly different from the value $-$0.0383 first obtained in the literature. The scaling dimension of a QED$_{3}$-GN monopole with minimal charge is very close to the scaling dimensions of other operators predicted to be equal by a conjectured duality between QED$_{3}$-GN with 2N = 2 flavors and the CP$^{1}$ model. Additionally, non-minimally charged monopoles with equal charges on both sides of the duality have similar scaling dimensions. By studying the large-q asymptotics of the scaling dimensions in QED$_{3}$, QED$_{3}$-GN, and QED$_{3}$-Z$_{2}$GN we verify that the constant O(q$^{0}$) coefficient precisely matches the universal prediction for CFTs with a global U(1) symmetry.
We study a quantum spin-1/2 chain that is dual to the canonical problem of non-equilibrium Kawasaki dynamics of a classical Ising chain coupled to a thermal bath. The Hamiltonian is obtained for the general disordered case with non-uniform Ising coup lings. The quantum spin chain (dubbed Ising-Kawasaki) is stoquastic, and depends on the Ising couplings normalized by the baths temperature. We give its exact ground states. Proceeding with uniform couplings, we study the one- and two-magnon excitations. Solutions for the latter are derived via a Bethe Ansatz scheme. In the antiferromagnetic regime, the two-magnon branch states show intricate behavior, especially regarding their hybridization with the continuum. We find that that the gapless chain hosts multiple dynamics at low energy as seen through the presence of multiple dynamical critical exponents. Finally, we analyze the full energy level spacing distribution as a function of the Ising coupling. We conclude that the system is non-integrable for generic parameters, or equivalently, that the corresponding non-equilibrium classical dynamics are ergodic.
Understanding the fluctuations of observables is one of the main goals in science, be it theoretical or experimental, quantum or classical. We investigate such fluctuations when only a subregion of the full system can be observed, focusing on geometr ies with sharp corners. We report that the dependence on the opening angle is super-universal: up to a numerical prefactor, this function does not depend on anything, provided the system under study is uniform, isotropic, and correlations do not decay too slowly. The prefactor contains important physical information: we show in particular that it gives access to the long-wavelength limit of the structure factor. We illustrate our findings with several examples, including fractional quantum Hall states, scale invariant quantum critical theories, and metals. Finally, we discuss connections with quantum entanglement, extensions to three dimensions, as well as experiments to probe the geometry of fluctuations.
Quantum spin liquids host novel emergent excitations, such as monopoles of an emergent gauge field. Here, we study the hierarchy of monopole operators that emerges at quantum critical points (QCPs) between a two-dimensional Dirac spin liquid and vari ous ordered phases. This is described by a confinement transition of quantum electrodynamics in two spatial dimensions (QED3 Gross-Neveu theories). Focusing on a spin ordering transition, we get the scaling dimension of monopoles at leading order in a large-N expansion, where 2N is the number of Dirac fermions, as a function of the monopoles total magnetic spin. Monopoles with a maximal spin have the smallest scaling dimension while monopoles with a vanishing magnetic spin have the largest one, the same as in pure QED3. The organization of monopoles in multiplets of the QCPs symmetry group SU(2) x SU(N) is shown for general N.
We present a comprehensive study of a three-orbital lattice model suitable for the layered iridate Sr2IrO4. Our analysis includes various on-site interactions (including Hubbard and Hunds) as well as compressive strain, and a Zeeman magnetic field. W e use a self-consistent mean field approach with multiple order parameters to characterize the resulting phases. While in some parameter regimes the compound is well described by an effective J=1/2 model, in other regimes the full multiorbital description is needed. As a function of the compressive strain, we uncover two quantum phase transitions: first a continuous metal-insulator transition, and subsequently a first order magnetic melting of the antiferromagnetic order. Crucially, bands of both J=1/2 and J=3/2 nature play important roles in these transitions. Our results qualitatively agree with experiments of Sr2IrO4 under strain induced by a substrate, and motivate the study of higher strains.
We investigate the response of 3D Luttinger semimetals to localized charge and spin impurities as a function of doping. The strong spin-orbit coupling of these materials strongly influences the Friedel oscillations and RKKY interactions. This can be seen at short distances with an $1/r^4$ divergence of the responses, and anisotropic behavior. Certain of the spin-orbital signatures are robust to temperature, even if the charge and spin oscillations are smeared out, and give an unusual diamagnetic Pauli susceptibility. We compare our results to the experimental literature on the bismuth-based half-Heuslers such as YPtBi and on the pyrochlore iridate Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$.
The experimental discovery of the fractional Hall conductivity in two-dimensional electron gases revealed new types of quantum particles, called anyons, which are beyond bosons and fermions as they possess fractionalized exchange statistics. These an yons are usually studied deep inside an insulating topological phase. It is natural to ask whether such fractionalization can be detected more broadly, say near a phase transition from a conventional to a topological phase. To answer this question, we study a strongly correlated quantum phase transition between a topological state, called a $mathbb{Z}_2$ quantum spin liquid, and a conventional superfluid using large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show that the universal conductivity at the quantum critical point becomes a simple fraction of its value at the conventional insulator-to-superfluid transition. Moreover, a dynamically self-dual optical conductivity emerges at low temperatures above the transition point, indicating the presence of the elusive vison particles. Our study opens the door for the experimental detection of anyons in a broader regime, and has ramifications in the study of quantum materials, programmable quantum simulators, and ultra-cold atomic gases. In the latter case, we discuss the feasibility of measurements in optical lattices using current techniques.
Boundaries constitute a rich playground for quantum many-body systems because they can lead to novel degrees of freedom such as protected boundary states in topological phases. Here, we study the groundstate of integer quantum Hall systems in the pre sence of boundaries through the reduced density matrix of a spatial region. We work in the lowest Landau level and choose our region to intersect the boundary at arbitrary angles. The entanglement entropy (EE) contains a logarithmic contribution coming from the chiral edge modes, and matches the corresponding conformal field theory prediction. We uncover an additional contribution due to the boundary corners. We characterize the angle-dependence of this boundary corner term, and compare it to the bulk corner EE. We further analyze the spatial structure of entanglement via the eigenstates associated with the reduced density matrix, and construct a spatially-resolved EE. The influence of the physical boundary and the regions geometry on the reduced density matrix is thus clarified. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for other topological phases, as well as quantum critical systems such as conformal field theories in 2 spatial dimensions.
Monopole operators are topological disorder operators in 2+1 dimensional compact gauge field theories appearing notably in quantum magnets with fractionalized excitations. For example, their proliferation in a spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagn et triggers a quantum phase transition from a Dirac spin liquid phase to an antiferromagnet. The quantum critical point (QCP) for this transition is described by a conformal field theory: Compact quantum electrodynamics (QED3) with a fermionic self-interaction, a type of QED3-Gross-Neveu model. We obtain the scaling dimensions of monopole operators at the QCP using a state-operator correspondence and a large-N expansion, where 2N is the number of fermion flavors. We characterize the hierarchy of monopole operators at this SU(2) x SU(N) symmetric QCP.
We investigate the superconductivity of 3D Luttinger semimetals, such as YPtBi, where Cooper pairs are constituted of spin-3/2 quasiparticles. Various pairing mechanisms have already been considered for these semimetals, such as from polar phonons mo des, and in this work we explore pairing from the screened electron-electron Coulomb repulsion. In these materials, the small Fermi energy and the spin-orbit coupling strongly influence how charge fluctuations can mediate pairing. We find the superconducting critical temperature as a function of doping for an s-wave order parameter, and determine its sensitivity to changes in the dielectric permittivity. Also, we discuss how order parameters other than s-wave may lead to a larger critical temperature, due to spin-orbit coupling.

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