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We present the details of a new factorized approach to semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering which treats QED and QCD radiation on equal footing, and provides a systematically improvable approximation to the extraction of transverse momentum depen dent parton distributions. We demonstrate how the QED contributions can be well approximated by collinear factorization, and illustrate the application of the factorized approach to QED radiation in inclusive scattering. For semi-inclusive processes, we show how radiation effects prevent a well-defined photon-nucleon frame, forcing one to use a two-step process to account for the radiation. We illustrate the utility of the new method by explicit application to the spin-dependent Sivers and Collins asymmetries.
Quantum batteries are miniature energy storage devices and play a very important role in quantum thermodynamics. In recent years, quantum batteries have been extensively studied, but limited in theoretical level. Here we report the experimental reali zation of a quantum battery based on superconducting qubits. Our model explores dark and bright states to achieve stable and powerful charging processes, respectively. Our scheme makes use of the quantum adiabatic brachistochrone, which allows us to speed up the {battery ergotropy injection. Due to the inherent interaction of the system with its surrounding, the battery exhibits a self-discharge, which is shown to be described by a supercapacitor-like self-discharging mechanism. Our results paves the way for proposals of new superconducting circuits able to store extractable work for further usage.
Recently, about five hundred fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected by CHIME/FRB Project have been reported. The vast amounts of data would make FRBs a promising low-redshift cosmological probe in the forthcoming years, and thus the issue of how many FRBs are needed for precise cosmological parameter estimation in different dark energy models should be detailedly investigated. Different from the usually considered $w(z)$-parameterized models in the literature, in this work we investigate the holographic dark energy (HDE) model and the Ricci dark energy (RDE) model, which originate from the holographic principle of quantum gravity, using the simulated localized FRB data as a cosmological probe for the first time. We show that the Hubble constant $H_0$ can be constrained to about 2% precision in the HDE model with the Macquart relation of FRB by using 10000 accurately-localized FRBs combined with the current CMB data, which is similar to the precision of the SH0ES value. Using 10000 localized FRBs combined with the CMB data can achieve about 6% constraint on the dark-energy parameter $c$ in the HDE model, which is tighter than the current BAO data combined with CMB. We also study the combination of the FRB data and another low-redshift cosmological probe, i.e. gravitational wave (GW) standard siren data, with the purpose of measuring cosmological parameters independent of CMB. Although the parameter degeneracies inherent in FRB and in GW are rather different, we find that more than 10000 FRBs are demanded to effectively improve the constraints in the holographic dark energy models.
64 - Wanqi Xue , Wei Qiu , Bo An 2021
Recent studies in multi-agent communicative reinforcement learning (MACRL) demonstrate that multi-agent coordination can be significantly improved when communication between agents is allowed. Meanwhile, advances in adversarial machine learning (ML) have shown that ML and reinforcement learning (RL) models are vulnerable to a variety of attacks that significantly degrade the performance of learned behaviours. However, despite the obvious and growing importance, the combination of adversarial ML and MACRL remains largely uninvestigated. In this paper, we make the first step towards conducting message attacks on MACRL methods. In our formulation, one agent in the cooperating group is taken over by an adversary and can send malicious messages to disrupt a deployed MACRL-based coordinated strategy during the deployment phase. We further our study by developing a defence method via message reconstruction. Finally, we address the resulting arms race, i.e., we consider the ability of the malicious agent to adapt to the changing and improving defensive communicative policies of the benign agents. Specifically, we model the adversarial MACRL problem as a two-player zero-sum game and then utilize Policy-Space Response Oracle to achieve communication robustness. Empirically, we demonstrate that MACRL methods are vulnerable to message attacks while our defence method the game-theoretic framework can effectively improve the robustness of MACRL.
Heavy quarkonium production at high transverse momentum ($p_T$) in hadronic collisions is explored in the QCD factorization approach. We find that the leading power in the $1/p_T$ expansion is responsible for high $p_T$ regime, while the next-to-lead ing power contribution is necessary for the low $p_T$ region. We present the first numerical analysis of the scale evolution of coupled twist-2 and twist-4 fragmentation functions (FFs) for heavy quarkonium production and demonstrate that the QCD factorization approach is capable of describing the $p_T$ spectrum of hadronic $J/psi$ production at the LHC.
93 - Kaixuan Chen 2021
The wake effect is one of the leading causes of energy losses in offshore wind farms (WFs). Both turbine placement and cooperative control can influence the wake interactions inside the WF and thus the overall WF power production. Traditionally, gree dy control strategy is assumed in the layout design phase. To exploit the potential synergy between the WF layout and control so that a system-level optimal layout can be obtained with the greatest energy yields, the layout optimization should be performed with cooperative control considerations. For this purpose, a novel two-stage WF layout optimization model is developed in this paper. Cooperative WF control of both turbine yaw and axis-induction are considered. However, the integration of WF control makes the layout optimization much more complicated and results in a large-scale nonconvex problem, hindering the application of current layout optimization methods. To increase the computational efficiency, we leverage the hierarchy and decomposability of the joint optimization problem and design a decomposition-based hybrid method (DBHM). Case studies are carried out on different WFs. It is shown that WF layouts with higher energy yields can be obtained by the proposed joint optimization compared to traditional separate layout optimization. Moreover, the computational advantages of the proposed DBHM on the considered joint layout optimization problem are also demonstrated.
The influence maximization (IM) problem aims at finding a subset of seed nodes in a social network that maximize the spread of influence. In this study, we focus on a sub-class of IM problems, where whether the nodes are willing to be the seeds when being invited is uncertain, called contingency-aware IM. Such contingency aware IM is critical for applications for non-profit organizations in low resource communities (e.g., spreading awareness of disease prevention). Despite the initial success, a major practical obstacle in promoting the solutions to more communities is the tremendous runtime of the greedy algorithms and the lack of high performance computing (HPC) for the non-profits in the field -- whenever there is a new social network, the non-profits usually do not have the HPCs to recalculate the solutions. Motivated by this and inspired by the line of works that use reinforcement learning (RL) to address combinatorial optimization on graphs, we formalize the problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), and use RL to learn an IM policy over historically seen networks, and generalize to unseen networks with negligible runtime at test phase. To fully exploit the properties of our targeted problem, we propose two technical innovations that improve the existing methods, including state-abstraction and theoretically grounded reward shaping. Empirical results show that our method achieves influence as high as the state-of-the-art methods for contingency-aware IM, while having negligible runtime at test phase.
Scalable quantum information processing requires the ability to tune multi-qubit interactions. This makes the precise manipulation of quantum states particularly difficult for multi-qubit interactions because tunability unavoidably introduces sensiti vity to fluctuations in the tuned parameters, leading to erroneous multi-qubit gate operations. The performance of quantum algorithms may be severely compromised by coherent multi-qubit errors. It is therefore imperative to understand how these fluctuations affect multi-qubit interactions and, more importantly, to mitigate their influence. In this study, we demonstrate how to implement dynamical-decoupling techniques to suppress the two-qubit analogue of the dephasing on a superconducting quantum device featuring a compact tunable coupler, a trending technology that enables the fast manipulation of qubit--qubit interactions. The pure-dephasing time shows an up to ~14 times enhancement on average when using robust sequences. The results are in good agreement with the noise generated from room-temperature circuits. Our study further reveals the decohering processes associated with tunable couplers and establishes a framework to develop gates and sequences robust against two-qubit errors.
Missing value imputation is a challenging and well-researched topic in data mining. In this paper, we propose IFGAN, a missing value imputation algorithm based on Feature-specific Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). Our idea is intuitive yet effec tive: a feature-specific generator is trained to impute missing values, while a discriminator is expected to distinguish the imputed values from observed ones. The proposed architecture is capable of handling different data types, data distributions, missing mechanisms, and missing rates. It also improves post-imputation analysis by preserving inter-feature correlations. We empirically show on several real-life datasets that IFGAN outperforms current state-of-the-art algorithm under various missing conditions.
200 - Ziwei Qiu , Uri Vool , Assaf Hamo 2020
Quantum sensing exploits the strong sensitivity of quantum systems to measure small external signals. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is one of the most promising platforms for real-world quantum sensing applications, predominantly used a s a magnetometer. However, its magnetic field sensitivity vanishes when a bias magnetic field acts perpendicular to the NV axis. Here, we introduce a novel sensing strategy assisted by the nitrogen nuclear spin that uses the entanglement between the electron and nuclear spins to restore the magnetic field sensitivity. This, in turn, allows us to detect small changes in the magnetic field angle relative to the NV axis. Furthermore, based on the same underlying principle, we show that the NV coupling strength to magnetic noise, and hence its coherence time, exhibits a strong asymmetric angle dependence. This allows us to uncover the directional properties of the local magnetic environment and to realize maximal decoupling from anisotropic noise.

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