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Temperature dependent $^{57}$Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy and specific heat measurements for CaK(Fe$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$)$_4$As$_4$ with $x$ = 0, 0.017, 0.033, and 0.049 are presented. No magnetic hyperfine field (e.g. no static magnetic order) down to 5.5 K w as detected for $x$ = 0 and 0.017 in agreement with the absence of any additional feature below superconducting transition temperature, $T_c$, in the specific heat data. The evolution of magnetic hyperfine field with temperature was studied for $x$ = 0.033 and 0.049. The long-range magnetic order in these two compounds coexists with superconductivity. The magnetic hyperfine field, $B_{hf}$, (ordered magnetic moment) below $T_c$ in CaK(Fe$_{0.967}$Ni$_{0.033}$)$_4$As$_4$ is continuously suppressed with the developing superconducting order parameter. The $B_{hf}(T)$ data for CaK(Fe$_{0.967}$Ni$_{0.033}$)$_4$As$_4$, and CaK(Fe$_{0.951}$Ni$_{0.049}$)$_4$As$_4$ can be described reasonably well by Machidas model for coexistence of itinerant spin density wave magnetism and superconductivity [K. Machida, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. {bf 50}, 2195 (1981)]. We demonstrate directly that superconductivity suppresses the spin density wave order parameter if the conditions are right, in agreement with the theoretical analysis.
We revisit the problem of the surface superconductivity nucleation focusing on the detailed study of the critical field $H_{c3}$ as a function of temperature and disorder. Using the semiclassical Eilenberger formalism we find that away from the Ginzb urg-Landau region the ratio between the nucleation critical field $H_{c3}$ and the upper critical field $H_{c2}$ deviates strongly from the Saint-James-de Gennes limit. In particular, the $H_{c3}/H_{c2}$ is found to be a nonmonotonic function of temperature, which reaches the maximum for a set of parameters corresponding to a crossover region from ballistic to diffusive scattering, when the mean free path in a bulk of a superconductor is of the same order as zero-temperature superconducting coherence length. We also analyze the robustness of the nucleated phases with respect to diffusive scattering off the sample boundary by solving exactly corresponding eigenvalue problem of an integral equation for the critical field. The implications of these results for the transport in superconductors of various geometries near $H_{c3}$ are briefly discussed. In particular, we present results for the mechanism of magnetoconductivity oscillations due to surface superconductivity effects.
We argue that photon counts in a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) are caused by the transition from a current-biased metastable superconducting state to the normal state. Such a transition is triggered by vortices crossing the thin film superconducting strip from one edge to another due to the Lorentz force. Detector counts in SNSPDs may be caused by three processes: (a) a single incident photon with energy sufficient to break enough Cooper pairs to create a normal-state belt across the entire width of the strip (direct photon count), (b) thermally induced single-vortex crossing in the absence of photons (dark count), which at high bias currents releases the energy sufficient to trigger the transition to the normal state in a belt across the whole width of the strip, and (c) a single incident photon with insufficient energy to create a normal-state belt but initiating a subsequent single-vortex crossing, which provides the rest of the energy needed to create the normal-state belt (vortex-assisted single photon count). We derive the current dependence of the rate of vortex-assisted photon counts. The resulting photon count rate has a plateau at high currents close to the critical current and drops as a power-law with high exponent at lower currents. While the magnetic field perpendicular to the film plane does not affect the formation of hot spots by photons, it causes the rate of vortex crossings (with or without photons) to increase. We show that by applying a magnetic field one may characterize the energy barrier for vortex crossings and identify the origin of dark counts and vortex-assisted photon counts.
Pancake vortices in stacks of thin superconducting films or layers are considered. It is stressed that in the absence of Josephson coupling topological restrictions upon possible configurations of vortices are removed and various examples of structur es forbidden in bulk superconductors are given. In particular, it is shown that vortices may skip surface layers in samples of less than a certain size R_c which might be macroscopic. The Josephson coupling suppresses R_c estimates.

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