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We present ULTRACAM photometry of ES Cet, an ultracompact binary with a 620s orbital period. The mass transfer in systems such as this one is thought to be driven by gravitational radiation, which causes the binary to evolve to longer periods since t he semi-degenerate donor star expands in size as it loses mass. We supplement these ULTRACAM+WHT data with observations made with smaller telescopes around the world over a nine year baseline. All of the observations show variation on the orbital period, and by timing this variation we track the period evolution of this system. We do not detect any significant departure from a linear ephemeris, implying a donor star that is of small mass and close to a fully degenerate state. This finding favours the double white dwarf formation channel for this AM CVn star. An alternative explanation is that the system is in the relatively short-lived phase in which the mass transfer rate climbs towards its long-term value.
A rapid timing analysis of VLT/ULTRACAM and RXTE observations of the black hole binary GX 339-4 in its 2007 low/hard state is presented. The optical light curves in the r, g and u filters show slow (~20 s) quasi-periodic variability. Upon this is sup erposed fast flaring activity on times approaching the best time resolution probed (~50 ms) and with maximum strengths of more than twice the local mean. Power spectral analysis over ~0.004-10 Hz is presented, and shows that although the average optical variability amplitude is lower than that in X-rays, the peak variability power emerges at a higher Fourier frequency in the optical. Energetically, we measure a large optical vs. X-ray flux ratio, higher than that seen when the source was fully jet-dominated. Such a large ratio cannot be easily explained with a disc alone. The optical:X-ray cross-spectrum shows a markedly different behaviour above and below ~0.2 Hz. The peak of the coherence function above this threshold is associated with a short optical time lag, also seen as the dominant feature in the time-domain cross-correlation at ~150 ms. The rms energy spectrum of these fast variations is best described by distinct physical components over the optical and X-ray regimes, and also suggests a maximal disc fraction of 20% at ~5000 A. If the constant time delay is due to propagation of fluctuations to (or within) the jet, this is the clearest optical evidence to date of the location of this component. The low-frequency QPO is seen in the optical but not in X-rays. Evidence of reprocessing emerges at the lowest Fourier frequencies, with optical lags at ~10 s and strong coherence in the blue u filter. Simultaneous optical spectroscopy also shows the Bowen fluorescence blend, though its emission location is unclear. But canonical disc reprocessing cannot dominate the optical power easily, nor explain the fast variability. (abridged)
We present high time-resolution multicolour optical observations of the quiescent X-ray transients GRS1124-684 (=GU Mus) and Cen X-4 (=V822 Cen) obtained with ULTRACAM. Superimposed on the secondary stars ellipsoidal modulation in both objects are la rge flares on time-scales of 30-60 min, as well as several distinct rapid flares on time-scales of a few minutes, most of which show further variability and unresolved structure. Not significant quasi-periodic oscillations are observed and the power density spectra of GRS1124-684 and Cen X-4 can be described by a power-law. From the colour-colour diagrams of the flare events, for GRS1124-684 we find that the flares can be described by hydrogen gas with a density of N_H~10^24 nucleons cm^-2, a temperature of ~8000 K and arising from a radius of ~0.3 Rsun. Finally we compile the values for the transition radius (the radius of the hot advection-dominated accretion flow) estimated from quasi-periodic oscillations and/or breaks in the power density spectrum for a variety of X-ray transients in different X-ray states. As expected, we find a strong correlation between the bolometric luminosity and the transition radius.
We present high speed photometric observations of the eclipsing dwarf nova IP Peg taken with the triple-beam camera ULTRACAM mounted on the William Herschel Telescope. The primary eclipse in this system was observed twice in 2004, and then a further sixteen times over a three week period in 2005. Our observations were simultaneous in the Sloan u, g and r bands. By phase-folding and averaging our data we make the first significant detection of the white dwarf ingress in this system and find the phase width of the white dwarf eclipse to be 0.0935 +/- 0.0003, significantly higher than the previous best value of between 0.0863 and 0.0918. The mass ratio is found to be q = M2 /M1 = 0.48 +/- 0.01, consistent with previous measurements, but we find the inclination to be 83.8 +/- 0.5 deg, significantly higher than previously reported. We find the radius of the white dwarf to be 0.0063 +/- 0.0003 solar radii, implying a white dwarf mass of 1.16 +/- 0.02 solar masses. The donor mass is 0.55 +/- 0.02 solar masses. The white dwarf temperature is more difficult to determine, since the white dwarf is seen to vary significantly in flux, even between consecutive eclipses. This is seen particularly in the u-band, and is probably the result of absorption by disc material. Our best estimate of the temperature is 10,000 - 15,000K, which is much lower than would be expected for a CV with this period, and implies a mean accretion rate of less than 5 times 10^-11 solar masses per year, more than 40 times lower than the expected rate.
We report on the detection of an ~5900 s quasi-periodic variation in the extensive photometry of TX Col spanning 12 years. We discuss five different models to explain this period. We favour a mechanism where the quasi-periodic variation results from the beating of the Keplerian frequency of the `blobs orbiting in the outer accretion disc with the spin frequency, and from modulated accretion of these `blobs taking place in a shocked region near the disc/magnetosphere boundary.
It is well known that magnetic activity in late-type stars increases with increasing rotation rate. Using inversion techniques akin to medical imaging, the rotationally broadened profiles from such stars can be used to reconstruct `Doppler images of the distribution of cool, dark starspots on their stellar surfaces. Interacting binaries, however, contain some of the most rapidly rotating late-type stars known and thus provide important tests of stellar dynamo models. Furthermore, magnetic activity is thought to play a key role in their evolution, behaviour and accretion dynamics. Despite this, we know comparatively little about the magnetic activity and its influence on such binaries. In this review we summarise the concepts behind indirect imaging of these systems, and present movies of the starspot distributions on the cool stars in some interacting binaries. We conclude with a look at the future opportunities that such studies may provide.
94 - T. Shahbaz 2003
We present high time-resolution multicolour observations of the quiescent soft X-ray transient V404 Cyg obtained with ULTRACAM. Superimposed on the secondary stars ellipsoidal modulation are large flares on timescales of a few hours, as well as sever al distinct rapid flares on timescales of tens of mins. The rapid flares, most of which show further variability and unresolved peaks, cover shorter timescales than those reported in previous observations. The power density spectrum (PDS) of the 5 s time-resolution data shows a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) feature at 0.78 mHz (=21.5 min). Assuming this periodicity represents the Keplerian period at the transition between the thin and advective disc regions, we determine the transition radius. We discuss the possible origins for the QPO feature in the context of the advection-dominated accretion flow model. We determine the colour of the large flares and find that the i band flux per unit frequency interval is larger than that in the g band. The colour is consistent with optically thin gas with a temperature of ~8000 K arising from a region with an equivalent blackbody radius of at least 2 Ro, which covers 3 percent of the accretion discs surface. Our timing and spectral analysis results support the idea that the rapid flares (i.e. the QPO feature) most likely arise from regions near the transition radius.

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