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By using the real-space Green-Kubo formalism we study numerically the electron transport properties of low-fluorinated graphene. At low temperatures the diffuse transport regime is expected to be prevalent, and we found a pronounced electron-hole asy mmetry in electrical conductivity as a result of quasi-resonant scattering on the localized states. For the finite temperatures in the variable-range hopping transport regime the interpretation of numerical results leads to the appearance of local minima and maxima of the resistance near the energies of the localized states. A comparison with the experimental measurements of the resistance in graphene samples with various fluorination degrees is discussed.
Thermoelectric properties of graphene nanoribbons with periodic edge vacancies and antidot lattice are investigated. The electron-phonon interaction is taken into account in the framework of the Hubbard-Holstein model with the use of the Lang-Firsov unitary transformation scheme. The electron transmission function, the thermopower and the thermoelectric figure of merit are calculated. We have found that the electron-phonon interaction causes a decrease in the peak values of the thermoelectric figure of merit and the shift of the peak positions closer to the center of the bandgap. The effects are more pronounced for the secondary peaks that appear in the structures with periodic antidot.
The influence of periodic edge vacancies and antidot arrays on the thermoelectric properties of zigzag graphene nanoribbons is investigated. Using the Greens function method, the tight-binding approximation for the electron Hamiltonian and the 4th ne arest neighbor approximation for the phonon dynamical matrix, we calculate the Seebeck coefficient and the thermoelectric figure of merit. It is found that, at a certain periodic arrangement of vacancies on both edges of zigzag nanoribbon, a finite band gap opens and almost twofold degenerate energy levels appear. As a result, a marked increase in the Seebeck coefficient takes place. It is shown that an additional enhancement of the thermoelectric figure of merit can be achieved by a combination of periodic edge defects with an antidot array.
The electronic transport properties of a metallic carbon nanotube with the five-seven disclination pair characterized by a lattice distortion vector are investigated. The influence of the disclination dipole includes induced curvature and mixing of t wo sublattices. Both these factors are taken into account via a self-consistent perturbation approach. The conductance and the Fano factor are calculated within the transfer-matrix technique. PACS: 73.63.Fg, 72.80.Rj, 72.10.Fk

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