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Let S be a smooth del Pezzo surface that is defined over a field K and splits over a Galois extension L. Let G be either the split reductive group given by the root system of $S_L$ in Pic $S_L$, or a form of it containing the Neron-Severi torus. Let $mathcal{G}$ be the G-torsor over $S_L$ obtained by extension of structure group from a universal torsor $mathcal{T}$ over $S_L$. We prove that $mathcal{G}$ does not descend to S unless $mathcal{T}$ does. This is in contrast to a result of Friedman and Morgan that such $mathcal{G}$ always descend to singular del Pezzo surfaces over $mathbb{C}$ from their desingularizations.
In order to study integral points of bounded log-anticanonical height on weak del Pezzo surfaces, we classify weak del Pezzo pairs. As a representative example, we consider a quartic del Pezzo surface of singularity type $mathbf{A}_1+mathbf{A}_3$ and prove an analogue of Manins conjecture for integral points with respect to its singularities and its lines.
We introduce the split torsor method to count rational points of bounded height on Fano varieties. As an application, we prove Manins conjecture for all nonsplit quartic del Pezzo surfaces of type $mathbf A_3+mathbf A_1$ over arbitrary number fields. The counting problem on the split torsor is solved in the framework of o-minimal structures.
We prove Manins conjecture on the asymptotic behavior of the number of rational points of bounded anticanonical height for a spherical threefold with canonical singularities and two infinite families of spherical threefolds with log terminal singular ities. Moreover, we show that one of these families does not satisfy a conjecture of Batyrev and Tschinkel on the leading constant in the asymptotic formula. Our proofs are based on the universal torsor method, using Brions description of Cox rings of spherical varieties.
Let S be a split family of del Pezzo surfaces over a discrete valuation ring such that the general fiber is smooth and the special fiber has ADE-singularities. Let G be the reductive group given by the root system of these singularities. We construct a G-torsor over S whose restriction to the generic fiber is the extension of structure group of the universal torsor. This extends a construction of Friedman and Morgan for individual singular del Pezzo surfaces. In case of very good residue characteristic, this torsor is unique and infinitesimally rigid.
We determine the Cox rings of the minimal resolutions of cubic surfaces with at most rational double points, of blow ups of the projective plane at non-general configurations of six points and of three dimensional smooth Fano varieties of Picard numbers one and two.
We give a definition of Cox rings and Cox sheaves for varieties over nonclosed fields that is compatible with torsors under quasitori, including universal torsors. We study their existence and classification, we make the relation to torsors precise, and we present arithmetic applications.
We introduce descent methods to the study of strong approximation on algebraic varieties. We apply them to two classes of varieties defined by P(t)=N_{K/k}(z): firstly for quartic extensions of number fields K/k and quadratic polynomials P(t) in one variable, and secondly for k=Q, an arbitrary number field K and P(t) a product of linear polynomials over Q in at least two variables. Finally, we illustrate that a certain unboundedness condition at archimedean places is necessary for strong approximation.
We prove Manins conjecture for four singular quartic del Pezzo surfaces over imaginary quadratic number fields, using the universal torsor method.

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